Language was the absolute key to all of this

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Saturday, 31 December 2016

Balls i Brydeindod

"A ydy'r sefyllfa yn anobeithiol? Ydy', wrth gwrs, os bodlonwn ni i anobeithio. 'Does dim yn y byd yn fwy cysurus nag anobeithio. Wedyn gall dyn fynd ymlaen i fwynhau byw."

Balls i Brydeindod neu geilliau i Genedlaetholdeb Prydeinig. Heddiw di'r diwrnod mae'r Frenhines a Buck House yn tynnau'r cwlwm rhedeg o gwmpas cwd y genedl Gymraeg gan ddosbarthu anrhydeddau fel fferins yn Ffair Borth. A pwy ydan ni i wrthod? Rhai dewr sydd yn deud na. Roedd L.S Lowry yr arlunydd yn un a wrthododd ar sawl achlysur, David Bowie un arall ag heddiw Lynn Faulds Wood, a llongyfarchiadau mawr iddi hi. Ond mae Bryn Terfel wedi derbyn a Chris Coleman hefyd a pwy ydan ni'r cenedlaetholwyr Cymraeg cynddeiriog i feirniadu? Maent wedi gwneud gymaint dros ganu a phêl-droed yn do? Canu a phêl-droed hmmmm. Oleua mai ymdrechion y tîm ffwtbol dros yr haf yn newid agwedd o'r tu allan tuag aton ni. Nid bellach gwlad y bel hirgrwn ond pa bynnag siâp y bel mae'n amlwg ni allwn dal nhw fyny i ddosbarth uwch Lloegr pan mae losin a da da yn cael ei rhannu allan. Esiampl arall o rannu a gorchfygu ar ran yr ymerodraeth Brydeinig. Pwy a ŵyr beth a ddaeth ar ein traws fel cenedl yn 2017? Efallai fydd o'n fwy derbyniol i alw pâl yn pâl (spade) yn lle'r rhaw (shovel) bondigrybwyll. Fydd rhaid i ni ddeud yn gwbl gyhoeddus, heb ofni am ein swyddi neu ein safle yn gymdeithas, ein statws, os yw rhywbeth yn mynd yn groes i'r graen. Mae unfed awr ar ddeg Saunders Lewis wedi troi i mewn i bum munud i hanner nos.  'Does dim yn y byd yn fwy cysurus nag anobeithio. Wedyn gall dyn fynd ymlaen i fwynhau byw.' A dyna fydd yr her i ni yn 2017, i gario mlaen yn yr un hen ffordd a gobeithio am newid neu geisio dod at ein gilydd mewn ffordd wahanol i Eisteddfod. Yn lle cystadlu yn erbyn ein gilydd, wyl fawr wleidyddol yn debyg i Woodstock ond heb y canu a chwarae pel droed.  I gau, yr unig beth allai ddeud ydy peidiwch â digalonni ond mae anobeithio yn iawn oherwydd allwn ni gyd wedyn mwynhau byw.  

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Radicaliaeth yng Nghymru

Llythyr at Cylchgrawn Golwg

Roedd y llun ar dudalen 10 Cyfrol 29 Rhif 17 Rhagfyr 22 yn deud cyfrolau am ein sefyllfa wleidyddol ni heddiw. Y ffaith ein bod ni heddiw yn astudio'r FWA, Cymdeithas yr Iaith a Meibion Glyndŵr yn lle gweithredu ar ei rhan yn dangos ein bod wedi drifftio nôl i wlad y menig gwynion. Fasa tri aelod o'r mudiadau yma yn dal ei deunydd yn fwy trawiadol na tri ysgolhaig yn dal papurau ond wrth gwrs fasa’ rheidrwydd ar aelod o Feibion Glyndwr i wisgo lan mewn Balaclava neu Feret da sbectol dywyll. Pob lwc iddynt ar ei gwaith ymchwil. Radical Iawn.   

Pysgotwr Siarcod yng Nghymru

Monday, 26 December 2016

From Bow Street to Beeching

The latest addition to Arriva Trains Wales rolling stock.

