Who put the Great in Great Yarmouth?
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The fact is, the poet does not want admiration, he wants to be believed.
— Jean Cocteau Quotes (@CocteauQuotes) September 21, 2020
I'll write anything for money me!
Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...
The U.S. Revolving Door of Shame As a mental health advocate and fellow mental illness sufferer, I get really perturbed by the inequa...
"What happened?" asked my mother "to that boy there, up upon the wall the one playing with the orange plastic ball...
This is a blog about Wales and about my reaction to it. I have strayed into the North West of England recently but I am back to write a blog...
+ = My life can be distilled into the above arithmetical equation. Capel(Chapel) + Ysgol(School) = Carchar(Prison) There ...
Crass, Brass and Bombast The electorate don’t love you, Labour. You can clamp down on illegal migration. but ‘the people’ will still cho...
Sunday, 30 January 2022
Friday, 28 January 2022
Thursday, 27 January 2022
The Time of My Life
I am pointing my anal sphincter at the screen and keyboard and the following 'follow through' is what is on my mind regarding Therese Coffey, the Conservative Victorian Work Ethic, the Back to Work mantra et al. It might get a bit angry, it might get a bit ranty. It could be full of sweetcorn but hey it's my blog and I've been at this game ten years.
The 'lady' that continuously has the time of her life at the Karaoke machine is herding us all back to work. As I've said before, I don't mind working. I just don't want to be forced into work. These mother fucking Conservatives with their Victorian Work Ethic would rather see us do anything than nothing because they are the guardians of the public purse. Reluctantly they have been forced to recognise the Welfare State and their generosity in its administration diminishes year on year.We're coming out of a pandemic allegedly and now these Tory Toff arseholes want the plebs to take any job going to fill the skills gap. SKILLS GAP??? What skills are required to be a Conservative Minister? Cruelty. That's the skill required. Mz Coffey's mantra is work hard and play hard and she certainly knows how to suck on a cigar and belt out some tunes.
Who devised this idea of taxing everybody at source? Income Tax, and then using that money to keep 'the others' 'the alienated' 'the unemployed', 'the jobless', the 'workshy' 'doleite's' at a level where it is very difficult to exist and where you are obliged to take any old shitty job going? I reckon it was either Machiavelli or a Tory Toff in his mansion who said 'Let them eat cake'. It might have been a Labour apparatchik 'To each according to his misery' etc but it is immaterial really. It is ultimately a 'Divide & Conquer' Strategy that has divided 'the working class' under New Labour and lower middle class 'flaneurs' like myself under the Conservatives.
There is no compassion in the UK. People are paid to care and then not very much. When you have a hierarchical society with monarchy at the top of the pile and Eton & Oxbridge old boys overseeing benefits payments you can see why we are in the state we are in. This recent drooling at the mouth from 'the little people' at cake gate and weird Uncle Andrew at the palace has all the markings of 'bringing them down to our level'. They will never get down to our level. They have securities and gated communities in place should the shit hit the fan. They have a police force, trained to Tazer first and ask questions later. That pension is worth stepping over the thin blue line for.
This 'Big Society' "We're all in it together" is utter bollocks. Touted by the 'Brexit Big Mouth' himself David Cameron and where is frog faced Farage? He goes to ground as often as Boris Johnson. Any 'populist' cause and he's up and running again in his Rupert the Bear trousers and tweeds. We are a sucker for these 'personalities', these 'characters' because we have been drained of all colour and joie de vivre and personality ourselves. Never mind supply chains. How can people afford to fucking eat? Get them back to work. Flog them back to work. Bring back the Work Houses & the Poor Laws.
I think what the'widen your field' of job search working class should do and the flaneurial lower middle class is to change their names into something double barrelled like Iain Duncan Smith or Jacob-Rees-Mogg or Ftang Ftang Old Bicuit Barrel Obese. Just to get the Job Centre off their back. "Crikey Jeeves, we'd best leave this one alone cos they look like they could be a Toff, one of our betters who pays our own wages. We can't have them reskilling to being a HGV Driver. Where in the world would they throw their piss bottle to empty it?".
