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Monday, 27 March 2017

Graffiti Girls


I fell in love with a Graffiti Girl
It was the eyes
the windows of the soul
the windows on the wall
I could stare forever and she wouldn't say
"What you bleeding looking at you perv?"
I could blow her kisses to the dog walkers' chorus
"aye, aye, there's another mad un"
I could run my finger along the contour of her lips
with my other hand holding a bag of chips.
She didn't seem to mind that I was an older man
she understood
the lost years
I couldn't harm her
and she couldn't harm me
the ideal relationship scenario
when I looked away and glanced back
she held her loving gaze.
Graffiti Girl had spun her
multicolored magic.
Some conventional couples
might call it tragic
that I fell in love
with the 
mirage madonna
up, upon the wall
but she made me feel ten feet tall
and what is more
I know that she'll be there tomorrow.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Yn nwylo Brydeinwyr

Cwestiwn i ddechrau. A fydd yr Iaith Gymraeg yn ddiogel yn nwylo Brydeinwyr? Bob deng mlynedd mae'r cyfrifiad yn datgelu fod yr iaith yn colli tir. Rydym yn edrych tuag at y Blaid Lafur a 'Our Man yn Nhredegar'  'i sicrhau bydd na miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050. Nod digon teg a canmoladwy gan Gymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg ond i drosglwyddo canran fawr  o'r cyfrifoldeb yma i blaid sydd erioed wedi bod yn rhi’ brwdfrydig dros ei thranc yn ateb fy nghwestiwn gwreiddiol. Yn fy hanner cant o flynyddoedd mae wedi dod yn ddigon clir i mi na Llywodraeth Brydain yn rhoi ei hunan gyntaf a briwsion o'r bwrdd mae Cymru wedi cael erioed. Arberth gan Gwynfor Evans a Chymdeithas yr Iaith sicrhaodd Sianel Deledu yn yr Iaith Gymraeg ond ers 1982 mae nifer o siaradwyr wedi mynd ar ei lawr er gwaethaf y datblygiad yma. Tybed beth fasa wedi digwydd tasa na Llywodraeth Llafur mewn grym yn yr un cyfnod. Os ydy Plaid Wleidyddol ddim yn brwydro dros annibyniaeth i'w gwlad sut maent yn disgwyl i'r iaith frodorol fynnu gyda hi yn bodoli drws nesaf i'r iaith fwyaf pwerus yn y byd? Oni bai fod mwy o ddatganoli yn digwydd ble mae Cymru yn gyfrifol am fwy o bethau ac yn cael yr hawl i ddeddfu dros yr iaith ac yn rhoi'r iaith gyntaf bob tro fydd na ddim ffyniant. Gan ddatgelu'r nod yma, fydd perygl i bobol eistedd nol a meddwl bydd popeth yn iawn. Mi barhâi i fynych y capel ar eisteddfod a'r dafarn Gymraeg. Mi barhâi i Bleidleisio i Blaid Cymru. Beth arall rydych yn disgwyl oddi wrtha’i? Well gyda'r Alban yn chwifio'r saltire yn uchel ar hyn o bryd a dwylo'r Prydeinwyr yn arwain ni'r Gymru allan o Ewrop beth sydd gyda ni ar ôl ond datgan ein gwrthwynebiad yn uchel ac yn groch i Brydeindod. Mi fyddan ni yn cael ein llyncu yn gyfan gwbl gan Jac yr Undeb os fyddwn ddim yn ofalus. Yn rhannau o Gymru mae hon wedi digwydd yn barod. Oni bai ein bod ni yn rhoi tranc yr iaith ac annibyniaeth ein gwlad yn gyfystyr ai gilydd mi fyddwn ni gyd yn llenwi'r ceubwll gyda'r baw ci, sef pwnc hoffus Cynghorwyr lleol.  

Monday, 20 March 2017

Care Co-operatives

Nobody should be making a profit from care. Period. If you see a Ltd behind the word care, alarm bells start to ring for me. If we have a National Health Service it follows that we should have a National Care Service but we don't we have a bitty service provided by private business people. Whilst their motives might be quite honourable they are in it to make a profit and this why I am proposing the idea of Care Co-operatives. 
There are or have been too many sharks in the pool. We need to get the sharks out and provide for the tiddlers. Care staff should be on a guaranteed £10.00 an hour minimum wage enshrined in Labour and Trade Union Law because after all they might be looking after a Banker or Lawyer or Politician's elderly relatives. If a Council can afford to pay £15.00 an hour then £10.00 goes to the carer and the rest goes to overheads and mileage allowance. If a bank of care workers could be assisted to run a co-operative by agencies and not for profits then one or two can person the phones and do the admin while the others are out and about and then swop so the admin is done on a rota basis giving carers ownership of their team. These can be small scale or large scale. There is no place for business people or entrepreneurs in Care otherwise what legislation would there be to stop somebody opening a Care Home and a Funeral Directors right next door to each other.  

