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Wednesday, 29 August 2018

One Size Fits All

When was the last time that you were treated as an individual? Not as a man, woman, child or senior citizen but as a unique individual?
Society and Government don't tend to like individuals because they tend to be trouble makers, they tend to be free spirits, they tend to speak their mind. No, our overlords much prefer the homogenous mass they hope they have created by forcing us through the sausage factory of compulsory education. The longer the better, sitting on uncomfortable chairs and even better if our parents are God fearing folk and then we get the double whammy from another institution. These two alone can breed enough fear, guilt, shame and resentment in us to ensure that we will never become a threat to the status quo. I am convinced that everybody is so shit scared of each other that it is better that we stay as well behaved, tax paying little adults who obey all the rules of the land that have been concocted by a well off ruling elite. I don't tend to go in for statistics in my blogs because I cannot be arsed to go and look them up and research them but you know that if you were bullied as a child at school that it has affected your mental health as an adult. I was neither bully nor bullied but I developed so much self loathing for myself because I perceived that I had got somebody else into big trouble. I perceived that I had betrayed them and therefore I was no longer worthy of the title human being and this was at the tender age of 13. I had been coerced into betrayal by adults who should have known better. The impact on my self esteem, my education and exam results was enormous. I became mentally, emotionally unwell and spiritually sick at the age of thirteen. Parents may love their children but they have no concept of understanding of what goes on in school halls and walls once they have dropped their beloved off or kicked them out of the door. We do not have a rights of passage. We leave the primary school as big fish in a little pond and then we become minnows in a huge lake with teenagers much older than ourselves. It is a real shock to the system. How many parents tell their children that the teenage years are going to be the toughest of their lives and that they need to be emotionally ready? Do you tell them that you will be with them every step of the way and that you are going to be there for them come what may or are you a disciple of the 'life's a bitch' philosophy and they need to learn independence and resilience? Whichever way there is no right way but I really think that we underestimate the power of overwhelming emotions in teenagers and if we as a society do not intervene to support and help them then it poses huge problems for societies of the future. This one is pretty disfunctional now and that is because we have been treated as 'one size fits all'. It is too expensive and too time consuming to support each individual so the thinking goes, that we do not bother at all. We let them swim along in a cesspit of self loathing and then we make them wait for two years for counselling when they get to be adults. Society is failing its young people. Educating them is not enough! Filling their heads with facts so that they can pass exams is NOT enough. Then when they get to adulthood, when they step out of line and break the law of the land because they cannot deal with their overwhelming emotions then they are sent to prison or young offenders institution. We are a society that is intent on punishing people. We are a sick, repressed society that has not overcome the Victorian obsession with the stiff upper lip. Talking about adolescent mental health is not enough. You have to have enough adults, parents, teachers, therapists, civil servants that care. You can throw money at it but the young people will pick up the money and burn it because that money has no value. That money has to be turned into time, quality therapeutic time so that fragile, vulnerable souls can be listened to. By the time they get to adulthood it is ostensibly too late. They can be healed but again at great expense. Don't break the child in the first place. One size does not fit all.            

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Madman Med Free


August 21st 2008 I took my last Quetiapine Tablet. August 22nd is the 10th Anniversary of stopping Psychotropic Medication. I mention this not to go "ne ne ne ne ne" but to remind myself that I have been able to contain my madness and insanity without man made tablets in a laboratory. I had a couple of wobbles at the beginning around 2009/2010 in fact after one trigger event I was tempted to swallow the whole packet. I'm not going to get into the whole 'to medicate or not to medicate argument'. I don't want people reading this to chuck their meds down the toilet and go cold turkey.
My insanity still scares me. I have led a fairly self disciplined life since giving up the drugs which suits a middle aged man. For a younger person there are so many pressures to conform. The drinking and the nightlife, the partying and the temptation of taking substances. The pressures of relationships and redundancy. All these things are triggers for a mood disorder. Working 9-5 with lots of strangers in an office would be a trigger to me. Sitting in an interview room trying to explain the gap of 12 years work history on my CV, would trigger me.
I've mentioned before many times that I don't buy into the brain chemistry/disorder argument. I believe in the nature/nurture argument. I know that there is a family history of 'melancholia' and there are members that present with social anxiety/withdrawal.
What I feel is that now I am living my true self which is withdrawn, buttoned up and distrustful. I'm sure if I were taking medication it would perhaps make me more relaxed but I don't know now whether I wish to be relaxed artificially. The artificial relaxation provided by cannabis and alcohol. The problem with substance use and abuse is that you are always chasing the mellow and relaxed moment which you know will never last but hope will.
To celebrate my ten years med free I am treating myself to an event which I think shows a complete lack of imagination. On Bank Holiday Monday (God Willing) I will be standing in the away end of Damson Park, the home of Solihull Moors FC where I will be cheering on my boyhood team of Wrexham FC who are currently top of the National League. Nostalgia is a beast that can transport you back to happier pre-madness times but be warned if you see a stocky male with very little hair and mad staring eyes, do not approach, because it will be me.  

