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Saturday, 18 March 2017

Proud to be an Obsessive & Divisive Nationalist

Theresa May is making this very difficult for me. Even the way she coquettishly pronounced 'Plaid Cwmru' with a W. She is a jolly hockey sticks type with a penchant for Grammar Schools. I am an unemployed madman. Together I'm sure we could come to some sort of accommodation of calling Wales Independent even if it isn't. A nation can only respect itself if it is free of the oppression of a neighbour tied to the trappings of an unelected monarchy and feudal class system. Scotland's struggle is not ours and we can only cast our eyes longingly upwards. In one way the peoples of Wales & Scotland are fortunate in a way that the English people of the Northern Powerhouse are not! Even though they are disadvantaged by geography and lack of investment from a Westminster, London government, they are still English. They might be proud of the fact despite the differences with the shandy pants South. The Home Counties and the Stockbroker Belt are just as English as Rochdale Ronny but they don't tend to drape their flags over the hoardings at Wembley. They'd rather watch it from the comfort of the plush shag pile and huge TV. Nationality lends itself to generalisation and stereotype. In a future United Britain there will still be inequality of opportunity. The age old class struggle between Conservative & Labour will continue with the spectre of Global Warming and Islamic Terrorism playing out on the world stage.Trump's Circus will continue until he falls off the Trapeze. My main reason for being a divisive and obsessive nationalist is that I wish to see the Welsh Labour's commitment to 1 million Welsh Speakers realised by 2050. I will probably be dead by then but for me it is the language that defines my nationalism. I'm not interested in dog shit and potholes. I want the Welsh Language to survive and I do not see that happening in a United Britain. Why should people in Westminster & the Northern Powerhouse care whether a nuisance minority language survives or not? It's not going to pay their bills. I am reliably told by a Political Analyst who is sympathetic to the plight of madmen that it is actually the Conservative Party who have done more for the Welsh Language than the Welsh Labour Party who pay lip service to its continuation. Scotland's obsessive and divisive nationalism is not based upon the Gaelic Language nor is the Politics of Plaid Cwmru upon Welsh but mine is and that is why I am a Ffrinj Nuttar.


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