Monday, 24 January 2022
The Earl's Court of Miracles
Flash Fiction
watching out for the parakeets in Bradenham Gardens and listening for their
shrill call, their verdant green plumage bright high among the winter non
growth of tree. I sloped, not like an ordinary member of the Earl’s Court of
Miracles but I was the leader. Like the escaped parakeets, our job was to stay
one step ahead of the privatised law. The Metropolitan Police had been
privatised and now each little London canton had their own elite, hand picked
security squad. This mob did not read you your rights before kicking your head
in, in the back of the black Mariah or down the end of the darkest alleyway. I
sloped past Marks & Spencer’s, I limped passed the Co-op and I dragged my
leg behind me past Sainsburys. The only people who worked in these stores were
security who were linked via satellite walkie talkie to the privatised snatch
squads. Everything inside these super stores was now robotic artificial
intelligence. The voice “Unidentified Item in the Bagging Area” was that of
Donald Trump. Those dressed like me were easily picked out on the infra-red
CCTV, a cordon had been built around Kensington High Street. The vagabonds of the Earls’ Court of Miracles
were like zombies compared to the automated barbie dolls and action men
parading up and down outside Harrods. London had always been two different
cities, the citizens just pretended that it was all one. Doing the Lambeth walk
in a Chelsea Tractor was difficult ‘but doable darling on the school run’. Me
and my chums had not been privately educated in the little nurseries around
Notting Hill, the mothers swerving their prams and little Tarquin and Nigella’s
eyes were shielded from ours. Our eyes bled with the injustice that we were
living. Our eyes bled when we viewed the opulence of Park Lane and Mayfair
through the railings the other side of Hyde Park. We made ourselves scarce in
the day but by night we would give the scurrying rats a fright and a run for
their money. Night-time was ours; we would skirt the Victoria Coach Station to
see what wide eyed bunny rabbits were knocking about. Some of our hooded ghost
members would haunt the night buses. Cameras can’t pick up dead matter you see.
The Number 11 was always good for pickings. Some Tourists realising that you
could ride from Fulham Library all the way to Liverpool Street Station taking
in all the sites that the London Bus Company offered for 1000 times the amount.
Central London would be empty without the tourists. We could take over then,
maybe for that is our plan. France is our inspiration and this is indeed a tale
of two cities. There is too much inequality here. The Powers and Principalities
have decreed that we must take back what is rightfully ours.
couldn’t do this alone; I didn’t have the vision; I did not have the third
sight required. I needed a Fagin to my Artful Dodger. I found him. He was in
his late sixties, early seventies and he had a little dog, a Jack Russel
terrier he called ‘Patch’. This man was walking wisdom and I had to keep him
apart from the rest of the gang. Freddie the Vulture I would call him. He would
swoop. Before I knew it, Patch was on my shoulder barking into my ear.
got to define your enemy son”, he would say. “It’s no good having this generic,
they, them”
generic, are you thick or something?”
was the only person in the whole world who I allowed to talk to me like that.
Freddie, I am thick because I only went to a Secondary Modern School, unlike
hold that against me son, I’m one of you now and I can help you”
“You were
one of them though so you know how their minds work Freddie”
nods and looks down at Patch. He gives him a little Scooby Snack.
listen and listen good because you might never see me again. My age and angina,
I could be plucked into God’s bosom at a moment’s notice so listen up and
listen good”
listen good.
Day is the only day that some of these poor sods have off. It’s the only day
that Earl’s Court Tube Station pulls the shutters across. So, you want to get
the Bus Drivers and the Tube Drivers on side. You affect the Transport
infrastructure of this fine city and you are halfway there. Then you want to
take control of the food supply into the city. Every supermarket has got its
own supply chain, its own lorry drivers that drive through the night. This is
where your Gang come in. Some of your boys need HGV licences, they need to
infiltrate the supermarkets and on the designated day that the transport
infrastructure is hit, that is the day that the food supply starts to dry up.
