Gyda Storom Frank yn bygwth torri'r ffenestri yma, ar arfordir Gorllewin Cymru, mewn protest at ddofrwydd dyn yn ei ymateb i newid hinsawdd a gyda llai na pum mis ar ôl cyn etholiadau'r cynulliad Cymraeg, tybed a nawr ddylwn ni, sef y rhai sydd wedi syrffedu a gwleidyddiaeth bleidiol meddwl am glymblaid asgell chwith yng Nghymru i ymladd y naratif asgell dde sydd wedi sgubo ein gwlad ers yr etholiad cyffredinol diwethaf. Mae Gwleidyddiaeth Cymraeg yn dipyn o jôc. Mwy o glwb preifat i bobol y Bae na rhywbeth cyhoeddus allaf y werin datws cymryd rhan ynddo fo. Does 'na ddim llawer o werin datws ar ôl. Mi wnewch chi ffeindio nhw ym mhob plaid ond bobol ddistaw, drylwyr ei gwaith ydynt. Maent yn tueddu cael ei ysgubo i'r neilltu gan y 'croen caled' ar 'droellwyr tail tarw'. Yn debyg i'r cyfryngau mae gwleidyddiaeth Cymraeg yn rhywbeth fod 'gyrfaoeddwyr' neu 'carreerists' wedi ymddiddori ynddo, oherwydd maent yn rhoi statws i chi a llond trol o arian cyn ymddeol ond mae rhaid i bethau newyd a dyma ble mae pysgotwr siarcod Cymru yn crybwyll clymblaid o bobol dda gwleidyddiaeth Cymru, bobol foesol gyda chyfiawnder cymdeithasol yn uchel ar ei rhestr o flaenoriaethau. Does dim ond rhaid i ni edrych tuag at Syriza yn Wlad Groeg i weld esiampl o beth allai ddigwydd. Ym mis Mai bydd rhaid i'r 'Corbynistas Cymraeg' pleidleisio i Carwyn Jones a'i fath, Llafurwyr Cymraeg sydd erbyn hyn mor effeithiol â chofgolofnau gyda 'pwpw adar' ar ei phennau. Fydd y Gwyrddion yn brwydro yn erbyn Plaid Cymru, gyda chymaint gyda nhw yn gyffredin, wallgofrwydd llwyr. Fydd y pleidiau bach asgell chwith yn colli deposits a gadael y vaccuum i lenwi gan UKIP ar Dorïaid, sef pleidiau amddiffynnol ei safbwynt. Tor calon ydy gweld pa mor anobeithiol ydy gwleidyddiaeth Cymraeg yn enwedig yn sgil llwyddiant Corbyn eleni. Tasan na mudiad yma fasa’n brwydro dros ei werthoedd o i gefnogi fo yn lle rhoi'r cyllell yn ei gefn sydd yn nodweddiadol o Lafur Cymru, efallai allwn ni edrych ymlaen at'r dyfodol gyda thipyn bach o hyder ac egni yn lle'r torpor arferol. Breuddwyd efallai ond na fo mae rhaid breuddwydo yn does.
Language was the absolute key to all of this
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I don't smoke ganja I don't smoke weed I even turn me nose up at a little bit of speed! Carrots are the answer ...
I hope that we beat Shrewsbury on Sunday because I was meant to get there last Tuesday Storm Henk was driving the train from Aber and ...
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My first blog post of 2025! What took you so long? Well probably like many in Britain and America I have been like a punch drunk boxer. Th...