Nice badge shame about the Prince of Wales Feathers
and the Ich Dien.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Insanity & Incarceration

I have just finished reading the above book. It cost me a penny and £2.80 postage and packaging from the Capitalist War Machine that don't pay taxes and are named after a Brazilian river and rain forest (I'm nothing if not a hypocrite) so I'll wager that Charles Bronson (Mike Peterson) wont see a penny of that as I have not seen a penny of 'royalties' since I published my memoirs in paperback 2014. 
We don't do it for the money although the money would be nice. We do it for the notoriety. I did 4 and a bit months porridge. He is coming up to 50 years in the cage, most of that in solitary confinement, having been in a Remand Centre First in 1968. It makes my bit of bird, my bit of stir laughable in comparison but there really is nothing to laugh about in the above book. Charles Bronson has been beasted and brutalised by a Victorian Prison System that is still alive and kicking in UK PLC. A timely blog post perhaps as you will see from the link to the BBC website that a private prison has been taken back into Government hands. The experiment of imprisonment for profit has not worked although the Prisons Minister is spinning the line that G4S run three very good prisons. I'm sorry but unless you have had that cell door close on you of a night, night upon night you shouldn't really be allowed to spin that shit about colour televisions and living in luxury at tax payers' expense. Charles Bronson has never killed anybody yet he is still in prison today! Keeping a 65 year old man incarcerated for violent acts against the system is surely violating his human rights. They wont let him out because they know that the Compensation Bill will bankrupt the Prison Service. He has taken hostages, he has attacked guards and he has staged roof top protests. He has been in prison longer than people who have taken other peoples' lives. Incarceration has turned this man into a media manipulated 'monster' but you only have to read his words to know that he isn't one.

"The insanity never stops - mysterious deaths, very mysterious. So who's the maddest of the mad? Shall I tell you who? The maddest fucker in the system is....the system. It's also a fucking disgrace."   Page 292

"Prisons are the most shaming of all our public institutions. This country, the United Kingdom, imprisons more of its people that virtually any other country in Western Europe in conditions that are frequently an affront to civilised values and at great cost to the taxpayer. Yet the vast majority of our prisoners don't present a serious threat to life or limb. Their crimes are such that they can be more humanely, economically and effectively dealt with in the community."

"Prison has a poor track record. I dare any of those in power to show the relationship between a society's rate of incarceration and its rate of crime. Prison keeps some offenders off the streets, but it definitely doesn't deter the majority of  offenders who go on to become recidivists;neither does it reform"  Page 255

"I ask you a question - for how long have they been locking people up in prisons? Thousands of years! So how do you evaluate the effectiveness of prison, which has been repeatedly condemned as a blunt instrument of torture, yet has been continuously used by those you class to be intelligent? Let me tell you this. One day, prison will be outlawed and laughed at as much as the slave ships of the past that became obsolete! Eventually, prison will only exist for the most dangerous of humans, mark my words!" Page 256  

With this Brexit baloney creating a prison ship of the UK, life on the island has become very much a man made prison for many suffering at the hands of austerity cuts imposed by the Conservative & Unionist government. We are hot housing human souls in Victorian Prisons and nicely built newer private prisons run for profit. We are festering a wound that when unleashed upon society will scare the well behaved little tax payer into wishing that they were behind bars away from the ones who have newly been released because having been inside and on the outside, I have to ask who is it that is actually in Prison? Us on the outside or those on the inside?  

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Winter is the best time to die

Winter is the best time to die
Who wants to go when the children scream on the beach
and the sun is high in the sky
who in their right mind wishes to take their leave
when there is happiness and laughter
and picnics and sand
but perhaps you are not in your 'right' mind
whatever that is.
Can any of us be in our right minds living like this?
No winter is the time to go with a hard frost
and dark nights
and sullen gloom
All the people with Seasonal Affective Disorder
can attend your funeral with your permission of course
but you will not be there
your soul, your essence will be elsewhere
I don't like the idea of cremation or burial
in case you are not dead.
What if the GP and Health Visitor were wrong?
What if you wake up as the coffin enters the flames?
Bummer eh?
But you've wanted to be gone a while now haven't you?
Saying that life is for the young
and that you are taking up valuable space.
You were the one who looked after the dying
and witnessed death at the birth of the NHS. 
Hang on a bit please,
just wait until winter
when Santa can take away your body
or the shoppers can step over you in the January Sales.
I know that it's going to happen.
It's bollocks to say that you don't fear death.
It's the culmination of an unfulfilled life.