That is also the day that ‘A Plague’ is announced on the National News. You
need the Toffs to stay indoors. Yer posh wont risk coming out of their des res
if they think they are going to inhale some junk wots gonna kill em”. You need
multiple attack points. If you have televised pictures of an attack on the
water supply as well up at the Lea Valley Reservoir. Something like ‘Thames
Water hit by Terrorist Attack’ If you get the population panicked, I tell you
one thing, they won’t be headed to Buckingham Palace to save the Royals. They
will start a pogrom to Margate.”
that Freddie the Vulture picked up Patch and I never saw him again but his
words resonated. Spread panic among the populace he said. We couldn’t do it all
at once. It would need a drip feed approach but the world was doing that
already. The news media were doing that for us already. Members of ‘the
Miracles’ were using their time in the Libraries of London well. Everybody
thought they were watching You Tube or playing games but they were gathering
information. They were relaying it back to us at the meetings. We were staying
under the radar that was the important thing. The best thing to have happened
to us was the breakup of the Met because none of these privatised security
firms were talking to each other. There was no joined up thinking. So, if they
picked a member up in Deptford, they wouldn’t know about it in Holland Park
which was dusty for us because we could bring the New Cross and Deptford
Massive across West then. I’m only telling you this because I trust you. You
know, like Freddie the Vulture, I might get taken but I know I won’t be going
to god’s bosom and neither will he. It’s into the Devil’s Armpit we’ll be going
and all because we won’t sign up for the programme, the conditioned programme
that we’ve all been programmed to follow since school. So, I’m still in charge but if I fall in the
line of duty, you need to take over right? It’s the law of guerrilla warfare.
If we weren’t so fucked up by drugs and alcohol and years of disfunction and
abuse then we could take this lot. I’m telling you we could take em.
Now if
you’ll excuse me, I’ve got parakeets to feed.
Sunday, 23 January 2022
Tent City
Image borrowed from Wales Online
A fictional monologue based on a true story
Who would be a Park Ranger eh?
I knows you fat arsed
bluebirds won't have a word said against your home. It was meant to be Swansea
that is 'the pretty shitty city ' but let me tell you Cardiff pushes it close.
Oh City of Concrete!
" there are some
tent dwellers who refuse to engage"
Tent Dweller? So I am a Bedouin Arab now and this is my
oasis. Halfway between the Museum and the University Building.
No Man's land because
it is literally that.
You know what my theory is, Cardiff City FC are cursed.
There was only one way
they were going after that guy from Nantes went down in the drink.
Instead of arguing the toss, they should have given the 15
million to his family.
Cursed, as I am cursed.
It wasn't really my stuff, it was stuff that other people
had given me.
You have to engage with
services under a roof.
I tell you what has happened. One of these wankers inside
has gone to the window dinnertime and seen me out here in the lovely sunshine
making a daisy chain, seen me out here in the fresh air with all my freedom to
do what I want while he's cooped up in there and he's thought to himself that's
not fair. "why should he be out there cavorting and playing like a spring
lamb and me stuck in here with my air conditioning and plastic sandwiches?"
I cannot believe these
Park Rangers though. They were Park Keepers back in the day. Duty bound to keep
the Park and all their inhabitants 'safe'
"Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the
streets of Cardiff, I'll show you something that will make you change your
Yo Stevie guy, over
here, got any tobacco? Got anything to drink? I am vexed man. I will pay you
back, you know that!
I want my stuff back
How can they take my
That’s stuff that people gave to me.
Stuff that people
donated to me.
There’s a lot of
animosity against beggars and the homeless community.
This is a really
dangerous time to be homeless in Britain.
A tale of two cities
Cardiff and Liverpool
where the Councils want us off the streets.
Where the Labour
Councils are confiscating our tents.
Keir Starmer can you
hear me?
