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Friday, 23 December 2016

Soft Targets

By the end of this Blog Post I want you to have assessed how much of a 'Soft Target' you are. The Shark Fisherman of Wales used to be a soft target before they threw me into prison for nothing more than opening my mouth. My exclamation of despair was interpreted as a threat and as we know there is no such thing as free speech especially in the Netherlands (Irony Alert: Furrowed Brow) By now we are familiar with the term soft target: a collection of people or places with large numbers of crowds that can be hit by terrorists. Imagine that it was the Coca Cola Lorry that was ploughing into all these 'innocent' people to the strains of "The Holidays are coming, the Holidays are coming". You know that I have a 'thang' against the Capitalist Ideology, its growth like a cancer cell and these blunt implements, these lorries that have been used to ship items for private profit are now being used to take out the 'innocent' who perhaps might have benefited from the items from the back of these lorries in previous days, might but unlikely. The Terrorists or Extremists that have been driving these blunt instruments into soft targets are being claimed by Islamic State. A State that has the name of a Religion in its title. As we know, the actions of these terrorists and extremists have nothing to do with ordinary adherents of the faith BUT the religion of its name encourages its followers to fast. A month of fasting at Ramadan with a culmination of the Festival of Eid. That means they don't eat, they fast. We non-muslims never fast unless we are on a diet, we just stuff our face with turkey and gorge with mince pies. The point I am making is that we in the West with our blind adherence to the Festival of Christmas are one, long, fat sausage of a soft target. The adherents of Islamic State are lean and hungry whilst we are soft and fat. Have we become soft and fat because of Capitalism is an argument for another day and another blog post.
No I am not going to ask you your weight or your body mass index, how tall you are in comparison with how much you tuck away with the 2 for 1 offers. That really is none of my business. What is my business though is how prepared you are going to be for the dark days ahead!( just cos I'm nosey and I'm concerned about the collective welfare) How far have you mentally shifted your compass points for the challenges that face us as soft targets. We in the West are Soft Targets pure and simple and if we don't change our ways we are going to go down with a whimper rather than a bang. I am no longer a soft target because I have withdrawn from society to work on my blog and my so called poetry. I don't get involved with a lot of people because historically I have been a soft target and soft targets tend to be hit, emotionally and financially. It could lead to a lonely old age but I am not prepared to continue with this farce. As Ghandi told us, an eye for an eye and everyone is blind so Putin's strategy of not reacting to Turkish aggression is quite an eye opener. We are all shit scared of what Trump is going to get up to in 2017, a circus ring master in charge of a powerful continent but who knows, he might surprise us all, but we have to be ready.  At the moment we are passive consumers of terror, we will be able to watch television soon whilst tucking into the turkey and cranberry and watch without a flinch as another lorry takes us down like bowling balls. We are becoming desensitised to terror whilst not wanting to change our ways.   

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