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Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Monday, 28 December 2015
The Christmas Whale
The whale that beached at Ynyslas on Christmas Day could not go unnoticed by the Shark Fisherman of Wales. He is a fan of metaphor and sees the whale as a metaphor for present day Wales or Welsh politics to be more precise. This dead, beached whale is Welsh Labour. The country has been a one party state from since when anyone alive can remember. It is interesting that the Welsh Labour Party holds power over an area where the Liberal Democrats have a sitting (Westminster) MP. One of the very few left in the UK. The whale could also be a metaphor for the Liberal Democrats in this part of the world. In the first three decades of the last, namely the 20th Century, Liberals held sway in North and West Wales. Indeed the question when meeting somebody was "are you a Lloyd George Liberal or are you a Gladstone Liberal?" On Thursday May 5th 2016, we the beached whales of the Welsh electorate will be expected to vote for political parties who have promised much and delivered very little over the years. The Leader of Plaid Cymru is a Socialist but her party has to be different things to different men and women across Wales to represent the different nuances of population therefore the 'Welsh chameleons' have a very difficult job if they are really to live up to their tag line of being 'The Party of Wales'. People in Wales will be voting for Jeremy Corbyn when they place an X in the box for Labour but we know that Welsh Labour are duplicitous and want rid of Corbyn, we also know that the X will be beaching a political whale in the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff Bay on £60,000 a year. A true politico of the people would shun such money and attend for the minimum wage ie the amount of money that most people are earning in Wales. With recent flooding and Cameron doing his King Canute impression we would be well advised to think Green & vote Green because if ISIL don't get us then climate change will.
Daeth morfil o’r môr diwrnod dolig
Yn ardal Cantre'r Gwaelod,
Fe glywodd clychau Aberdyfi gan feddwl roedd lloches i fod
Ond ar ôl glanio ar y traeth
Sylweddolodd nid oedd yn Nhresaith
A sefydlodd yn y fan ar le.
Roedd wedi dod o’r dyfnderoedd
I roi rhybudd i ni dynol bod
"Pleidleisiwch i'r un rhai ym mis Mai
Dim ond arnoch chi fyddo’r bai"
Thursday, 24 December 2015
On the Possibility of a Planetarium in Ponty
"Hey, get it right now mun! it will be in a quarry in Maerdy
They'll be able to see Pluto from Penrhys"
Allan Trow, manager of Dark Sky Wales do ave said
"that it wont cost more than tens of millions of pounds".
"Even though they've had superb support
from Cyngor Rhondda CynonTaf
I can't get a grant for my roof " said Des
"I've been waiting for what seems like Millennia. I can see the stars through the holes in it. I don't need a telescope."
They'll be able to see Mars from Mountain Ash
Venus from the Vale, Clydach that is.
"We need investment in roads and housing, knock something off the council tax. Proper play areas for the plant.
My Ryan doesn't want to be an astronaut thank you very much."
"This is just another example of locals against progress"
said someone from the Council switchboard.
"You're just talking out of Uranus again" said Des.
plant: children
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Shitting Complex
New Shitting Complex for Aber |
Cardiff Central train station has been described as 'not fit for purpose'. Swansea train station is in a salubrious part of town. What is it about Welsh towns and train stations that make town planners feel that they need to show visitors the town's backside.
The final article that caught my trained eye was "Man shouted abuse at Welsh after England lost in World Cup" Police saw the defendant walk behind the Academy pub where they heard him shout 'you are Welsh, you are c***s and we won the rugby'.
In years to come, Aberystwyth will be a Freudian theme park where visitors will be able to alight from the train station in Victorian frock coats and see locals behind perspex screens taking a shit and talking Welsh.
This town is going down
it is full of the brown
stuff & nonsense in the shops
£1.00 biscuits, bits & mops.
no gentrification here
just plebification
pizzas, kebabs, burgers
waste management a speciality
on the menu
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Anturiaethau Dan Deimlad
Pennod 1
A yw'n aderyn?
A yw'n awyren?
Naci Tad
Mae'n Dan Deimlad!