Monday, 13 August 2018

It's not Rocket Science

I love that phrase "It's not Rocket Science" as if anybody who isn't a Rocket Scientist would know what Rocket Science is.
I have lived on this God forsaken earth for 55 years and have watched the news for about 48 of those years and I think by now I am able to call out the elephant in the room. He's hiding behind the sofa. I'm not calling for the complete overthrow of Capitalism but a gentle re-evaluation of our value system. I have spent a grand total of 4 weeks of those 55 years in a Mental Hospital and I have spent 4 months in a prison because of my mental health. My mind has told me on more than one occasion that the way I am living my life is bad for me. I am part of a whole. I like you are affected by what goes on around us. Some of us are more sensitive than others or are we? Have many people become de-sensitised to the distress around us by wearing nuclear family blinkers, turning to addictive behaviour or religion. If over the centuries we have been the problem then perhaps, just perhaps we can be the answer as well but it's not a case now of 'wake up and smell the coffee' we have to down the fucker in bucket loads, full caffeine fix. Humanity stands on a precipice. Experts say that by 2050, that along with 1 million Welsh speakers we will be entering the next ice age. So the new 'Siaradwyr Cymraeg' will be freezing their tits off unless they get with the programme as well. Cosmic Rays & Climate Change are changing the environment of our ecosystem irreparably. Every time a coral reef dies our own resources are diminished. 
Desalination plants in China are transforming sea water to provide drinking water but at what cost? The very air that we breath relies on the top two inches of the sea. Why do you think Trump, Tesla and Branson are upping the stakes in the space race? Why are they building the largest telescope known to man in South America? because they know that we are fucked and that planet life able to sustain human life will only be possible in the outer reaches of our solar system and beyond. It's either going to be 'to boldly go where no man has gone before' or to go down a la Jules Verne, 20,000 leagues under the sea.  
In prison a Polish prisoner, Machek, could see that I was suffering the torment of the damned and he said "You will have to change" as in I will have to change my mindset to survive and I knew that to be true but I can't change unless you change as well. We are going to have to find a way to redistribute global wealth. If you want to call it Communism or Socialism go right ahead. Whatever it is, it has to happen to afford us any chance of survival as a species. If everyone has enough for their need and not their greed then we might just stand a chance.     

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Syrthio ar fy mai!

Yn fy mhost diweddaraf Myfyrdodau'r Mis mi wnes i awgrymu fod mynd ar ôl siop Gwlad yr Ia yn wastraff amser ond dwi newydd ddarllen erthygl yn y gwastraff amser arall yna sef y Western Mail ag dwi yn syrthio ar fy mai. Hyd yn oed yn fy 'gross generalisation' i fod Iceland i bobol dlawd os ydy'r cwmni yn werth 3 biliwn o bunnau mi allant wario canran fechan o hwnna yn gwneud ei siopau nhw gyd yn ddwy-ieithog yn enwedig os ydy Sir Malcolm Walker wedi 'cemento strategic alliance gyda'r Range' beth bynnag ffwc di hwnna yn Gymraeg anaye. Yn annhebyg i wleidyddion dych chi'n gweld mi allaf ymddiheuro a deud yn blwm ac yn blaen pan rydwyf wedi agor fy ngheg cyn meddwl. Un arall sydd wedi gwneud hynny wythnos yma ydy'r Bnr Marcus Stead. Rydym wedi cael ein hysbysu gan Ifan Morgan Jones o nation.com i beidio screenshotio neu rannu trydaron bobol wrth Gymreig ond mi wnâi anwybyddu am y tro a rhyfeddu ar yr ymateb i drydarid ddigon di nod. Cwyno am y sŵn oedd yn dod o'r 'mice' yr Eisteddfod oedd o.