I am coming late to this story for I am only a part time Cardi look you see but I awake on Boxing Day to find out that this ludicrous idea is going to get the Green Light. I don't read the Cambrian News anymore because of Nazi Gate so I am a bit behind the times but a station in Bow Street? "scarcely believe". I travelled the line recently from Cardiff to Aber changing at Shrewsbury and by the time you get to Borth, despite the stunning scenery, you are ready to kick the doors open and walk home. The Chinese Water Torture that is train travel in Wales is now planning another drip to its drop by building a 6.8 million pound station in Bow Street. That money could be used to start on re-opening the Aberystwyth to Carmarthen line so I can get there quicker than it takes from Cardiff to London. The fact that a denizen of the Capital has to go via the old Marcher Town of Shrewsbury to get to his families seat of power in West Wales is patently absurd but apparently we have to blame somebody called Beeching who of course has a Public House named after him in Aberystwyth. 

Mid and West Wales AM Eluned Morgan said there was a "very strong" economic case for the project, with a new university campus opening up.
"Rail infrastructure is crucial to opening up the connections to Aberystwyth and beyond," she said.
"There is a welcome upturn in economic activity in the area, including the new Aberystwyth University campus nearby.
"This rail stop will cut down on traffic, promote business, reduce pollution, provide a vital transport system for commuters and the elderly."
You can't even call me a Nimby on this because it wont be in my back yard and I know that Arriva Trains Wales cannot cater for the whims of every single passenger but at the cost of a ticket you would expect to be taken down to the Capital in a sedan chair. £6.8 million is only going to be three quarters of the cost. The Welsh Assembly Government has to cough up the remaining 1.7 million. Now I'm sure Eluned Morgan is a nice person. She's got a cracking Cardiff accent so what is the former Labour MEP doing wading in to this one? I think, although not certain that Welsh Labour as opposed to Corbyn Labour only have one Councillor in Ceredigion, and that is the erstwhile Hag Harris of Lampeter but it appears that this deal is all stitched up before the Shark Fisherman has had a chance to wade into shallow waters. Why don't the Welsh Labour Mafia wade into the Campaign to re-open the Carmarthen to Aberystwyth line?  because it appears that they are only interested in vanity, non practical projects. Save this £8.5 million pounds of public money for Bow Street Station and put it towards Carmarthen to Aberystwyth. If you are hoping to open Bow Street as a park and ride and stop the visitors of the A487 from Machynlleth from bringing their vehicles into the town then be honest and say so but to say that it will benefit students and the elderly is fallacious.  

Friday, 23 December 2016

Soft Targets

By the end of this Blog Post I want you to have assessed how much of a 'Soft Target' you are. The Shark Fisherman of Wales used to be a soft target before they threw me into prison for nothing more than opening my mouth. My exclamation of despair was interpreted as a threat and as we know there is no such thing as free speech especially in the Netherlands (Irony Alert: Furrowed Brow) By now we are familiar with the term soft target: a collection of people or places with large numbers of crowds that can be hit by terrorists. Imagine that it was the Coca Cola Lorry that was ploughing into all these 'innocent' people to the strains of "The Holidays are coming, the Holidays are coming". You know that I have a 'thang' against the Capitalist Ideology, its growth like a cancer cell and these blunt implements, these lorries that have been used to ship items for private profit are now being used to take out the 'innocent' who perhaps might have benefited from the items from the back of these lorries in previous days, might but unlikely. The Terrorists or Extremists that have been driving these blunt instruments into soft targets are being claimed by Islamic State. A State that has the name of a Religion in its title. As we know, the actions of these terrorists and extremists have nothing to do with ordinary adherents of the faith BUT the religion of its name encourages its followers to fast. A month of fasting at Ramadan with a culmination of the Festival of Eid. That means they don't eat, they fast. We non-muslims never fast unless we are on a diet, we just stuff our face with turkey and gorge with mince pies. The point I am making is that we in the West with our blind adherence to the Festival of Christmas are one, long, fat sausage of a soft target. The adherents of Islamic State are lean and hungry whilst we are soft and fat. Have we become soft and fat because of Capitalism is an argument for another day and another blog post.
No I am not going to ask you your weight or your body mass index, how tall you are in comparison with how much you tuck away with the 2 for 1 offers. That really is none of my business. What is my business though is how prepared you are going to be for the dark days ahead!( just cos I'm nosey and I'm concerned about the collective welfare) How far have you mentally shifted your compass points for the challenges that face us as soft targets. We in the West are Soft Targets pure and simple and if we don't change our ways we are going to go down with a whimper rather than a bang. I am no longer a soft target because I have withdrawn from society to work on my blog and my so called poetry. I don't get involved with a lot of people because historically I have been a soft target and soft targets tend to be hit, emotionally and financially. It could lead to a lonely old age but I am not prepared to continue with this farce. As Ghandi told us, an eye for an eye and everyone is blind so Putin's strategy of not reacting to Turkish aggression is quite an eye opener. We are all shit scared of what Trump is going to get up to in 2017, a circus ring master in charge of a powerful continent but who knows, he might surprise us all, but we have to be ready.  At the moment we are passive consumers of terror, we will be able to watch television soon whilst tucking into the turkey and cranberry and watch without a flinch as another lorry takes us down like bowling balls. We are becoming desensitised to terror whilst not wanting to change our ways.   