It’s the ones that walk
around that make most money
It’s the ones with the
You put people on the
There is some element
of manipulation involved.
Getting official
numbers is complicated
Your gonna put me in a
hostel with hand bag robbers and drunks, oh no you’re not.
45 Sleepers & 108
Who cares if I am fake
homeless and taking people for a ride?
Who cares and who
should care?
What if I told you that
I used to be a professional footballer?
Would you believe me
Or would you
automatically assume that I was psychotic perhaps?
Perhaps suffering from
delusions of grandeur?
But what if I could
produce a football card from the late nineties and early noughties that shows
that I was a Second division Professional Footballer?
I mean what division is
What division would you
put me in?
Because you are
You are human therefore
you judge?
I’m not a sofa surfer
I’m not staying with
It’s because they don’t
want to put off tourists from coming here.
They are just moving
beggars out of sight
For the Tourists
They are using a law
from over 100 years ago to convict somebody of begging.
48 hour dispersal
Everybody is out for a
quick fix
You want to get me off
the streets to make yourself feel better
The system failed me
and I failed the system
Why would somebody piss
all over you when you are sleeping?
It’s hard to be in this
society if you are pushed out
But I ask myself the question would I want to get back into this society now?
the one that has pushed
me out?
You cannot be strong
every day of your life
It’s just not possible.
You will break.
Wednesday, 19 January 2022
Mae gen i fab deg oed
Mae gen i fab deg oed
Mae gen i fab deg oed
Dwi'n ei gasáu fo
Mae o'n real poen tin
Mi fydd o'n clinc yn hynach
Rhy debyg i'w fam o faswn ni'n deud
Shotgun wedding oedd hwnna
Gretna Green
Yr unig amser i mi fod yn yr Alban tan fis diwethaf
Es i fyny i Glasgow gyda'r mab i fynd a fo i'r Scottish Football Museum yn Hampden Park.
Roeddwn eisiau dangos iddo fo'r bêl droed roedd Cymru yn chwarae gyda fo pan roeddwn i yn deg oed.
October 16th 1977, blwyddyn Jubilee y Frenhines.
Oedd y Welsh FA yn ei doethineb wedi penderfynu chwarae'r gem World Cup Qualifier yn erbyn yr Alban yn Anfield o bob man.
Roedd 'na drafferth wedi bod yng Nghaerdydd ac i osgoi mwy o hwnna mi wnaethant nhw droi i brifddinas Gogledd Cymru.
Wel dyn ni rownd for hyn yn cefnogi timau Lerpwl yn dan.
Everton neu Lerpwl a rhai yn mynd i Man Utd.
Dwi jest yn cefnogi Cymru.
Ella mi ai gyda'r poen tin i weld gem ar yr Oval ond mae Lerpwl yn Lloegr yn di!
Ges i'r mab yn hwyr!
O ni yn 41
Priodi'n hwyr de.
Ac efallai dyna pam dwi'n gweld o yn boen ti'n oherwydd does ddim gyda fi'r egni i redeg ar ei ôl o.
Tadau eraill yn edrych fel bod nhw wedi dod lawr o ras yr Wyddfa a fi yn magu bola cwrw.
Dwi'n siŵr ei fod o dipyn bach yn ashamed ohona i yn gweld i'n rholio fyny i gatiau'r ysgol fel casgen.
Ond na fo gwneud ein gorau drostyn nhw da ni'n de?
Neb yn berffaith.
Roedd o'n reit impressed gyda'r amgueddfa.
Dywedodd y dyn gwerthu tocynnau fod Gordon Strachan weithiau yn yr adeilad.
Mae'r mab yn dalach na fo
"The Hand of Joe"
Os oeddech chi ar dir y byw ag unrhyw ddiddordeb yn the Beuatiful Game mi roeddech chi yn cofio Joe Jordan yn mynd fyny am y bel yn erbyn Dave Evans oddiwrth throw in gan Asa Hartford.
Os sbïwch chi ar You Tube mae 'na ryw Sgotyn bach o commentator yn deud definitely a penalty.
