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Friday, 24 April 2020

I'm not leaving lockdown

I'm not leaving lockdown.
What are we? 4 weeks in?
I'm loving it,
It's like living in sin.

It's like life has come to meet me on my terms
no crowds, no noise, no fuss
just loads and loads of empty bus
at this rate I'll be able to throw away me truss.

I know Drakeford and Hancock
will finally bend
to the Capitalist Bastards and their friend
Captain Dettol has just tweeted and pressed send

Bozo the Clown is back on Monday
I bet that will be a fun day
Are we getting blase about the daily death rate?
Human's boredom threshold is quite a state

I didn't go out and clap last night
first time, I'm sorry, I'm ashamed,
can't explain it really
Just say Porthcawl is best.

No when they ease the lockdown or call it a truce
I'm going to be like one of those Japanese soldiers
staying in my island room like a Hikikomori
long after the war is oe'r.

Cos what we've come from was never normal
Despite killing thousands, Covid 19 has done us a favour
by giving us a flavour of what life is like without the madness
of business, of retail, of traffic congestion, of school.

You see, we just couldn't get off the roundabout
long after the magic had gone.
Florence and Dougal were looking grey and faded
and Zebedee had lost his spring.

But you, the 'normals', you have a chance, a choice
to make life so much better by being kinder, mindful and softer
and yes, that includes you men.
"Go placidly amid the noise and haste"  I'm not leaving lockdown.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Lockdown: A Social Experiment

As you've probably come to realise by now, this blog is me talking to myself to try and make sense of things and honoring you with the opportunity of sharing my rambles. Better written down than warbled into the ether. Don't you agree? 

So today's topic. The lockdown as a social experiment. 

Well despite the Conservative government's slow reaction to Covid 19 and Boris the Fridge's suspicious behavior during it, it has to be said that in Wales and the UK, the lockdown social experiment appears to be working. Deaths would be more if we didn't stay in our homes and if we didn't observe social distancing. 

I haven't seen too much whingeing about it either. The usual suspects are talking about experiments in Chinese Laboratories with 5G masts implicated in leading us to this draconian, totalitarian state. With or without Covid 19 I believe that this lockdown needed to occur for the busy people to stop what they were doing and to contemplate their mortal navels and for the not so busy people, ok, sedentary couch potatoes, to plan on what to do and how to change their life once the lockdown has been slowly and cautiously lifted. In a Dis-United Kingdom of 68 million people odd, something needed to happen for all of us to '"Sit" as upon an order from the Dog whisperer Barbara Woodhouse. 

We were getting out of hand with our Brexit rallies and Trump blowing up Iranian Generals. Looking back, we knew that we were on the cusp of something but we didn't know what. Is it better that we are dealing with a global pandemic, than with a third world war? More deaths would be announced daily if we were at war with each other. What am I saying? it would be a nuclear war so it would just be Mr Raab surrounded by a bomb crater. Professor Chris Whitty in rags. 

So what happens after 'lockdown'? when we the sheeple return to our collective abnormality and insanity, to our fast cars and our fashion shows? The searchlight of forensic science has been shone on the two hothouses of care homes and prisons. Like cruise ships, these institutions contain a captive audience, some having paid for the privilege of being on board the floating petri dishes but mostly people have been shoe horned into prisons and care homes by a punitive society that does not care about those who are not productive and those who choose to break the law. 

Institutions are an absolute Fuck Off! They need dismantling brick by brick and they should not be rebuilt. From monarchy to westminster, from schools to prisons to care homes. We as a so called 'civilised society' do not need them in the way that they are constructed at the moment, the way that they were built back in the Victorian era and beyond. Institutions are no longer fit for purpose. 

If the 'lockdown' is as bad as some people claim, that it has violated their individual human rights to the benefit of the greater good, if this is true then surely 'lockdown' could be used by the department of justice as a punishment for anybody sentenced to less than two years. If you are sentenced to less than two years in prison then you haven't done much wrong so instead of taking up cell space and contributing to overcrowding, you could be under house arrest, under 'lockdown' as part of the community that you were a part of and that you will return to once you have been released from prison. It might need more monitoring, more cameras, more digitisation but instead of overweight, under qualified and heavily stressed screws (prison officers) taking their revenge out on you with a cell door closed, there are crews in cars on street corners making sure that you stay in lockdown.

Some people are interpreting this as a police state! I would be one of the first to criticise them under so called 'normal' conditions but I hope the police are using this as an opportunity to take things easy and have a bit of a holiday because their job is full on. Now instead of them taking the full force of humanities wrath, it is the National Health Service Staff & Carers that are taking the brunt of it. Humans happen to now be the carriers.   

Matt Hancock has now moved out of his orange study into a room with an LSD inspired piece of artwork with Elizabeth Windsor upon it. Is it a clock?  Or is it an interpretation of the Monarchy as a Virus? Will the Queen get a free 'Care' badge for looking after the wayward and seedy Andrew or will she have to pay for it like everyone else?  Somebody perhaps needs to pull him to one side and tell him that if he wants to get a knighthood he has to do a 100 laps of his garden and raise 23 million pounds for the NHS.    

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Peasants' Revolt Mark II

This is not a picture of Carrie Symonds & Boris Johnson

I am not what you would classically describe as a conspiracy theorist in fact I'm pretty boring and conventional BUT I do not believe that Boris Johnson had Covid 19. The same Covid 19 that is killing 900 plus people a day in England's Hospitals and that does not include the figure from Care Homes who obviously don't count. I don't know about you but I am fucked off that Boris Johnson is still alive and 900 plus a day are still dying. He was in Intensive Care not so long ago and now he's out and recuperating at Chequers. 

