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Friday, 21 May 2021

In Sympathy


I had two friends who both lost parents. I sent them 'In Sympathy' cards. They complained down the line that cards were what girls and women did. I thought 'there's gratitude for you'. What did they want? for me to slap them on the back and buy them a pint?! Showing compassion and empathy is not a 'man thing'. Suck it up buttercup and get back to work.   

I have lost both parents in the space of nine weeks. They both reached good ages so no complaints there but their endings on this world are not what they or the family would have wanted. Mam did not want to go into hospital for tests to find out what was wrong with her. She knew that her health was declining since losing her mobility over a year ago and after a pacemaker operation and becoming bed  bound she was dispatched from this world  by use of syringe driver. Never heard of it? Don't worry, not many have. My Auntie had been dispatched that way in 2019 so I had heard of it but had not seen one until they produced one for Mam in a tamper proof plastic case. A syringe full of morphine (or substitute due to a Global shortage) and other drugs that have different jobs to do as a relatively pain free death takes place. A syringe driver takes away the pain and discomfort of dying as your bodily organs pack up but they also hasten the end.

Dad went into hospital with a kidney infection but because of advanced age and the fact that he'd been in previously just a month before meant that he was at a higher risk of catching MRSA which is what happened and developed septicaemia nine weeks after Mam left us. Apparently they test for MRSA when the patient is admitted but not when they are discharged so he could have picked it up the deadly bug the first time he was in.  He was also dispatched with the aid of syringe driver. Once the needle went in to the stomach area both were dead within 48 hours. 

As a local carer kindly said 'Once that goes in, there ain't no coming back'. Dad didn't want to die. He was alive until he was dead. Mam's decline was gradual and she said many times that she did not want to be here. Nobody really wants to die, they just want to be out of pain. Age is a determining factor. The life expectancy for a woman is 83.1 and 79.4 for men in the UK so both my parents smashed those records handsomely.        

We received many 'In Sympathy' cards for Mam and they are starting to trickle in for Dad and I was grateful for each and every one and some I believe actually came from men. It's not the card itself, but the thought, the verse, the anecdote, the memory or the tribute that is hand written that is worth its weight in gold at a time like this.

How many 'In Sympathy' Cards should we be sending to Palestine? 

Sunday, 9 May 2021

The Great British Prose Poetry Bin


I wish I was young and a fly half and free

and chosen to play for the British Lions at Rugby

because I would turn round and say

“I’m sorry, the Union is over, there is no team UK”

If I was picked for the Olympic Team and I won Gold

I would not climb the podium

As the Union Jack was lifted and God Save the Queen

I and my medal would be nowhere to be seen.

You can call me unpatriotic or just an awkward sod

But let me ask you “What makes you such a British bod?”

Is it the Class System or the number of food banks?

Is it your Red White and Blue underpants or your toy Crusader tanks?

What is it that makes you so proud of GB?

Was it that holiday in Tenby with the monks of Caldey?

Was it being brought up sexually repressed reading Bunty?

Look around you, what do you see?

Are you blind to the poverty and austerity?

The regional disparity?

Is it the differences in wealth that makes us so great?

Or the way we treat refugees with such hate?

You might be middle class and liberal and green

and not really care about flags of the unseen

but for some that ragged piece of cloth on a stick

is all that they’ve got. Gets on your wick?

The cross of St George with the name of your club

Hangs proudly at Wembley, the cauldron of soccer, the hub.

They don’t know what they’re singing about, God and the Queen?

It’s just the fact that they’re being heard and being seen.

It’s the arrogance of Empire, of superiority, of wealth

That gives the Union Jack its odour of stealth.

On a gunship off Jersey, the Lords have to remind the French

of Wellington, of Trafalgar and the gunpowder stench.

It’s a made up construct, it’s ownership, a tramp stamp.

The poor and homeless get crumbs off their fellow Brits table.

This Perfidious Albion is a land of lies, call it fable.


Monday, 3 May 2021

Gŵyl y Banc


Pa well diwrnod na Gŵyl y Banc i sgrifennu blogiad yn y Gymraeg gan feddwl am y sylw fod yr hen iaith wedi ei gael gan feddwl am yr Wyddfa? Dim ond mewn gwlad sydd wedi cael ei goncro basa rhaid i ddyn a dynes mynnu fod pawb yn cynnwys ymwelwyr yn defnyddio'r gair Gymraeg am fynydd uchaf Cymru a Lloegr. Efallai dyna pam fod 'na fath ymateb "Our mountain is bigger than any of your mountains" Rhydd i bawb ei farn ond ddim mewn gwlad sydd wedi cael ei is raddio gymaint i blesio ymwelwyr. Fel dwedodd cyfaill o ardal Porthmadog yn ddiweddar "Braf i weld nhw'n dod i gefnogi'r busnesau lleol ond well fyth gweld nhw'n gadael ar ddiwedd yr haf".