Nol yn yr oes Victorianaidd doedd o ddim yn iawn i ddangos emosiwn. Roedd dylanwad yr Eglwys a'r Capel yn gryf ac unrhyw wen allan o le a gaffoch chi eich cosbi. Mwy na chan mlynedd yn ddiweddarach mae sgil effeithiau hynn yn cael ei gweld yn ein cymdeithas. Distawrwydd a Sibrwd ydy'r drefn. A dyma ble mae 'Dan Deimlad' yn dod i mewn. Gwaith Dan ydy annog Cymry Cymraeg i siarad am ei emosiynau a sut maen nhw yn teimlo oherwydd maent yn wynebu un o gyfnodau anoddaf ei teyrnasith ar y wlad sef bygythiad angheuol i'r iaith maent yn ei siarad. Yn ystod y dydd, dyn di waith ydy Dan sydd yn rhoi digon o amser iddo feddwl am y fath bethau ond gyda'r nos mae Dan yn mynd dan Deimlad. Mae'r côr feddwl ar emosiynau wedi mynd yn rhemp ac mae rhaid i Dan fynd allan i ffeindio rhywun i siarad Cymraeg gyda nhw ond mae Dan yn ffeindio fod y Cymry ddim yn debyg i’w gilydd. Mae rhai gyda gwerthoedd a moesau dosbarth canol ac mae Dan yn ffeindio fo'n anodd iawn i gyfathrebu gyda nhw. Son am ei gwaith a'i phlant ac yr Eisteddfod maent ac fel dyn sengl mae Dan yn teimlo dan deimlad pan fod o'n clywed am y fath beth. Mae Dan Deimlad dan deimlad. Mae o ar drothwy. Ydy o'n cario mlaen fel unigolyn neu ydy o yn troi’n ddafad ac yn ymddidori yn y pethau?
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
The one major stumbling block in my pathetic attempts to search for work are references or my reluctance to approach anybody that might possibly be able to write one. I don't want to ask favours of people even though they might be all too willing to write one for me. I'm not sure what the legal implications are for an employer if they go ahead and employ somebody without checking references but it doesn't bode well, if after interview, they cannot use their intuition to decide "Hell we'll give this guy or gal a break, if it doesn't work out, we can always fire the son of a bitch". I am advised, 'because I have a Mental Health past not to declare on the application form that I have a history', only to blab once they have offered me the job, and if they backtrack on hearing the shocking news that I was once a 'human that behaved erratically' and not a conformist robot which is required for this job....then I sue their Goddam asses on the grounds of disability discrimination.
So once again we have an example in everyday life where lack of trust in our fellow human, requires us to go to lengthy measures to vet them. I'm not that desperate but I realise that I am required to do something and not waste my life on social media. I am required by convention to do something so I can pay taxes so the 'cuntry' can go and bomb Syria. "Well why don't you write Darling? you are a writer non?" Yes I write but if you start writing seriously then you have to start having a method and a plan, a spreadsheet of deadlines and competitions. You need to be organised and any referree worth their salt would tell you that I'm not. Anyway, writing, like acting is not a proper job. A proper job is gruelling and destroys your soul. Writing and Acting are playing. They are for people who cannot face the drudgery of real work. They are just children playing in a make believe world. I am told anecdotally that if a future employer wants to decide whether to hire you, they just look at your social media history. Well, bring it on big boy! I got some of the best references in the business on there.
Monday, 14 December 2015
"behaving erratically".
I am going to write about 'Behaving Erratically' because I have extensive experience of behaving erratically. The only constant in my life is the relentless plugging of a book describing events that happened a decade ago. In 2005 I behaved erratically because I either underwent a Psychosis or a Shamanic Trance Journey. Shamans behave erratically. They deviate from the norm. Now they don't tend to do this with a gun in their hand but I am really concerned that the punishment for behaving erratically in our society is death. You shall die for deviating from the norm. Why you are deviating from the norm, nobody bar your family really cares because your life impacts on their life. If your life does not impact on my life, then I don't care but I should because we are all in this shit soup together. Nobody knows what pressures people are under. Nobody knows the primordial mess swirling around in peoples' subconscious, tossed about by injustice, poverty, lack of opportunity, family disfunction, nature & nurture. Nobody knows but the answer is. "Kill that Motherfucker because he's got a gun in his hand. Kill him because he is a threat to those who are not deviating from the norm, he is a threat to those who are not behaving erratically". Now you could accuse me with some justification of living in the past, of wrapping the blanket of self pity around myself and banging on about this but I want answers Goddamit! I want answers to this shit soup that is taking over our minds and making us behave erratically. The only answer Big Pharma and the Psyche Industry can come up with is the chemical cosh!