Dear fellow peasants, we are being played like a fiddle. 

On the day that the Labour Party seek to cover up the anti-semitic stitch up against Jeremy Corbyn it is time to speak the spoke. The Queen wants us all to meet again but 600, 700, 800, 900 plus peasants are dying daily. We are not likely to meet again at this rate. I have never seen such a twitter feed where people are admitting to losing loved ones. From a society that never talked about death we are being forced to talk about it but we are still in denial. Not even Churchill fought on the beaches of Normandy even though he made speeches about it but ein glorious leader for the next five years has eaten the pie, worn the T shirt, been in intensive care, recuperating at Chequers and having a babs in July.

I was hating on Matty Wanksock and Bozo the Clown way before it became fashionable and way before the General Election. We have two careerists in charge at the time of a pandemic and it is being orchestrated like a PR exercise. Did we ever find out why Dominic Cummings dapped it out of Downing Street that day? He was a busy boy, a lot going on upstairs. 

Churchill was voted out of office after World War 2 and we have Tory lite now under Keir Starmer, hardly the Wat Tyler or Clement Attlee for the 21st Century. Something however will have to give. For people losing loved ones across the land the penny must finally be dropping. "Why did we lose a loved one when the man who mishandled the pandemic is recuperating at Chequers?"            

Friday, 10 April 2020

Pobol y Pandemic

Dwi di brynu ail gartref. TÅ· bach yn llythrennol ar gyrion y pentref. Meddwl fod o'n hamser i mi ddod 'nôl at fy nghreiddiau. Dipyn o ffws a ffwdan tu allan i siop arwerthwr tai. Do ni ddim yn gallu mynd a'm bladur trwy'r drws. Eisiau dewis y pentref delfrydol i ymgartrefu ynddo. Rhywle roedd 'na ddigon o bobol gul. Chi'n gwybod y fath o bobol, sydd ddim angen pandemic i hunan ynysu. Dwi di weld chi'r rhyfelwyr allweddell. Ceisio bod yn sarhaus am y Sais wrth anwybyddu'r gelyn oddi fewn sydd gydag agenda mwy pell cyrhaeddog "cos we don't want it rammed down our throat see".  Pa ddiwrnod gwell na Dydd Gwener y Groglith i symud i mewn. Mae gen i tan dri pan fydd yr hogia a gennod lleol yn dod amdana i groeshoelio fi ar scwar y pentref gan fwydo fi a spong a finegr ag minnau yn mwmblan yn fy mhoen "I'm sori I don't speak Welsh". Ond mi fyddant yn chwerthin ochor arall i’w hwynebau dydd llun pan fyddai yn atgyfodi gyda chaniau o'r Spar yn amgylchynu. Fy arddyrnau a fy fferau yn brifo fel y diawl.  Mrs Ifans yn sbïo trwy'r ffenest i weld os oeddwn yn iawn oherwydd bod 'na wastad un busneslyd sydd yn teimlo tosturi dros yr ymwelydd.  Dyna ydych eich man gwan. Mae rhaid i chi fod yn unedig yn erbyn y gelyn honedig. 

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Pushy People

A strange topic to choose to write about in the middle of a pandemic but random is my middle name. Why I should think about them now when they are nowhere in my vicinity? I don't have any particular pushy person in mind while writing just an amalgam of different experiences.

As an introvert since my teen years when youthful exuberance was kicked out of me by a variety of disappointing life experiences I must have created some kind of magnetic force field that encouraged pushy people to approach and start pushing. Docile people or soft arses seem to create a chagrin in the alpha pushy person. Their polar opposite personality trait cannot be left alone to be like the cartoon character Droopy. They must conform to the pushy person's agenda.

Of course it is not just people that can be pushy, environments can also be from call centres to factory floors. Business leads people to push people about and you can't get pushier than some politicians. Jess Phillips comes across as a pushy person. They want to get things done and they want to be the person in the limelight getting the credit. Our Lord & Saviour Jeremy Corbyn had the type of personality that drove pushy people to distraction. John Mann, pushy person extraordinaire had to take it out on JC's confidante Ken Livingstone. That was the behaviour of a bully and you can see it in the Barron Mann's facial features. A great deal of anger directed at the wrong people.

Pushy people can be small people and they can be tall people. They are often making up for some deficiency in their character make up and they fall into the trap of over compensating and don't realise how obvious it is to outside observers. A pushy person is not always a bully but it is on that spectrum. A people pleaser is a target for a pushy person and even if the people pleaser has been trying out boundary defining techniques, the moment they drop their guard and please the pushy person, all be it momentarily, the pushy personage will not forget. They will remember like an elephant that they managed to push you over. That is how a pushy person gets their strength, little victories and don't be fooled by this lockdown. Pushy people will be writing the names of people pleasers on post it notes around their laptops and computer terminals because pushy people are organised. You get sucked into the forcefield of a pushy person and you think it's all natural and very often they are charming and humorous but they have swallowed the 'Art of War' and like Pacman they have swallowed more people pleasers than the people pleaser has had hot dinners. 

So once the Pandemic has eased a little look out for the pushy people. They will be out of their garden gates like greyhounds out of a trap looking for  people pleasers to push around and don't be fooled 'passive aggressive' types like myself can be pushy types but they operate in reverse where they use their depression and melancholia to manipulate others to do their bidding. It is the introvert's way of pushing people about, not complying.   

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


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How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

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