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

🛢🐍Snake Oil Salesman🐍🛢

🛢🐍Snake Oil Salesman🐍🛢


I'm selling you a message that you don't want to hear. I keep hearing this 'Our Way of Life'. They (terrorists) want to disrupt our way of life but as a whiny, overgrown child I need a definition that you can hold up to the light of what is our way of life. I am a 50 year old single male and I am feeling very alienated from contemporary society. I don't want to buy back into a philosophy that made me sick in the first place. Just because we've done it like this for the last 100 years doesn't make it right and back then they were working through a script that the Victorians had laid out for them. We are the spawn of the Industrial Revolution, divided into Workers and Bosses. The Labour Party was created to defend the rights and interests of the workers but the only revolutionary government we've ever had is the Labour Government of 1945. I have never voted Labour because Welsh Labour is a very different beast to Corbyn Labour. Corbyn Labour could deliver what the 1945 Labour Government did but his genuine authenticity is going to be pilloried and harangued from now until the next General Election. I actually believe that the days of Party Politics are over. We need Consensus Politics and a Progressive Alliance but the human beast is so entrenched in their camps and denominations that only bringing back lobotomies would change people from hanging on to their party colours by their teeth. I will have a dilemma come May because even though I have drifted to the Greens & Communists in recent years I voted Welsh Nationalist in my little garden suburb in Cardiff recently but there is a strong chance that I will have to vote Labour next May because of the man standing. If I vote Labour I will be voting for the man and not for the Party and if I was living in England I would be doing the same thing. I would be voting for Corbyn and not the contemporary New Blue Labour Party.
I am the snake oil salesman because I am trying to persuade you of the benefits of returning to a simpler way of life. "Our Way of Life" that the British Values Brigade are pedalling include competition, aquisition, dog eat dog, know your place, glass ceiling, class division, shop till you drop, monarchy, doff your hat as you shop for tat, privatisation of the National Health Service & gated communities. This is our way of life at the moment and I refuse to buy into it. I need a critical mass to refuse to buy into it.  I want you to buy my snake oil.  