Una’u'r ffaith mae ganddo fo dipyn o fform am gwyno yn gyhoeddus am yr iaith ag arwyddion dwyieithog neu fod rhai unigolion wedi penderfynu na hwn ydy gelyn penna’r Cymry Cymraeg ond mae'r ymatebion yn bendant yn deud mwy amdanom ni fel Cymry dan warchae nag amdano fo fel 'agent provocateur'. Efallai oherwydd fy mod i gyda chymydog wrth Gymraeg yn Grangetown neu Drelluest i fod yn gyfan gwbl goronog dwi wedi cael fy 'di sensiteisio' 'r agwedd yma ag yn lle sefyll i fyny yn grac ac yn ymosod arno yn eiriol fel gwnes i unwaith neu ddwy yn dechrau ein cyfeillgarwch dwi wedi cymryd y drafferth i ffeindio allan beth ydy gwraidd ei gwyn yn erbyn y Gymraeg ag ffeindio allan nag un emosiynol ydy o. Yn lle saethu bob gwan jac sydd yn cynnig rhyw farn wrth Gymraeg allan o fydysawd trydar beth am dreiddio yn ddyfnach i weld beth sydd wedi achosi gymaint o atgasedd a loes yn y lle cyntaf.   

Monday, 6 August 2018

The Port of Pillgwenlly

From the Port of Pillgwenlly
I headed out to sea
to be free and to see
black & amber bees
tall swaying tropical trees?
I met with folks
with singing bowls for souls
dust and oil
gold leaf foil
stay a day too long on the trail
you'll end up in jail and you wont get bail
existence of hand to mouth 
but what berries were brought to the table
so blue and so red as to enhance this fable
an invisible chain gang
a clanking
the guard was the mind
that kept stoking
and repeating
"vagrants, vagabonds, itinerants, hobos"
the court of miracles
astride a puffing billy
cans akimbo filled at the well
a slurping and a burping 
despite impressions to the contrary
life was hell
because there were laws to tie you down
Sheriff & Marshall beat you 
over the back of the head
with a frown
Go Down
John Brown

Portland Street in Pill was the birthplace, in 1871, of the famous "Tramp Poet" W. H. Davies and the nearby Church House Inn, where he was brought up by his grandparents, has a commemorative blue plaque. 

Friday, 3 August 2018

Myfyrdodau'r Mis

Well dyma ni ar drothwy blydi Eisteddfod arall, meddwl gwell i mi gael go ar sgrifennu blog yn fy mam iaith honedig. Efallai eich bod wedi dechrau synhwyro na dim Cymro cyffredin di hwn sydd yn sgrifennu'r fath rwtsh ond un sydd ar y 'lookout' am gamweinyddu cymdeithasol yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg. Dim ots pa iaith dych chi'n siarad os dych chi'n wancar, dych chi'n wancar anaye? Dwi'n aelod o Gymdeithas yr Iaith ond dydy hynny ddim yn golygu fy mod i'n cytuno gyda phob dim maent yn ei gwneud. Teimlo fod mynd ar ôl Gwlad yr Ia (Iceland) am arwyddion dwy-iaethog yn dipyn o wastraff amser achos faint o Gymry Cymraeg sydd yn siopo yn Wlad yr Ia? Siop i bobol dlawd ydy Gwlad yr Ia a dydy'r Cymry Cymraeg ar gyfartaledd ddim yn bobol dlawd. Bobol yr Eisteddfod yn fwy tebygol i fynychu Waitrose neu Marks & Sparks neu os ydynt yn tight wads neu Gardis mynd i Aldi neu Lidl i ddangos ei street cred. Ar ôl y Llywodraeth Llafuriol yma gyda'i deddfau wan mae rhaid rhoi'r pwysau mwyaf. Wrth Gwrs os ydy rhywun yn mynd allan o'i ffordd i sarhau'r Gymraeg fel Bruce Robinson o Trago Mills well ar ei ôl o gyda cheffyl a chert. Google Translate, yn bersonol faswn wedi gadael hwnna i fod melli beth ddwi'n ceisio dweud ydy "Mae rhaid i ti ddewis dy frwydrau yn ofalus" a dim jest mynd ar ôl popeth willy nilly. Fel Eisteddfod refusnik dwi yn gobeithio aeth pethau yn hwylus yn hotbed yr iaith sef Butetown a gobeithio bydd ddim gormod o bobol precious Pontcanna yn ypsetio y trigolion lleol gyda'i tall tales of gentrification. Mae fy marn am Gymry Cymraeg dosbarth canol wedi cael ei llaesi ar y blog yma o blaen felli mi ai ddim ar ôl y bwgan yna eto ond dwi yn teimlo bydd rhaid bod rhyw fath o gytbwysedd rhwng bod yn amddiffynnol dros yr iaith ar drydar ac yn adeiladol drosto fo yn weithredol. Unigolion arbennig fel y rhai sydd yn 'cystadlu' yn Ddysgwr y Flwyddyn ydy'r rhai sydd am roi arweiniad i weddill ohonom ni. Pan mae'r iaith yn cydio ynddyn nhw mae yn cydio go iawn ac maent yn troi yn efengylwyr dros yr achos.

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


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How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

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Bottom of the Ottoman