Dywedes i wrth un o warchodwyr yr Amgueddfa fod yr Alban wedi torri calonnau Cymru am genhedlaeth ar ôl hwnnw.
Wnaeth o jest sbïo arna i ar hogyn a deud 'Take a look at this'
Wnaeth o droi set deledu ymlaen ac ar hwnna oedd gol anhygoel 'Archie Gemmill' yn erbyn yr Iseldiroedd y flwyddyn wedyn yn Feinal Cwpan y Byd yn Argentina.
Jincio yn erbyn dau ddyn , torri mewn a chic anhygoel i gefn y rhwyd.
Chwarae teg roedd o'n anhygoel o gol
"You see" wedodd o "if Big Joe had not handled the ball against you the Welsh, then the world would not have seen such a wonderful goal and don't forget Kenny Dalgliesh scored the second that night."
Ond doedd na neb yn dÅ· ni yn meddwl am bethau fel hynny'r noson oer o hydref 1977.
Roedd fy nhad dal yn fyw pryd hynny ac mi roedd o yn cofio John Charles yn chwarae yn erbyn Pele yn Sweden yn 1958 ac mi roedd o yn frwd iawn fy mod i yn cael yr un profiad ond ‘not to be’.
Oleua ma’ Ieuan bach poen ti'n ni wedi gweld Chrissie Coleman yn mynd i Ffrainc gyda Chymru yn yr European Feinals.
Wefreiddiol, ond rhywsut mi roeddwn i dal yn meddwl nôl i'r hand of Joe.
Gewch chi ddim y melys heb y chwerw.
Roedd Dad yn big Welsh Nash, yn erbyn yr arwisgo yn 69 felli roedd unrhyw golled i Gymru yn hoelen yn ei arch o.
Roedd o'n teimlo pethau i fer ei esgyrn.
Tîm gwych y noson honno hefyd, John Toshack ac mi wnaeth o hitio'r bar yn y munudau olaf.
Terry Yorath yn Gapten, na chi Viking o ddyn.
Mae gen i theory chi fod yr enw Cymraeg Iorwerth yn perthyn i Yorath.
A hefyd Yosser Hughes, "Gis a Job I can do dat," Yosser yn dod o Iorwerth
Diddorol o le di Lerpwl
Y Gymry a rhan fwyaf o rheina yn siarad Cymraeg yn adeiladu'r tai
Y Welsh Streets erbyn hyn wedi cael ei adnewyddu
Scowsar o dras Cymraeg di Mam Ieuan
Deg mlynedd yn ifancach na fi.
They said it wouldn't last ac mi roedden nhw yn iawn.
Wnaeth y briodas para saith mlynedd cyn i ddi sylweddoli fy mod i yn 'hopeless case'
Efallai dyna pam fod Ieu bach mor anystywallt.
Dwi'n i weld o bob yn ail benwythnos erbyn hyn ag mi wnâi nol o'r ysgol pan fod Kylie ddim yn gallu.
Aye Kylie! Oedd Jason Donovan a Kylie Minogue all the rage pan gafodd hi ei geni.
Roedd o'n job i gael hi i gytuno i enw Cymraeg i'r fechan.
Roedd hi eisiau alw fo'n George ar ôl George Michael.
Mae'r 1980s lot i ateb drostynt
Ond hogyn y 1970s roeddwn ni.
Choppers a Space Hoppers
Ond ddim cweit yr action man roeddwn yn gobeithio erbyn hyn
Ddim lot o waith o gwmpas dre
Bookies, Pub, Pub, Bookies, adref fydd hi gan amlaf.
Hogiar Crown wedi dechrau cymryd bets pan fyddai'n cael harten.
Dwi'm yn siŵr os oedd o'n deg i ddod a Ieu mewn i'r byd really.
Dwi ddim yn Saint ond mae mam o yn gallu bod yn dipyn o lond llaw.