O gopa'r Wyddfa allwch chi weld Castell Caernarfon? Dwn'im, flynyddoedd ers i mi botsio fyny fancw ond i mi dyna wraidd y broblem i bawb yn y Deyrnas Unedig ond y Teulu Brenhinol Windsor. Teulu Brenhinol y Normaniaid concrodd Cymru nol pryd oedd o dw’ch ag ers hynny rydym wedi cael y Prince of Wales wedi foistio arnom ni. Nawr dwi am ddeud rhywbeth fydd yn cael y Cenedlaetholwyr Cymraeg yn gacwn. Dwi'n Weriniaethwr Prydeinig cyn i mi fod yn unrhyw beth arall. Fydd na ddim hir oes 'na sylfaen cadarn i annibyniaeth i Gymru a'r Alban tan i deulu Brenhinol Lloegr cael ei chwalu felly yn fy nhyb 'gwrth gwyddonol' i fasa fo'n well i ymgyrchu yn erbyn y teulu brenhinol na dros annibyniaeth i Gymru. Ych chi wir yn meddwl fod pobol mor ddadleugar yn fewnol a ni yn mynd i guro Imperialaeth Brydeinig heb gael gwerin Lloegr ar ein hochr? Dyna pam collon ni yn y lle cyntaf, canrifoedd yn nol. 

Beth ydy eich strategaeth felli eich mawrhydi? Well diolch am ofyn. Fydd rhaid i wrth frenhiniaeth yn fod yng nghlwm i unrhyw ymgyrch annibyniaeth. Mae rhai pethau dydych ddim yn gallu fod yn niwtral amdanynt ac mae brenhiniaeth a monarchiaeth yn un ohonynt. Sut fuasa dinasyddion Cymru a'r Alban yn teimlo tasent yn mynd yn annibynnol o Westminster yfory a gweld fod ei gyd ddyn yn Lloegr dal yn gaethiedig i system dosbarth (class system) 

Faint o blant sydd gyda William erbyn hyn dw’ch? Mae o a'i wraig yn cenhedlu fel un o bunny huggers Boris Johnson. Os ydych yn hapus i adael i'r Eton elite lordio fo dros y Saeson gyda ni ac ein traed yn rhydd well parhewch gydag eich sticeri ar bolion lamp ag eich baneri ar bontydd ag cylchfannau. Mae'r 'mood music' yn erbyn y frenhiniaeth yn y Deyrnas Unedig ar hyn o bryd ag mi fuasa fo yn talu ar ei ganfed i'r mudiadau cenedlaetholgar ymuno gyda'r gerddoriaeth yma.

Mwynhewch os dych chi'n mynd ar ben yr Wyddfa heddiw.     

Sunday, 2 May 2021

The Snake of Splott

“For fuck’s sake!” Not the start of another short story adventure thought Frane. He had the sinking feeling that he knew what was inside. But who was it? Ken Frane went downstairs and got some scissors from a kitchen drawer and a pair of latex gloves from a handy dispenser beside the fridge. 

The cool, shocked breeze of a Llanishen summer Sunday is disturbed by the chimes of an Ice Cream wagon playing the theme from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly accompanied by the sound of Ennio Morricone turning in his grave.

“Terry! What’s with the ice cream wagon?”

“I’ve gone into selling ice creams”.

“Ask a silly question”.

“Well, you know, the private detective work I was getting, wasn’t paying much”. Heston looks pointedly at Frane.

“It wasn’t paying anything and since Inspector Clouseau here was responsible for the loss of my camper van, I’ve had to think on my feet”.

Detective Inspector Peter Price was having a game of tennis in the courts in Bute Park across the road to Central Police Station. Docks Division were taking on Central in a game of doubles. It was the one bourgeois pleasure that he allowed himself. Since watching Bjorn Borg, Jimmy Connors and then the spoiled brat John McEnroe he had always harbored ambitions of a killer lob and serve given the chance. He was hoping that this Sunday was the day that Cardiff Bay Police smashed Central but it was a day that would bring the whole of Cardiff to a standstill quicker than a Covid 19 pandemic lockdown. 

Craig looks across at Frane.

“This isn’t going to turn into yet another caper Ken?”

“It might do Craig, it might do”.

Blog Archive

Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

David Williams's favorite books »

Bottom of the Ottoman