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Sunday, 29 August 2021

The Mostyn Strangler


My name is Ken Frane, I am known as the last of the Cardiff Docks’ Detectives. Terry Heston and I were the last police officers to leave the old Butetown police station before it was demolished. The Cardiff Bay police now inhabit the spot with a lighthouse outside as an art installation. You might be of an age to remember the Lynne Black case of the late 1980s where there was a huge miscarriage of justice, well myself and Detective Heston fell the wrong side of the internal investigation so after doing various jobs unrelated to policing just for a rest and change more than anything we decided to set up a Private Detective Agency together on our old patch. It is an office above a Massage Parlour just off James Street, Butetown.

Frane spreads an OS map of the area out beside his plate. A splat of brown sauce alighting upon the town of Hollywell where he was now sitting. Just as he is focusing on the different towns and villages his mobile phone goes off.“For fuck’s sake, there is no peace to be had” “Ken, it’s Terry” “Yes Terry?” Frane swallows a sigh “There are some right double headers in Cardiff mate, some right double headers” “What’s happened mate?” “One minute you think they are on your side, the next, they’ve done the dirty on you” “I’m having me breakfast Terry; can I ring you back after I’ve finished?” “Relapsed Ken didn’t I, ended up going into a bookies”

Frane inhaled the estuary air as he was back beside the Dee. The local police were not being very forthcoming, in fact,since the Snake of Splott affair, word had gone out from Cardiff for forces not to engage him or entertain him in anyway whatsoever. He had been black balled by the Bizzies. He was getting information from local reporters and journalists who had been told by Craig Standish to give the old man any and all help and assistance he required. 

“Well, I was returning from the Dining Room and I looked up the corridor towards the kitchen and there was a figure standing there looking at me, a shapeless figure, I couldn’t tell whether it was a woman or a man. I could smell the River Dee. There was a smell of the foreshore and then the eyes on the figure turned red and I fell to my knees and screamed. In all my years here, Reginald in all our years I have never, ever seen anything like it.”

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Clown Country

Remnants of an army2.jpg
Remnants of an Army, depicting the British 1842 retreat, presents an imagery commonly associated with the sobrique
Graveyard of Empires
By Elizabeth_Thompson" "British artist (1846-1933)"
 Scanned copy of the painting in the Tate Gallery, Public Domain, Link


I've been having a bit of fun on my twitter account with the concept of 'Clown Country'. Clown Country is the United Kingdom. Great Britain. The Union is a great big circus bell-end tent and intermittently our Prime Minister who most of us didn't vote for enters the Bull Ring in his clown car with enormous shoes and revolving bow tie, sartorially dressed in a patchwork jacket with trousers that keep falling down.

I've known that this man is a clown for a long time. Before he was Foreign Secretary.

Maybe that's why he left Dominic Raab in position, so it deflects from what a ridiculous job he did in post. The States got rid of the Ring Master in Donald Trump and now his old Etonian Lapdog poodle has to go straw boater in hand and ask Oirish Joe Biden for an extension to the 31st August Deadline to get out of Afghanistan. Uncle Joe told him where to go.  

Are the Taliban going to keep the promises they made in the graveyard of empires? Did Boris Johnson & his Brexit Army keep the promises they made on the side of the bus? Can you believe anything that a politician tells you? They only tell you what you want to hear.  

The people who have been let down are the families of the servicemen and women who have died in Afghanistan and the Afghan people who were pawns in this game. 

There is a lot of self hate out there in clown country. The clowns in their cars complaining about Extinction Rebellion, waiting for their McDonalds milkshakes that never come.    

The final scene from Disney's Dumbo personifies the burning building that is the United Kingdom. The Monarchy & the British Upper Class will always be fine.

If a clown says that they are on your side, don't believe them.


Wednesday, 18 August 2021

What are we going to do with anger?


Following on from yesterday's blog post I thought I would continue today with the theme of anger. Forgive me if I include hypothetical questions again throwing them out into the ether like stones upon a calm pond. Forgive? that's a bigee. Why should we forgive somebody who has wronged us?