Beth ddwi'n ofni mwy na dim ydy fydd o yn mynd off a brifo rhywun diniwed pan fydd o'n hyn
'Y Faraway look yn ei lygad o'
Oherwydd rydym ni wedi bod yn rhieni mor sâl.
Does 'na ddim llawlyfr nacoes
Ond pwy a ŵyr efallai mi aeth o yn beldroediwr.
Ac mi welai fo yn sgorio gôl i Gymru jest cyn i mi gael Heart Attack.
Annhebyg, gweithio mewn Builders Merchants fydd ei dynged o
Fydd o’n gallu adeiladu mawsolëwm i’w Dad o fel roedd y masiwn yn oes Victoria.
Ar ôl yr Amgueddfa, aethon ni ar un o’r Open Top Bus rides yna o gwmpas Glasgow
Werth chweil hefyd.
Ar ol Celtic Park mynd off yn y Peoples’ Palace.
Well oedd Ieu wrth ei fodd yn yfed ei pop yn y Botanic Gardens.
Dyna beth wnes i sylwi am Glasgow, fod 'na civic pride yn y lle.
Dim Civic pride yng Nghymru, does na ddim ffwc all yng Nghymru really i fod yn honest.
Yn enwedig i dyn dros ei breim.
Ond o leua dwi wedi cenhedlu yn do.
I’ve done my civic duty
Faswn ni ddim yn hoffi fod yn ddyn canol oed heb blant oherwydd fuasa pobol fel Kylie yn dechrau pwyntio bys a galw chi yn bedophile.
Does na ddim byd gwaeth na cael eich alw’n bedophile.
Real taboo ond oedd o’n rife yn yr hen ddyddiau yn doedd?
Dwi’m yn siwr chwaith pan ddaeth yr enw mewn i fodolaeth.
Kiddy Fiddlers oedd o pan o ni yn ifanc.
Does dim rhaid i mi warnio Ieu am bobol amheus oherwydd fod Kylie a’i gang o menywod sydd yn edrych yr union rhyn fath a hi ar ol o o fore tan nos.
Dwi jest yn gobeithio fydd o ddim yn tyfu fynni i briodi un o’r menywod maleisis yna gyda chwerder yn ei calonnau.
Roedd o dipyn o straen edrych ar ol Dad tua’r diwedd
Dod a fo off and on y ty bach. Dyn a gymaint o bresenoldeb a hunan barch wedi anghofio sut i sychu ei ben ol.
Does mo syndod fod na gymaint o bobol chwerw yn y byd nac oes.
Tasa chi’n eistedd o flaen y teledu acw am bedwar awr ar hugain yn enwedig y newyddion fuasech yn barod am y Seilam.
Dyna pam dwi allan o’r ty ac am stag rownd dre! Tafarn a Bwcies.
Dwi ddim yn siwr pam fy mod i ddim yn chwerw
Mynd yn fwy happy go lucky dwi
Vilage Idiot fuasa rhai’n deud.
Hoffi deud stori neu ddwy ar ol llond croen o ale.
Dych chi’n lwcus ma heno chi
Dwi’n sobor fel y Saint
Fel arfer fuasa’n rhaid i mi cael un neu ddau i sortio’r nerfau allan.
Well dych chi wedi cael y back story neu y stori dwi di dewis deud wrthoch chi ond tuasa Ieuan neu Kylie neu fy nhad yn eistedd ble rydw i rwan beth buasa gyda nhw i ddeud tybed?
“Mae fy nhad yn poen tin”
“Mae fy cyn wr yn poen tin”
“Mae fy mab yn poen ti’n ond o leua mae o yn sychu fy nhyn”
Beth dwi’n ceisio ddeud yn fy rowndabout Ronnie Corbett fordd o siarad ydy
Rydym ni gyd yn poen ti’n i rhywun. Fel wedis gynne, does neb yn berffaith
Roedd Joe Jordan yn poen ti’n i Gymru yn 77 ond wnaeth o ddim cyfadde’r ffaith i’r dydd hwn.