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Proud to be an Obsessive & Divisive Nationalist

Theresa May is making this very difficult for me. Even the way she coquettishly pronounced 'Plaid Cwmru' with a W. She is a jolly hockey sticks type with a penchant for Grammar Schools. I am an unemployed madman. Together I'm sure we could come to some sort of accommodation of calling Wales Independent even if it isn't. A nation can only respect itself if it is free of the oppression of a neighbour tied to the trappings of an unelected monarchy and feudal class system. Scotland's struggle is not ours and we can only cast our eyes longingly upwards. In one way the peoples of Wales & Scotland are fortunate in a way that the English people of the Northern Powerhouse are not! Even though they are disadvantaged by geography and lack of investment from a Westminster, London government, they are still English. They might be proud of the fact despite the differences with the shandy pants South. The Home Counties and the Stockbroker Belt are just as English as Rochdale Ronny but they don't tend to drape their flags over the hoardings at Wembley. They'd rather watch it from the comfort of the plush shag pile and huge TV. Nationality lends itself to generalisation and stereotype. In a future United Britain there will still be inequality of opportunity. The age old class struggle between Conservative & Labour will continue with the spectre of Global Warming and Islamic Terrorism playing out on the world stage.Trump's Circus will continue until he falls off the Trapeze. My main reason for being a divisive and obsessive nationalist is that I wish to see the Welsh Labour's commitment to 1 million Welsh Speakers realised by 2050. I will probably be dead by then but for me it is the language that defines my nationalism. I'm not interested in dog shit and potholes. I want the Welsh Language to survive and I do not see that happening in a United Britain. Why should people in Westminster & the Northern Powerhouse care whether a nuisance minority language survives or not? It's not going to pay their bills. I am reliably told by a Political Analyst who is sympathetic to the plight of madmen that it is actually the Conservative Party who have done more for the Welsh Language than the Welsh Labour Party who pay lip service to its continuation. Scotland's obsessive and divisive nationalism is not based upon the Gaelic Language nor is the Politics of Plaid Cwmru upon Welsh but mine is and that is why I am a Ffrinj Nuttar.


Friday, 17 March 2017

Ne'er cast a clout till May be out

Tae Blog or not tae Blog!? Well St Theresa of the Roses is in the Capital City of British Wales today.  She wouldn't have had the nerve to go up to Hadrian's Wall and shout her message across but she knows that she is on a safe wicket down by ere. Cardiff City Centre is being transformed into the British Welsh Powerhouse. BBC, WRU, HMRC and Western Mail all in one square mile of the old Temperance Town. 

She says 
"We are four nations but at heart we are one people."

She is lying of course but at least she has used the word nation. Most of us down by ere use the nome de plume 'Principality'. She is asking hard line nationalists to buy into Brexit Britain. I don't know about you but if you gave that away in a box of cornflakes I wouldn't buy it. I don't know where my distaste and distrust of the British State began. I think it dates back to 1977, Her Majesticities Silver Jubilee, where as an 11 year old without a mind of my own I went to the bottom of our road with other snotty nosed urchins and waved a mini Union Jack flag as Prince Charles rode passed in a dull green Range Rover. If it was now, I would stand there and flick the Vs or reach for a ground to air missile and aim it at his exhaust pipe. As a Ffrinj Nuttar I have to emphasise that my beef is with Britain and not with England. That one statement will not cut any ice with the UKIP, Rule Britannia Brigade because they, of all people, will call you racist. This Plan for Britain is going to receive a mixed reception in areas of high deprivation. It was these areas of high deprivation that voted the UK out of Europe after being sold a lie by the Eton elite. Little did these pompous public school pricks realise but they were sowing the seeds of the end of the United Kingdom. People hate Blair but I hate Cameron just as much because he like the Flashman character caved in to a fringe organisation namely UKIP and his own baying backbenchers and promised a Referendum on Europe as part of the Tory Manifesto. That was the end of him and it will prove to be the end of May I fear because I rather like the woman as a person but she is flogging a dead horse or cold porridge with this United Britain bullshit. Talking of shit, I know that if the proverbial hit the fan, I would have to join up as a member of Dad's Army, if the British State ended up fighting Islamic State but I would be a reluctant recruit. It would 'be the lesser of two evils', the much quoted epithet to describe the two party state. My advice to the SNP (as if they would listen to me) is bide your time. You have set out your stall and quite right to. Keep rattling those sabers and shouting 'Freedom' . Allow Article 50 and Brexit Britain to unravel and although painful for people, allow their economic situation to diminish to such an extent that people South of the Border will cast their votes for an alternative, a weak Labour under Corbyn or A.N other or a less compassionate Conservative Party post May. The Ides of March have passed but 'Ne'er cast a clout till May be out'.  