Good question batman, there are two schools of thought on this one.

I'm sure that you can think of one person now that brings the juices of anger and resentment up into you. The image of that person, the thought of that person stoking the embers of hatred within you. What can you do? Shout stop at the thoughts. I've had that advice. That makes the thoughts worse because you have verbalised a strong emotion towards them. We are told that hate is a strong word but emotions are also strong.

What stops people enacting out their hate and revenge on others? The lack of a gun in the corner of the room? They can get a knife because they have been dissed. They have been disrespected.

Humiliation is a feeling and emotion that plays into anger along with fear and resentment. You can be branded and labelled all sorts of things for the thoughts that you have and the opinions that you espouse. These however are your often 'undeveloped' emotions. They are condemned by those who embrace the full panoply of human expression and emotion. 

You have been hiding in your room or the favourite diss is in your 'Mum's basement.' How do you come out from there? The Japanese have an answer.

The top comment under this video which has 7k likes is this

  ""They aren't Hikkomori, they're clinically depressed individuals in a society that ignores mental health issues and treats human beings as cogs in a machine" 

So for Japan read UK and USA. Society didn't take Jake Davison's mental health seriously. The mother who he shot had been appealing desperately for help. The help didn't come so he took to social media and forums to make himself feel heard and included. A sad state of affairs which led on to a tragic state of affairs affecting so many lives in that community and the reverberations can be felt worldwide. 

What happens after such events for those not directly affected? We pause, we are more reflective but then the passage of time encourages us to get the broom from the cupboard and sweep the collective unconscious under the carpet.

What is twitter if it isn't the collective unconscious? the daily ticker taping of peoples' unhappiness and resentment where they feel they are not heard. They feel heard after a few likes and retweets and in that respect it has a cathartic effect but social media can be a neutral but it is the way that we as individuals approach it. If we approach it with hate, hate is going to come back at us.

There are many ways to deal with anger but we are not taught about emotional wellness in school. What do we do with the feelings once we have been bullied? Where does that fear, anger and resentment go to?

It goes inside. It ferments like a chemistry lesson experiment and it blows in later life.

I would like to see something like 'mattress therapy' nationalised and freely available where specially trained police and social workers instead of deciding who gets a firearm and who gets taken out of a dysfunctional family unit stand behind a mattress which they are holding and the 'angry' person comes into the room and kicks seven bells out of the mattress. They are encouraged to shout and kick and scream the house down to get their anger, their humiliation, their stress, their frustration, their resentment out in a safe space.

Instead of investing in riot shields police forces should be going down to their municipal tips and retrieving the mattresses that people have discarded and investing in boxing gloves so that there may be a combination of Muhammad Ali and Ghandi's philosophies in full flow.

So that we don't end up with generations of angry young (men) who go on to become bitter, tired, cynical and passive aggressive older men.

There are empty factory units and shops across this Great United Kingdom of ours. Lets us confiscate the guns and knives and let us offer mattress therapy where we can kick seven shades of shit out of an old mattress. Surely better that, than allowing anger and resentment to fester leading toddlers and Dads to be shot in cold blood.


Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Compassion for a Killer?

It's been ten days. I bet you were going to call out the coastguard to see where I was. You've been feeling starved of free content haven't you? Oooh, I'd love a coffee, thank you for offering. There is a little green coffee cup icon bottom right on this page. 

So what's the point of writing a blog post if you are not going to be controversial. Some of what I write here will outrage some readers but free speech and opinion must be defended at all cost.

The tragedy in Plymouth last Thursday led to the knee jerk reaction of cries 'Incel' & 'Violent Misogynist' aimed at Jake Davison. He was only 22. That's pretty young in my book to be both of those things. I did watch a video with him in after the shootings and I have to say I felt sorry for him. There were six victims in the Plymouth shootings, not five. You can scream Incel and Violent Misogynist at a dead man all you like but you are giving your prejudices away a little too darn quickly.