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Mwy o Wenglish tymhorol

Mae'r heddlu iaith yn crynu yn ei bacse, mae'r pysgotwr siarcod am roi cynnig ar sgrifennu yn ei #Wenglish di gyfaddawd eto. Well dyma ni o'r diwedd, dim ond wythnos i fynd cyn y diwrnod mawr. Blwyddyn yma mae'r cyfalafwyr wedi bod yn dathlu genedigaeth y baban Iesu ers 1af o Fedi. Mae'r pedwar mis yma yn teimlo yn debyg i sefyll ar y crocbren yn aros am y gosb eithaf. Taswn ni yn gweithio efalla fasa pethau ddim yn edrych mor ddrwg ond sut mae dyn 50 oed yn mynd i gael gwaith gyda Chymraeg o'r safon yma? Mae gymaint o gyflogwyr yn edrych am 'Yes Man' sydd yn fodlon cytuno i bob dim ac erbyn hyn mae cydwybod glir yn bwysicach na dim i fi. Allai ddim canmol y dewin o Port Talbot Michael Sheen ddigon, am roi'r gorau iddi actio a dod yn ôl i Gymru i fod yn 'political activist'. Mwy o bobol fel fo rydym ni angen yng Nghymru. Pobol sydd a ddim ofn bellach i roi ei phennau dros y parapet. Mae gymaint o bobol yn ofn fod nhw ei hunan oherwydd beth fyddai cyflogwyr yn ei deud. Ar Drydar "Views expressed are my own". Pam fasa rhaid i chi ddeud y fath beth yn y lle cyntaf? Allech chi fetio fod y cyflogwyr yma yn sganio cyfryngau cymdeithasol ei phobol i weld os maent yn bihafio ei hun. Mae'n hen bryd i bobol fod yn fwy onest am sut maent yn teimlo am ddigwyddiadau'r byd yma. Tybed faint o Gymry Cymraeg ee'r Cymry yna sydd yn siarad Cymraeg nid y rhai sydd yn meddwl fod nhw yn well Cymry na'r di Gymraeg, faint o rain fasa yn fodlon tynnu'r llyw gwerthoedd Prydeinig os hwnna ydy 'Values'. Wenglish fi yn sâl heno chi! Efallai fod moesau yn well air. Tybed faint yn y BBC fuasa'n fodlon arwyddo i achub ei gwaith nhw? 
Pobol mewn Public Office? Felli fuasa rhaid i Wardeniaid Traffig tynnu llyw i'r Frenhines. "I'm giving you this parking ticket in the name of her Majesty's Government". Mae dipyn o ddrwg deimlad wedi bod yn digwydd yn Her Majesty's Prisons yn ddiweddar. Fe'm rhyddhawyd fi o garchar ar Ragfyr 9fed 2005 ond roeddwn wir yn meddwl baswn yn gwario Nadolig yn fy nghell yn Amsterdam bell. Dwi ddim yn credu mewn carchar. Prison doesn't work! Pam rhoi menywod a dynion sydd yn lladrata mewn i garchardai gyda rheina sydd wedi lladd? Dydy hwnna ddim yn gwneud synnwyr i mi. Mi es i lawr i Amgueddfa H.M.P Dartmoor yn ddiweddar i gwneud dipyn bach o ymchwil. Lle barbaraidd iawn ei olwg oedd y carchar ac roedd yr amgueddfa ddim lot gwell. Tybed tasa gymdeithas fwy gwaraidd nag ydy o efallai fuasa llai o droseddau yn digwydd ond rydym ni fel y dynol rhyw yn obsessed gyda cosb. Mae rhaid cymryd rhyddid i ffwrdd. Well mae gyda ni rhyddid i ddathlu'r Nadolig yn does?          

Friday, 16 December 2016

Barcode Britain


Barcoded at birth, you don't see it in the mirror 'obviously Mrs Patterson' but once you've left school perhaps University if you're lucky you realise that your worth to #TeamGB is about how productive you are. How much money and profit you generate for your employer and how much tax you pay to your Government. Your intrinsic value as a unique human being is not being recognised. You are an economic migrant within your own borders and sovereignty. If you can't get work in your own area then you are expected to get on your bike chwedl Norman Tebbit even if that bike has flat tires. The system is 100% guaranteed to create resentment amongst the other bar codes because like Pavlov's Dogs they have been trained to compete for every scrap and their vocabulary now contain the words scroungers, wasters and work shy. I'm sure we didn't go around calling each other that as children. Divide and Conquer is a highly effective strategy. Behind the cloak of mixed ability you have still been streamed at school into the divis and the brainboxes. You can choose your mode of train travel and the way you pay for your stamps. First or Second Class. The Pavlovian Dog that you are, when you are older and have made your pile you can send your very own divi or brain box to Public School thus perpetuating the inequality of bar code Britain. When your heart or nerves start showing signs of wear and tear you can pay to go privately, to be treated by the same doctors and surgeons employed by the NHS, but who are now moonlighting in the local Spire hospital for a bit of extra cash for Christmas. 
You know all this so why am I telling you? To underline a point, to show how bitter and twisted that I really am. Did I really miss the boat or did I choose to miss it on a point of principle just to spite the system? Why are people not rewarded for being kind rather than competitive? In the face of all austerity and adversity she remained kind, not with a fixed smile on her face but with a warmth in her heart. 
An aerial shot of any town or city centre at this time of year will show us being herded like sheep into shops. I was going to call them retail establishments but why be poncy just for the sake of it. If we are sheep, then where is the shepherd? 
Who is the entity who has us on remote control? Not God or the infant Jesus but Argos & John Lewis. I am not going to change things by writing about them but every year I wage war against the commercialism of Christmas and every year it feels like its getting worse because we've been encouraged to think about it since September. With so much conflict and suffering in the world, Christmas divides and conquers us again by turning families inwards towards the turkey and the tinsel and towards the gifts under the tree, and there flickering her message of hope or 'anus horribilis' is our very wealthy un-elected monarch, the Queen of Barcode Britain on flat screen TV. We are being controlled, we know it and we are going along with it. Stockholm Syndrome at its at perfect pitch. Hark I hear another carol........