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


A Poem about Willies

Ladies, we need to talk about willies
you know those things that give you babies
babies those things used as a bargaining chip
in a court of law
because that no good willy made you sore.

willies are conduits of sperm
without a johnny they'll give you little Freddie
with a curly headed perm.
It's not the willy that is the problem per se
but the wanker on the end of the willy, say?

I'm not about to defend the wanker on the end of the willy
but I gotta tell you what's on my mind, no really.
Without willies, none of us would be here
the fruit of the womb
daddy and mommy turned wanker and bitch  

We know that wankers don't use their willies well
they've got a mind of their own or so you do tell
testosterone and pheromone
man was woman in the womb but then they started to split
and then argue
as if in preparation for the divorce ahead
the wanker with the willy just wanted head.

In this day and age sex has become a crime
those wankers with their willies are now doing time
the problem I see is that we learnt the rules
 of how to interact in schools
not the best place to hear about equality, humility & dignity,
instead we saw the power and perversity.  

You don't need me to tell you I'm sure
you've seen them all
the long, the thick, the round and the very small
the arrogant and confident
the shy and retiring
If there was a Crufts for willies 
the wankers would be waving them about
trying to impress the judge.

But you are the judges ladies
and I get a strong feeling that you are tired
of the wanker and his ways
I could be wrong
it could all be a game
there's an awful lot of willies
feeling blamed and shamed. 