A case of
Now I am afraid that you have to be a certain age to understand my cultural references but perhaps it is only those of a certain age who can understand how easy it is to go and 'behave erratically'. The Hippies knew it, the Rockers knew it, the Punks knew it. There is no compassion in a handgun but our cities are so big and people are so frightened. I'm not scared of controversy and I will say that our Police are scared. How otherwise can you explain police brutality? It must come from a place of fear. The police are under siege and their response in Chicago and LA is shoot to kill. Well we are going to see many more cases of people behaving erratically because there is poison in that there shit soup that they have been feeding us from birth.
Friday, 11 December 2015
A Prophet with Benefits
You might have noticed I am not afeared to speak my mind. It is because I am insane and my opinions count for nothing. Well the Dutch Justice System believes that I am insane which is lucky for me because I could have been doing an 8 stretch for attempted Bank Robbery. In 2005 I was very, very close to spending Christmas in Jail. I was released on December 9th and on Christmas Day I was sat in a chair in West Wales in a catatonic state. Every Christmas since then has been spent very quietly avoiding the insanity of Capitalist Shopping to celebrate the birth of a Socialist. I am going to be pretty controversial in this post so hold on to your hats and white gloves.
My contention is, "that if you are not a practising Christian then you should not be celebrating Christmas" and what do we mean by a practising Christian? Well I guess, somebody who helps at foodbanks, at homeless shelters, somebody who doesn't cross to the other side of the road if their help for humanity is needed. I know that Jesus said but I doubt whether it was a ploy to get them into Toys R Us. Millions of secularists will be handing over gifts to each other on Christmas Day, sipping a sherry, having a mince pie and planning for the Divorce proceedings in the New Year. How many of those will spare a thought for the Prophet with Benefits who allegedly brought them to this place? "Eh, it wasn't Jesus, it was my boss who has given me the time off work" Oh right, right, sorry. Jesus also said (allegedly) so he would not approve of me writing this Blog post I'm sure but again I have to stress that I am a neutral. The fact that I was having conversations with a higher power in my prison cell is neither here nor there. Please do not forget that I am insane. It is only a desperate man or woman who turns to God. A human who has no place else to run. Think of the addicts who choose a higher power to get them through recovery. We are in the midsts of a Global Spiritual Crisis and who knows what atrocity will be committed on Christmas Day in the name of the same/different God? Dates appear to be significant to those who commit murder and carnage. I won't list them. Remembrance Sunday is to remember those who died in war so we might be able to continue pushing our trolleys around Tescos (whose shares fell again yesterday) I would suggest that rather than tinsel and trimmings on Christmas Day it would be more appropriate to wear black arm bands to remember those who have died in the name of religion.
Here are links to other posts of a similar vein
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Belaboured 2
My assertion in a recent post that Welsh Labour are wankers holds water today after reading pages 6 & 7 of Trinity Mirror's Western Fail. I was using surgical gloves to turn the pages I hasten to add. In this article by my namesake David Williamson who could actually be my son for all I know, gives 'mucho, mucho, grande, grande' column inches to the evil Dr Kim Howells from Bridge of Earth (Pontypridd)
"Former Labour Foreign Minister Kim Howells says he hopes he is wrong when he claims he cannot see an effective movement in the party to 'ditch' Jeremy Corbyn as Leader."
If you want to ditch somebody how can you hope to be wrong?