He killed his mother first in an act of matricide and I suppose if you have killed the person who brought you into this world, then you have nothing left to lose. The tragedy unfolded with the killing of such a young girl and her father. Derrick Bird in Cumbria in 2010 began his attacks by killing his twin brother first. Michael Ryan in 1986 killed his own mother among the others that he shot.

Whatever their specific motivations were they must have been fundamentally desperate men. They must have entered the black hole of no return. Ryan shouted at a police officer after he was holed up in his old school "I should have stayed in bed"

What I would like to know as amateur psychologist "What was the tipping point for all three men?" What had they heard? What had they visualised? What was the particular moment that led them to pick up that gun for that point of no return. 

After killing all those 'innocent' people they did the honourable thing and killed themselves. Even though there is no Capital Punishment in the UK, they would be looking at life means life after taking so many lives.

What I feel sparked so many 'Burn the Witch' outcries was the fact that so many people, especially women feel vulnerable after a year and a half of lockdown and the Sarah Everard case.

The Police have shown their incompetence in both cases but surely prevention is better than cure.

Can mass shootings be prevented? If the UK had the best Mental Health System in the world would they be able to prevent mass shootings?

Who actually needs a gun in the UK apart from the police?   

These are questions I am asking into the ether but before condemning men for being so fundamentally unhappy and not having the emotional development to blame anybody apart from women, let us think about the dysfunctional home lives of these people. If they didn't have access to arms then they could do not do harm to innocent passers by.

I know that I have experienced blind rage. Anger so explosive that if I had access to a gun I wonder on occasion what I would have done. In that moment you are so unreasonable, so unhinged, that you are out of your mind. 

Can you honestly say that you have not had thoughts of harming others when you have 'lost it'? 

When tragedies happen, let us not be so quick to blame the perpetrator and call them the names that we want them to be. There is such a thing as a collective unconscious. We've all come out of a womb. Is it just too far of a leap of imagination to think about the triggering motivations of people at times like this or is it just best to fire out names and insults from the anonymity of a twitter account? It wont affect the deceased in any way and it won't dissuade others from similar actions in the future. What we as a society have to work out is how we can help our neighbour so that they don't end up in a situation where they are feeling so desperate? Can we do that? Is it possible? 

We have to think of something to prevent innocent people being slaughtered in the future.     

We are all human till we become inhuman. 

Further Reading



Saturday, 7 August 2021

Think On


When you’re screaming at a policeman on the steps along the north side of Trafalgar Square

That’s Mental Health.

I don’t mean to denigrate your political position but do you realise how fundamentally unhappy you are?

As an individual you have no clout but when you mingle among a crowd of like minds it’s easy to think you’ve made a find.

“There are others that think like me, I’m not alone.”

You saw the EU as a virus and you voted to Leave and as you raised your hands to the skies to celebrate, your ‘British Leader’ dithered and dallied over a real virus coming in on aeroplanes.  

It doesn’t matter whether you believe that it was monkeys cooking up some bats via some pigs in a laboratory.

The fact is that people died. It was on the news. The people charged with looking after us were dying as politicians were working out how to make a killing from PPE.

You have a nerve to ask me for toilet paper when you refuse to wear a mask.

Getting vaccinated is a precaution, a sign of solidarity with others but I cannot scream and shout at you because you listened when Thatcher said there was no such thing as society.

Just you and your family. The human race are not your family as you stand there with a sign that says ‘Hoax’   

You could be taken kicking and screaming to a mental health facility, you could be injected with something else up your bum and you would wake with a sore head not being sure what to believe anymore.

I am not 100% sure that I am right. How could I be? I’ve just started to use my intuition.

Screaming toxicity on twitter will take you closer to the edge of this flat earth.

None of us can be sure of the truth when something was baptised as fake news but instead of being shitty and attacking Chris Whitty.

Think on.   

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

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Bottom of the Ottoman