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Wednesday, 31 March 2021

A British Revolution


I have given the title of this blog post, the indefinite article because I'm still not sure it will happen even though it desperately needs to. I'm also writing it in the Courier font because it looks more Zine content that way.

If people are not prepared to die for a British Republic, then it will not happen. People will have to be beaten to death by police and shot dead by the army for the British Monarchy to cease to exist. They will not give their long lasting power away any other way. Imagine if you had had your head on the back of coins for centuries, you wouldn't give that up without a fight. They own absolutely everything even the sea bed. They own you. You are a crown subject. You can laugh, fart and scoff at the Queen's Christmas message but she's holding your ball sack in her hand (if you are a man) and Prince Phillip is ogling you with those big Panda eyes if you are a woman.

The much maligned 'Old Bill' take a pledge of honour to her Maj on entering the Police Force, The Constable's creed but nobody is blaming the monarchy for Police Brutality at the Kill the Bill Protests. Oh no! It's Priti Patel or Cressida Dick. 

Prince Andrew has become a joke now because everyone knows that he is 'untouchable' despite not sweating in Pizza Express in Woking.

I do not wish them ill as individual human beings. I think Wales as a nation has been poorer for having Charles as its Prince since 1969 both spiritually and materially. Doesn't matter how well you do at the Rugby if they decide to rename the bridge coming in to your country after the future King of England there is fuck all you can do about it. 

We in Wales are paying the price for being such a disorganised and tribal rabble when Edward I was going about his business and building all the tourist hot spots namely Cadw's Castles. They call us a Principality because they can.

It is very dangerous and frankly downright irresponsible for a 'mentally ill' man to call for an uprising against the British State but they are lording it over us while people in the same 'salary bracket' as ourselves die from Covid 19. When Phil the Greek becomes poorly it's straight into a Private Hospital for him behind darkened bullet proof glass.

We can all stand around like Spiderman pointing at each other, name calling 'Gammon' and 'Woke Snowflake' but if we don't wise up to the Class System run and engineered by 'The Firm'then it wont matter about 'Climate Change' because the Working Class both Black & White will burn first. Un-elected Monarchy will make certain of that because they contribute to the economy by bringing in the tourists.    


Friday, 26 March 2021

Plaid Gogledd Cymru: The Manifesto

The silly season is upon us again and Thursday May 6 has been ordained as Election Day to the Senedd in Wales. Straight off the arse end of a lockdown pandemic our elected aficionados want us to elect them again for another four years of gravy training down the Cardiff Bay Cartel. So it's stubby pencil and postal vote time in our house where I might get the cat to put a paw print in the box instead of a cross and do you know where that paw print would go? In the box next to Plaid Gogledd Cymru: The Party of North Wales. Now I wont name them but there are three parties standing at the election who have the arrogance to believe that Wales is one country. Granted, it looks like one country on any atlas or map but those who live here know that those who live in the North are a very different breed and make to those who live in the South. For North & South I am taking the A44 as the dividing line. We are actually a Campaign Group more than a political party. An awareness raising organisation which wishes to drive the ancient wedge between Gog and Hwntw even deeper than it already is. So the poor old cat will have to drag the postal vote to the cat litter this year and provide a protest mark in its own inimitable fashion.

The main components of Plaid Gogledd Cymru's Manifesto are as follows

1) All Private Education establishments will be forced to close. They will be taken back into Public Ownership and transformed into 'North Wales Free State Schools'. There will be no Class Division in a North Wales Free State and eradicating the scourge of choice in education will ensure a more equitable start in life for our young people. 

2) Those young people will be looked after by the safety net of a Universal Basic Income of a minimum of £500.00 per month per person. Nobody will be forced into mindless, soul crushing employment. Folks will be encouraged to think and act creatively. It is hoped that the North Wales Free State will become a sanctuary for the Bohemian & Creative Lifestyle.