" I'm afraid that I think he is a disaster for the Labour Party. The Labour Party if it's going to change anything has got to win general elections across Britain.
So Kimberely, it is winning at all costs in your book eh? Integrity stands for nothing?
I cannot hide my disdain for this Politician because I remember many years ago when I was not a 'neutral' standing at the back of a room at Cardiff County Council HQ in Atlantic Wharf and he showed his 'peacock persona' by heckling and barracking speakers from parties of other hues. Howells is one of these hecklers from the sidelines, a bit like me, at least I have the good grace to do it anonymously in a Blog, not in full frontal personage. Williamson's article goes on to describe non-entities within the Welsh Labour party who are lukewarm towards Corbyn as opposed to openly hostile so if any London chums are reading this, please, please get a message to Jeremy to watch his back with the duplicitous Welsh. We prefer our men of integrity in statue form. They are less of a problem moulded in Tredegar Iron.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Crying in your Beer
Weapon should be spelt
for you shall die
in the blink of an eye
or the pull of a trigger
Stab, shoot, kill, bomb
get a coupon with Groupon
Hate, loathing, 'casineb', fear
all will be well after a pint of beer
'Received Pronunciation' of another news atrocity
makes you flinch with added ferocity
Trying to understand means you have to read your history
and make your own mind up without them giving you mystery
For you must keep asking questions in this lying contest of a world
because we are coming to a time when flags will be unfurled.
Every banner black
or red, white and blue
will leave blood stains in the sand
they're coming for you
Prince Harry wants you to join him in his army
and you will follow him out of a misguided sense of loyalty
Rain, flooding, loathing, fear
all will be well after a pint of beer.
You can blame those who follow religion or God
but they just think you're a silly old sod.
So head down all humanity
they want you cowed and bowed and finally
there's always Facebook in perpetuity.
Friday, 4 December 2015
As a neutral I am fascinated by the comings and goings of the English Labour Party. OK I'm not such a neutral, I have to say here and now that Welsh Labour are 'wankers' but the machinations of the Corbyn/Benn head to head the other night are continuing to cause ripples despite the result of the Oldham Bi-election. I caught Alan Johnson's speech and I was not impressed with his slight and jibe. I heard Benn's speech on the radio and thought that he had moved to the Government Benches. Labour has been 'belaboured' by the media since Jeremy Corbyn became leader. The media and Blairite agenda is extremely strong and for them to use the Syrian smokescreen as an excuse to undermine him and look for a new leader is a symbol of our shallow value society. Integrity and deep held convictions hold for nothing when you're at the Drive-In at McDonalds. It was good to hear Dave Nellist being interviewed on BBC Radio 4 but then a Blairite came on to question their choice of guest. The Tory Lights appear to be very worried about the direction in which the Labour Party is going but it was a very honourable thing that Corbyn did, to allow his MPs a Free Vote, a vote with their conscience. The media are now saying that because of this, the Labour Party are split. They want the Labour Party to be split because the Establishment are scared. Under the distraction of a bombing campaign they are looking to come down hard on a Party that could potentially destabilise the British Class System by the Election of 2020. Unfortunately for Jeremy Corbyn, if he manages to remain leader and I sincerely hope that he does, he will inherit a conflict from gung ho David Cameron who will gladly hand over the reigns and sit back with William Hague in the House of Lords and watch a man of peace having to continue an act of war against an invisible enemy and ideology. By that stage perhaps, smiling British Tommies will have their boots and heads on the ground of the Middle East because whatever happens in the 'BeLaboured' Party I am convinced that we in the Western Shamocracy are dealing with an opponent who are determined not to be defeated. If they are, they will have taken a lot of us with them by the end.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
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Bottom of the Ottoman
Bottom of the Ottoman from David Williams on Vimeo.
Crying in your Beer from David Williams on Vimeo.
Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth
I shall never wear tweeds from David Williams on Vimeo.