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Free the Mulod

Mulod: Mules/Donkeys

Once in Royal Capitalist City
lay a lonely crib and bed
Baptist Preacher and a Teacher
was this year, going tabloid red.
Three wise donkeys in a manger
Animal rights activists on a wager
"Free the Mulod" was their aim
but baby Jesus was not game.
One big dolly made in China
stamped on its arse "Elizabeth Regina"
In dead of night, not out of spite,
'Free the Mulod' had a fright
 They loosed the reins of hairy donkeys
they heard the words
"Mas o ma honkeys"
Baban Iesu with revolving head
was holding a gun beside his bed.
Joseph and Mary were armed to the hilt
with grenades and stun guns under their kilt.
It was Middle West night upon the Hayes
'Free the Mulod' were in a daze
Drunks and Punks down chip alley, heard the furore,
and joined in the melee
You couldn't tell which was the ass and which was the donkey
as the Barrel Organist sent in his monkey.
This indeed was the nativity from hell
as the enemy church rang out its bell
Suddenly snow began to fall
local urchins rolling droppings into a ball
ne'er had such a night been seen in the Diff
as Joseph and Mary started smoking a spliff.  

The Age of Hysteria

Trust the good old Western Fail to ensure that we wont sleep easily in our beds tonight! Not only have we heard the news that the Western Male is no longer to be printed in the Western half of 'Pax Brittanica', the land that it claims to represent but on Page 15 under News we discover the devastating information


It doesn't go on to explain that papers were found on the dead mouse detailing his mission to infiltrate the TATA steelworks and get more information on the Pension Arrangements for the mice working at the Port Talbot plant. I mean, come on, a mouse!!! If it had been a rat, then fair enough but we are talking about a chip shop at Sandfields, Port Talbot. The punters will probably complain that there is less flavour on the food now but seriously this was the owner's living. How can a chip shop owner be given a 12 week prison sentence suspended for one year and be expected to pay £800 in costs to Neath Port Talbot Council? They could add that on to his Council Tax surely at £8.00 a month for a hundred months. I think there's something we are not being told here and that is that in fact that the mouse was a Muslim. The unannounced inspectors actually found a rolled up prayer mat and mouse slippers under the freezer but they are not actually leaking this information in case the population get hysterical.
On the same page 15, still under News obviously, the Headline


Now, whoa Tonto, hand me my sunglasses. We have a Ms Big here obviously. A Conwoman stayed for almost a month (could have been 3 weeks, could have been a fortnight) at a caravan park after posing as a wealthy house buyer who was about to move into a £300,000 home. The Fraudulent, heartless con-woman was ordered to do 15 days rehabilitation activities (litter picking on the caravan site) as part of the 12 month community order. Well more fool the Caravan park in Bude, Devon for allowing this silver wordsmith to stay in their statics on a promise. "She's wealthy, we'll get more money and a tip out of her, when she finally moves in to her Bovis home"

In Wales see, we call the above News. We are the ones who have been conned by this Tory, sorry Welsh Labour rag for over a century. Even though it is now to be printed in Oxford to be shipped down the M4 under armed escort every morning, you can rest assured that Trinity Mirror and its news stories will lead us to the promised land of 'Hysteria'.
"Pass me my tablets Maldwyn, I'm about to ave a turn"     

Sunday, 11 December 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like scaremongering this Christmas.