Meddyliwch am funud.
I bwy rydych chi yn poen ti’n iddynt?
Fuasa nhw yn deud wrhoch chi i i eich wyneb?
Monday, 17 January 2022
Ken Frane: A Poem
I was going to write a poem earlier on today
but the muse buggered off, went away.
I can’t claim that it’s come back but if you start something
you should try and finish it or so the smart money do say.
I walked 5.1 miles yesterday.
On a pilgrimage to see where Ken Frane lives.
I’ve placed him in the twilight zone between Fidlas Rd and
Fidlas Avenue
After 34 years in Cardiff, I’d never walked up that road before.
“The down at heel, dishevelled gumshoe never quite solves the mysteries to anybody's satisfaction. He is an example of the anti-detective novels which originated in Italy in 1929. It led to a type of crime fiction without certainty of solution. If you like your crime cozy with an element of caper and you don't really care 'Who Dunnit?' then this is the short story for you.” read the billboard.
His face in side profile with a Homburg hat.
“Has a modern Dick Tracey feel to it” said one of the
The writer whose vehicle is a shark and shanks’s pony
will be celebrating 10 years a blogger on Wednesday 19th
and when he started in 2012 Ken Frane wasn’t even a glint in
the author’s eye
but by and by he appeared from the gloom and the fog of the
Ken Frane is an everyman, he means well but is clumsy and
accident prone.
His second in command Terry Heston fares little better.
One day the crime fighting duo will have their own blue
like Holmes & Watson.
Monday, 10 January 2022
For the
man to come and fix the boiler but it could be the thermostat
or the
thingummy on the wall, the go between.
many bastard things to go wrong to cost money to heat your ageing bones.
We’ve got mobile phones.
for 2022 to strut its stuff at the ball
for the usual bollocks like the bus
and queuing
to do your shopping.
So I’m
just waiting, waiting, waiting.
you’re not, you are Welsh”
that to the geezer that makes the forms then
Cos you
are for Queen & Country from birth
until we
notify them otherwise.
for a stroke of luck
or a
I’m a bit of a hypochondriac on the sly
Every headache
a brain tumour
Every chest
pain a heart attack
Attenborough breaks off from the arid planet
to inform
us that we are the only mammal that knows it’s going to die.
it be today?
not doing much apart from
Friday, 7 January 2022
Squeezed by the System
Squeezed by the System
Death & Taxes
I’m not prepared to
accept them
nor Monarchy
They might have been
around for eons
but why accept what you cannot change?
Writing a poem wont
dislodge the heavy boulder
but we are all being
squeezed by the system
and it is ‘Survival
of the Fittest’ by any other name
or a Conservative/Establishment
They are massing their ranks
and moving their armies around the battlefield
behind the fugue of
Covid 19.
No fourth booster
required yet.
It’s Mandelson &
Symonds against the rest of us.
They have set Starmer
and Johnson upon the populace.
It started with a
virus but turned into something more sinister
We’ve had a version
of Martial Law
We can be controlled
by Divide & Conquer
God Bless the Colston
Saturday, 1 January 2022
Opening Salvo 2022
Well here we are, the much awaited Happy New Year's Day Blog post from the Shark Fisherman of Wales.
I'm glad it's 2022. Along with many others I tasted grief at first hand in 2021, losing my darling parents within two months of eachother in March and May. I had been dreading it for ten years and more, as a blog post from January 2012 reminded me this morning.
"I am obsessed with dying. I spend a lot of time thinking about death, my own and the demise of significant others. I think more about dying than I do about living. I don't know whether this is normal. That great word that means nothing. I have nothing to compare with. Probably not a great idea to do a vox pop on the streets of Aberystwyth and ask people. I often wonder that the activities we pursue and the busyness of our lives is a reaction to mortality. We cannot face the thought so we don't stop long enough to think about it. Perhaps as children we thought less of the possibility of dying but we knew that people did it, because we heard every day on the news that it was happening."