3) The Taxes to pay for the UBI will be created by charging all tourists to the North Wales Free State to park at Betws y Coed and to pay for their 'ride' into Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri. A Ring of Protective Fire will be created around our 'National Treasure' which will extend to Dolgellau in the South. Hwntws who never bother travelling North anyway will be charged double.

4) Plant y Gogledd or Children of the North will not be allowed to stay longer than three years in South Wales. Long enough to complete a course of study but we want them back. No longer the Brain Drain to South Wales. Financial Incentives will be provided to entice them back.

5) Three locations have been earmarked as the seat of the New North Wales Free State Parliament: Rhosllanerchrugog, Mochdre and Aberdyfi. A recently run poll on twitter shows that nobody is the slightest bit interested.

6) The North Wales Free State wishes to show it's Green credentials by 'Rewilding'
Druids will be re-introduced to selected areas but in particular Ynys Môn.

The National Anthem called 'A New North Wales' is currently being composed by Peter Mikes on the Gower.

I would urge all proud Gogs to consider joining the Northern Independence Party and to keep checking back here for further Manifesto pledges and more News from Plaid Gogledd Cymru. 


Further Reading

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

The Polarised Brain


We appear to be living in an age of polarities. In no particular order Leave : Remain, Harry & Meghan v HRH, Women v Not All Men, Trans v Anti Trans. Lockdown v No Lockdown. Vaccinators v Anti Vaxers. There's bloody loads of polarities on twitter and you must pick a side or you'll be called a bloody Centrist. You cannot be middle of the road in this day and age. You have to be a wee bit extremist in one direction to have any credibility at all according to social media.

I write as a man who has experienced both the highs and lows of a polarised brain. The mania and the catatonic depression. I offer the premise from having observed the back and fore of outrageous twitter exchanges that maybe 'everybody' is susceptible to the polarised brain. Has this extended period of lockdown encouraged an introspection that taps into black and white thinking? There's another one, BLM v All Lives Matter.

It seems that Leavers lean towards Anti Vaccination and Anti Mask. They also favour All Lives Matter. They are against being told what to do. They have created a monster out of the EU who weren't really bothering anybody and now everyone and everything is a bogey man.

The problem with a polarised brain is that it is prone to paranoia. The Leaving Anti Vaxxers are quite keen on what Remainer Woke Snowflakes would refer to as Conspiracy Theories. The longer you lock a person down, the more they will fantasise about the invisible body oppressing them for example George Soros and the New World Order.

It is ironic that these who oppose the restrictions on our free movement and free speech veer towards the right of the political spectrum. Left & Right is a symbol of the Polarised Brain. Even the leftiest left winger has a wee conservative little gremlin hiding away in there somewhere and the right of right wingers has a wee Citizen Smith shouting power to the people in his inner ear but unfortunately the people they have in mind is the 1%.

An individual's polarised brain can manifest in government and we see that in yesterday's announcement about nuclear warheads and the threat of international terrorism. The UK will come out of lockdown as a paranoid state. They want to crank up the fear factor after letting us know that blood clots can be a side effect of the Astra Zeneca vaccine. They'll lift the lockdown and there is a good chance that they will instigate another one after a third wave. It will be like a sadist's hokey cokey. We wont know whether to put our right leg in or take our left one out. The policing bill will make it 'unappealing' to protest and Johnson's Tories will sell it to us as "It's for your own good because you don't know what you want" ably assisted by Sir Kieth Starmer of the non opposition. As long as the population are compliant they will stockpile the carrots while beating us continuously over the head with sticks.

The Centre Left & Centre Right have more in common than they would admit and the escapologists from reality namely Fascists & Communists share the commonality of a polarised brain.

We better get used to the idea of a future dystopian dictatorship or we better start de-programming the brainwashing that has been occurring in this country for the last forty years, way before this pandemic lockdown ever started. The virus is Neo-Liberalism and Capitalism.  




Monday, 1 March 2021

Blog Archive

Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

David Williams's favorite books »

Bottom of the Ottoman