We know why the Government and the Right Wing Press are doing it! To cover their Royal Blue Blood arses. Just in case something goes 7/7 on their watch. Plenty of dire, doom laden warnings. Before one asks what one is doing reading the Sunday Express, one's 'mater' fetches it for the Crossword, the £1,000 crossword that she always completes without fail but never sends in to get the prize. In the week that has seen the MI6 chief  Alex Younger  use that word 'existential' that everybody only has a vague understanding of what it means, we the great British Public are expected to behave as we have done for every Christmas. The good Christians that we are, are expected to keep the Chancellor of Exchequer's Economy going by buying shit loads of tat that nobody really wants. We want acceptance and we want to be loved but we are not going to get that from the Islamic State because we are romping around in bed with Saudi Arabia despite the bluntness of Bozo. The dear sweet Brits have no idea why baddies want to spoil their Christmas fun. Instead of Sharia Law let's get an understanding and reading of the Koran in on the National Curriculum so the kiddywinks can understand that there are different cultures and world views to their own. Instead of 'Keeping Calm & Carrying On Regardless' why don't we bow the British Head, forget this, 'never never never shall be slaves' nonsense and wake up and smell the putrid, decaffienated coffee of Boxing Day. We are slaves to retail and shopping. The Fun is over folks. Move on please, there is nothing to see here.    

Monday, 5 December 2016

Merched Dyfnaint

Meddyliais i’m hun fel roeddwn ar bererindod yn y De Orllewin pa mor batriarchaidd a ddynol oedd mudiadau cenedlaethol ‘Mae hen wlad fy nhadau’ ‘Meibion Cernyw’ fel enghraifft. The Fatherland. Ar ôl gweld baner Dyfnaint yn cyhwfan yn y gwynt yn Plymouth a Caerwysg tybed a oedd na mudiad cenedlaethol o’r enw ‘Merched Dyfnaint’? Mi roedd gyda ni ‘Ferched Beca' yng Nghymru ond dynion wedi gwisgo fyny fel merched roedd y rhain. Mi wyddom yn hanesyddol am ferched Comin Greenham, am y Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo Argentina ac am ferched y Kurdiaid yn brwydro yn erbyn ISIL a Thwrci ar hyn o bryd. Mae Dyfnaint yn sir arbennig a tybed tasa na mudiad gwleidyddol benywaidd yn dod o’r Sir fasa mwy yn y Westminster Bubble yn cymryd sylw o’r darn cysglyd yma o’r Deyrnas Ranedig. Sylwais fod yna Siop Heddwch yng Nghaerwysg. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament gyda’r haul yn gwenu yn y canol.    

A oes gyda ni rhyw fath o strategaeth tybed tasa na rhyw fath o Fukushima yn digwydd yn Ewrop. Fydd cryn dipyn o bryder ynglŷn â chynlluniau'r llywodraeth am Wylfa B a Hinkley C. Pobol Gwlad yr Ia fydd yn ei chael hi a dalgylch de Cymru tuasa na rhyw anffawd yn Hinkley. Ar hyn o bryd mae 'na glawr mawr yn cael ei rhoi dros weddillion Chernobyl i gadw'r ymbelydredd rhag gollwng. Fersiwn gwledydd mawr o frwsio newyddion drwg dan y carped. Mae pobol heddychlon ei natur yn gryn bryderus am y ffaith bod Trump yn y sedd fawr yn Washington, Erdogan yn Nhwrci, Netanyahu yn Israel a Putin a’i fys ar y botwm coch ond rydym wedi bod yn y fan hyn o blaen yn do gyda’r rhyfel oer. A fydd rhaid i ni adael o fyny i’r merched protestio eto er ein rhan? Mewn cyfnod ôl Cristnogaeth a secular a tybed a’i symudiadau paganaidd, hippy, teithwyr yr oes newydd fydd yn ail atgyfnerthu i warchod ein natur amhrisiadwy. Mae rhaid i rywun dweud yn glir ac yn gryno fod digon yw digon. Gawn weld beth ddigwyddith gyda'r North Dakota Pipeline. Maent wedi rhoi taw arno fo am y tro beth bynnag. Efallai fod Cyfalafiaeth yn tyfu cydwybod? Na mae cyfalafiaeth fel cell cancr yn atgyfnerthu ar ôl pob llwyddiant ond beth rydym yn gweld yn y byd ydy Fasgaith yn cymryd lle cyfalafiaeth. Maent wedi rhannu'r un gwely yn hanesyddol beth bynnag. Amser arddengys unwaith eto yn anffodus.  