Looking back, the anticipation of loss and grief is actually worse than the reality. We are mortal. We don't live forever. This knowledge tickertapes endlessly in the minds that we have but when it happens it is still an enormous shock. I did not witness the exact moment of death but I was there in the immediate time prior and in the aftermath, instantly with my mother and within an hour with my father. Mam went first, at home, she didn't want to be treated in Hospital having been a nurse at the start of the National Health Service and to see the difference in the way it was run now. Dad, a gentleman till the end and nine years older than Mam let her go first and he soon followed. The shock of the news and the enormous number of pills he'd been taking daily for two years for heart, water, and blood and prostate had caused a blunt trauma to his kidneys.
What angered me most about the way that Dad went was the fact that he'd been ok outwardly, visually until Mam died. He then went into Hospital on two occasions and on one of these visits he picked up the Hospital bug M.R.S.A, so damned if you do and damned if you don't. You need to be treated but you might catch something in there that can kill you. At his advanced age it would have been awkward to kick up a fuss, 102 and 6 months exactly to the day of his birth that he died. Who knows, the tablets that he'd been prescribed had kept him alive longer than he would have been otherwise, we just don't know. It's just me thinking about them both now having walked through the Front door to a new year. They had both dodged the Covid bullets but old age and infirmity got them both in the end.
What saddened me about 2021 and 2020 alike was the way that human beings became just numbers and statistics on the nightly news. The elderly, health care staff, anybody and everybody became a number read out by the newly knighted in the New Years'Day Honours List. We still don't know for sure the origins of the virus and we will not know definitively. Looking back on the Spanish flu of 1918 now, was it inevitable that something similar would happen a hundred years later? Were we all just too comfortable and complacent before it happened?
Who knows? In 2022 we might get a fourth wave of Coronavirus. They are running out of Greek names. Chances are it wont be as severe but I am your typical social media knob with very little scientific knowledge so what do I know? The jaded public will just continue trudging through the mud arguing with eachother, hoping that the national past time of shopping, eating and drinking will finally be written into statute as 'essential'
One thing I have been predicting and even suggesting should happen is 'Civil Unrest'. I am hoping that 2022 is the year that the British Establishment starts to see the underside of many Doctor Martens Boots. As a long term Carer living on £64.70 a week for the last seven years and now being chased for a Universal Credit repayment I am really ready to kick off. I want to lay into the Establishment and its lackeys because ordinary people are having very diffficult lives because the upper echelons are maintaining the inequality through the class structure. Slapping yourself on the back every New Years Day by handing out gongs to the famous celebrities and some of the ordinary people with difficult lives blinds us to the Establishment Bear Pit.
I didn't march against the Iraq War. I was working in London at the time. Friends came up from South Wales to march. I couldn't be bothered to travel the short distance from Lewisham. I had swallowed the Bush and Blair line. I was so unconscious and so fundamentally wound up in my own soul misery that I didn't think marching would make any difference. Of course it didn't but I should have been on that march, Tony Blair shouldn't have received a knighthood from the Queen via the back door today and Jeremy Corbyn should be Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Establishment Injustice via the Policing Bill will be writ large in 2022. My advice to readers of this blog is to bull your boots ready for it to all kick off. Their hope is that we will be broken and cowed by the Pandemic lockdowns. That like prisoners in Her Majesty's prisons that we will have learnt our lesson and have been rehabilitated by their punishing regime. As the landord of the now closed down 'Dublin Packet' in Caergybi said to me while handing over a pint of Guiness in the 1990s "What doesn't kill, cures"
I suppose it boils down to whether you are happy at the way that society is being run. Prior to Covid 19 it was insane and people want to get back to that normal? Can a change come without bloodshed? Hopefully, but there are bound to be a few bites and bruises along the way.
Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive
Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman
Bottom of the Ottoman from David Williams on Vimeo.
Crying in your Beer from David Williams on Vimeo.
Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth
I shall never wear tweeds from David Williams on Vimeo.