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Thursday, 27 January 2022

The Time of My Life


I am pointing my anal sphincter at the screen and keyboard and the following 'follow through' is what is on my mind regarding Therese Coffey, the Conservative Victorian Work Ethic, the Back to Work mantra et al. It might get a bit angry, it might get a bit ranty. It could be full of sweetcorn but hey it's my blog and I've been at this game ten years.  

The 'lady' that continuously has the time of her life at the Karaoke machine is herding us all back to work. As I've said before, I don't mind working. I just don't want to be forced into work. These mother fucking Conservatives with their Victorian Work Ethic would rather see us do anything than nothing because they are the guardians of the public purse. Reluctantly they have been forced to recognise the Welfare State and their generosity in its administration diminishes year on year.

We're coming out of a pandemic allegedly and now these Tory Toff arseholes want the plebs to take any job going to fill the skills gap. SKILLS GAP??? What skills are required to be a Conservative Minister? Cruelty. That's the skill required. Mz Coffey's mantra is work hard and play hard and she certainly knows how to suck on a cigar and belt out some tunes.   

Who devised this idea of taxing everybody at source? Income Tax, and then using that money to keep 'the others' 'the alienated' 'the unemployed', 'the jobless', the 'workshy' 'doleite's' at a level where it is very difficult to exist and where you are obliged to take any old shitty job going? I reckon it was either Machiavelli or a Tory Toff in his mansion who said 'Let them eat cake'. It might have been a Labour apparatchik 'To each according to his misery' etc but it is immaterial really. It is ultimately a 'Divide & Conquer' Strategy that has divided 'the working class' under New Labour and lower middle class 'flaneurs' like myself under the Conservatives.

There is no compassion in the UK. People are paid to care and then not very much. When you have a hierarchical society with monarchy at the top of the pile and Eton & Oxbridge old boys overseeing benefits payments you can see why we are in the state we are in. This recent drooling at the mouth from 'the little people' at cake gate and weird Uncle Andrew at the palace has all the markings of 'bringing them down to our level'. They will never get down to our level. They have securities and gated communities in place should the shit hit the fan. They have a police force, trained to Tazer first and ask questions later. That pension is worth stepping over the thin blue line for.

This 'Big Society' "We're all in it together" is utter bollocks. Touted by the 'Brexit Big Mouth' himself David Cameron and where is frog faced Farage? He goes to ground as often as Boris Johnson. Any 'populist' cause and he's up and running again in his Rupert the Bear trousers and tweeds. We are a sucker for these 'personalities', these 'characters' because we have been drained of all colour and joie de vivre and personality ourselves. Never mind supply chains. How can people afford to fucking eat? Get them back to work. Flog them back to work. Bring back the Work Houses & the Poor Laws. 

I think what the'widen your field' of job search working class should do and the flaneurial lower middle class is to change their names into something double barrelled like Iain Duncan Smith or Jacob-Rees-Mogg or Ftang Ftang Old Bicuit Barrel Obese. Just to get the Job Centre off their back. "Crikey Jeeves, we'd best leave this one alone cos they look like they could be a Toff, one of our betters who pays our own wages. We can't have them reskilling to being a HGV Driver. Where in the world would they throw their piss bottle to empty it?".


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