Monday, 13 March 2017

Rhagfarn Erdoğan

Un o'r ffilmiau mwyaf brawychus weles i yn ddyn ifanc roedd yr uchod sef ffilm Alan Parker 'Midnight Express' gyda'r newydd ymadawedig John Hurt ynddo fo. Creodd y ffilm rhagfarn yn fy meddwl am y wlad Twrci, wlad a phobol roedd yn cael ei phortreadu yn gas, mileinig a gul. Ffilm am Americanwr gafodd rhoi mewn i garchar am smyglo 'hashish'. A dyma ni yn 2017 gyda Erdoğan, arweinydd Twrci yn galw yr Iseldiroedd yn Ffasgwyr. Mae da Erdoğan a fi rhywbeth yn debyg, rydym ein dau wedi ein carcharu am pedwar mis, fo am sgrifennu barddoniaeth a fi am gôr ymateb i trychineb ar ôl smocio gormod o hashish. Byd bach bois bach! Gafodd o ei garcharu yn Nhwrci ac mi ges i fy ngharcharu yn yr Iseldiroedd. Ers i mi gael fy rhyddhau yn 2005 dwi wedi dilyn hynt a helynt y wlad honedig Ryddfrydol yma a dydi o ddim yn syndod i mi o gwbl fod plaid asgell dde Geert Wilders yn edrych fel bod yn blaid gwrthodol yn y senedd nesaf. Mi ddaeth digon clir i mi oherwydd roeddwn yn y wlad am tua naw mis i gyd fod yr Iseldiroedd yn Rhyddfrydol gyda r bach. Gwlad Geidwadol iawn yn y bôn ydyw gyda'i hanes yn debyg i un Brydain o Brotestaniaeth a coloneiddio gwledydd eraill. 
      Doedd na ddim lawer o dynion gwyn yn y carchar gyda fi oni bai am un Scowsar ag mi ffeindiwch i un o rheina ym mhob man. Mwslemiaid oedd yn anfon fi'n fwy penwan nag oeddan ni yn barod gyda’i 'Call to Prayer' a rhyw Jiin yn ei gell yn galw allan enw ei ffrind bob pum munud 'Susie, Susie'. Roedd 'na dau ddyn o Dwrci yn y man gwaith yn sbïo arna i fel y gwallgofddyn yr oeddem ni ac yn chwarae gyda'i prayer beads yn fastach pan roeddwn yn ceisio siarad gyda nhw. Dwi ddim yn un o'r Prydeinwyr yma sydd yn addoli Twrci fel lle bendigedig i fynd ar ei gwyliau, dwi'n Gymro sydd yn beirniadu nhw am fod mor fileinig ar Kurdiaid, y PKK. 'One State's Terrorist is another land's Freedom Fighter' a phallu. Dwi'n gwybod un peth. Dwi'n falch yn Amsterdam es i yn wallgof a ddim yn Istanbul oherwydd dwi ddim yn meddwl baswn yn fyw heddiw i sgrifennu hwn. Mae'r Pysgotwr Siarcod yn gallu gweld rhyw sail i honiadau Erdoğan oherwydd roedd 'na rhain o ddinasyddion yr Iseldiroedd yn cydweithio gyda'r Natsïaid. Roedd Bennaeth yr Heddlu Sybren Tulp yn ystod y rhyfel yn ddyn brwdfrydig dros wneud gwaith y Natsïaid a fy marn bersonol i o'r Heddlu yn y wlad honno ydy ei fod nhw yn llawdrwm. Maen nhw yn llawdrwm oherwydd ei bod nhw yn ofnus. Ofnus o'r ffaith fod 'na gymaint o Fwslemiaid yn y wlad a chanran o rain sef 400,000 ydy dinasyddion Twrci. Allwn gweld o'r tu allan pam fod Erdoğan am wneud y fath stŵr. Mae o eisiau dangos i'r byd Islamaidd ac i'r bobol nol adref fod o ddim yn ofni'r Gorllewin. Ond mae'r agwedd polareiddio yma yn rhemp ar draws y byd erbyn hyn. "Arhoswch chi yn eich ogof chi ac mi wnawn ni aros yn ein hogof ni" Efallai roedd ein meddylfryd ni erioed wedi bod fel hyn ers oes dyn yr ogof a dim ond honni na waraidd ydym ni! Mi rydan ni wedi symud nôl i oes yr unben sef pennaeth yr ogof. Trump ogof America, Putin ogof Rwsia a Erdoğan ogof Twrci. Mae Wilders a Farage a Le Pen yn benaethiaid ar ogofau llai ac sydd yn cael ei hambygio gan y lleiafrifoedd mwy Rhyddfrydol asgell chwith, o gwmpas y tan.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Ffrinj Nuttar attends a United Welsh Front against Nuclear Power.

The World Nuclear Association called it an accident, the rest of the world knows it as the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster which happened 6 years ago today and to commemorate the nuclear meltdowns 'A United Welsh Front against Nuclear Power' met at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth. I attended as a Ffrinj Nuttar, a complete layperson but somebody with an interest in such matters.  I'm glad I went because the energy in the near 100 strong group was renewable. We just managed to fit into the capacious Committee Room and were treated to some quality presentations by representatives from 

A very impressive opening from Grenville Ham new Wales Green Party Leader had the group asking many questions before breaking into two workshops. What was striking about this event was that we were learning from the voice of experience with a former Hinkley Power Station Engineer laying bare the facts about how unsafe Nuclear Energy is and then Dr Reinhard Uhrig of Green peace International explaining how financially and economically un-viable Nuclear Energy is. Sel Jones from Cymdeithas yr Iaith outlined the devastating effect that Wylfa B on Anglesey would have on the Welsh Language and on the communities with this panacea of 'jobs' at the expense of everything else propounded by local and national politicians. The man who should have been there was First Minister Carwyn Jones. There was a Labour Councillor from Merthyr who chwarae teg was learning Welsh but it is higher up the Welsh Political Food chain that needs to be hearing these facts. 
Plaid and Green Politicians were in attendance and again my one regret is that these two parties that I both have strong sympathy for cannot in the interests of the local electorate especially in Ceredigion make political pacts to fight on an anti-nuclear ticket and push for Wales to be at the forefront of renewable energy. It is Grenville Ham who should be in the Senedd not bloody Neil Hamilton and his sycophants. Here is another blog post which I wrote in a similar vein last year. Thank you for reading.  

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


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How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

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