dial a shaman: what's love got to do with it ?

dial a shaman: what's love got to do with it ?: your heroes don't necessarily have to be your role models ...

The Pound Shop Nativity

I was no 666 in the queue
pawing the ground in the shape of a hexagram
with my cloven hoof.
We snaked in a conga line with our soon to be prized possessions.
I had inserted pound shop ear plugs to stop the pound shop carols accosting my ears.
but they didn't work.
My horns were hidden under my cat shaped hat but I think some had started to notice.
Behind me a baby started crying and my tail started to swish with impatience.
All of a sudden, a man who I had paid scant attention to, started divesting himself of his vestments and there he stood, all in white with a crown of thorns, his blood an excuse for someone to try out their mop.
"I hope he's paid for them" said a woman behind me. 
I turned and winked and she nearly died.
The crackle of self important walkie-talkies accompanied
3 Full English Breakfast Security Staff.
There were more of them than people on the tills.
With that the Pound Shop Jesus was escorted from the establishment for another year.
Some looked down at their baskets full of Pound Shop
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
and thought
"Fuck It, I'm getting out of here"
The queue had thinned out considerably by the time that I, Beelzebub, got to the till.
I handed over a Toblerone and shook my head
"What have they done to it?" I drooled
"It's not in the spirit of Christmas at all"

Thursday, 1 December 2016


I know that some of you read this blog especially the very popular Guest Blog Posts. Back in June, as some of the twitteratti will know I walked Offa's Dyke to raise money for Mental Health Charity Mind. My kind and generous sponsors raised £416.71 I arrived back in Cardiff the day before the European Referendum Election. There on the door mat was a letter from HMRC telling me that they overpaid me working tax credits from 2014 to that pre Brexit present date. What they didn't know is that the £52.10 a week that they were sending me was the only money that I was receiving and living on having waived my right to Job Seekers Allowance back in 2014. I didn't want to undergo the ignominy of being sanctioned and being sent for jobs and training that would trigger my mental health condition so I decided to apply for Working Tax Credits because I was working more than 30 hours a week (Voluntarily) in various roles including caring. I didn't realise back in 2014 that I was eligible for Carers Allowance because they don't tell you. Now HMRC having been handed back the contract by American Company Concentrix, are employing a Debt Collection Agency called Advantis from Stoke on Trent to hassle me to pay one lump sum back that they claim they paid me incorrectly. Their mistake and my punishment. In the month that Her Majesty and her Buckingham Palace are down for a £369 million pound rewiring, this Government under its un-elected monarch's name are pursuing the most awkward and bloody minded members of society. Even though I am not as productive and give as much value back to society as you my readers and tax payers, I do try in my own small way to entertain and find a pathway through.  Even though my life experience and my book make it patently obvious that I am unable to be a well behaved servile member of society, certain institutions are hell bent on continuing to kick the shit out of me. Having heard the news about Concentrix and their sledgehammer to crack a nut strategy in relation to Working Tax Credits, I have decided as of this morning to ignore any further communications from Her Majesty's lackeys and if they insist on the avenue of bailiffs and a court case, rest assured fellow shark fisherpersons, you will be the first to know.   

British Bulldog

  My first blog post of 2025! What took you so long? Well probably like many in Britain and America I have been like a punch drunk boxer. Th...

Blog Archive

Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

David Williams's favorite books »

Bottom of the Ottoman