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Tuesday, 30 April 2019


The reality and romance of camping have always intrigued me. Often the romance wins out and off you trot and then after a couple of nights of no sleep and basically roughing it you return to four walls and a solid roof in a foul temper. Camping like drugs isn't for everybody. I've done camping, from sleeping out in the small back garden in a canvas bell tent, blue on the inside and orange on the outside. You touched the fabric in the morning and you got soaked. You then gravitated to camping with the cub scouts in tents that had last been used in the Boar War, big fuck off turquoise affairs that housed about a hundred. Then as you got older you forgot how little sleep you got and you purchased the micro tents, the throw up tents, the ultra lightweight wild camping with go faster guy ropes and ultimately it was all futile. Camping just reminds me of being grumpy, permanently grumpy. More grumpy than when I am in a house which is really saying something because it seems to be a constant at the moment. Camping is an addiction because even now as a 53 year old grumpy middle aged male I still think of the kit I have up in the attic and yearn for a space where I can pitch my tent and just look at the stars or the roof of the tent listening to the noises outside. There is something about being in a tent that makes every noise into a bear or a psychopath. You cross your legs, not daring to go out for a pee just in case you bump into that psychopathic bear.  You want to make a fire but are scared of setting the forest on fire, you set up your little camping stove for a brew and the matches or the gas runs out. You eat beans out of a mess tin and then think why the fuck did I just do that? You wave and acknowledge other campers but don't get any further because you don't want them to know that you are an absolute incompetent. You pack up your stuff after two or three days, I've never gone longer than that and then you head home and think what the hell was that all about. Was it worth all the effort. The twinges in your back, the smell from not braving the communal shower block, the hunger, the lack of sleep. I hate camping, I love camping. When are we going again?  

Friday, 26 April 2019

Cheer up, it might never happen

The World is angry and stressed says this article on the BBC website. Well no shit Sherlock. After Christchurch and Sri Lanka the World is angry and stressed. Well you do surprise me.  I'm always a wee bit sceptical about these polls, they never seem to interview enough people. In this one the telling words are these

"Of some 150,000 people interviewed in over 140 countries, a third said they suffered stress, while at least one in five experienced sadness or anger."

Of some 150,000 people in over 140 countries. Doesn't sound too accurate does it? That's an average of 1,071 peeps in each country. 

The Top 5 Countries with Highest Positive Experiences are Spanish Speaking and in Latin America. The Top 5 Countries with Highest Negative Experiences have either been ravaged by War or Civil War. Did they interview people in Palestine or the Gaza Strip I wonder. Syria? I can't imagine that they would have many positive experiences.

Greece had the most stressed population in the world with 59% saying they experienced stress on the day before the poll. 

"The concept of a democratic society, such as the one our country enjoys today, began in the Greek capital some 8,000 years ago. The city of Athens is sometimes referred to as the cradle of Western civilization." from the New York Post which is interesting because around 55% of US adults said they were stressed.

I haven't downloaded the Gallup Report which you can do here  for two reasons. I don't want my information processed, transferred and possibly stored on servers that reside in the United States and I don't really care about other peoples' happiness. I only care about my own.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Eyes Down for a Full House Cont!

One little duck
You don't give a fuck?
I'll give you two fat ladies
you sizeist git.
Unlucky for some anaye
eich bod wedi gwahardd y Gymraeg.
You still think that Wales is part of the Empire?
What gave you that idea?
Oh the big fuck off Castell facing you
Oh I see where you get your vision from
but you do realise that within those walls
are guerrilla warriors who will speak Cymraeg
until their dying day, whatever you may say.
You don't want to see my legs 11
it won't be your lucky 7
No 85, we're staying alive
doesn't matter how ineffectual the law is.
Hang on there's a knock at the door
it rhymes with four
It's PC
Number 49

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Trouble in Tregaron

A Ken Frane Mystery
David Williams

Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

“That’s odd” remarked Frane to the Taxi Driver pointing to a candle in the window of the cottage. Dewi the Driver suddenly turned ashen.
“What’s the matter?” said Frane noticing the blood draining from his face,
“Corpse Candle Guv”
“Wossat en?” Frane had reverted to Valleys speak.
“That’ll be £17.50 from Lampeter”
Frane hands the Driver a £20.00 note and waves away the change.
Frane gets out with a suitcase that he confiscated from lost luggage many moons ago.
“So, what’s the corpse candle then?”
Dewi leans over and says “There are many country folks who still believe in the corpse candle as a forewarning of death; it appears in a house and lights the way to a place of burial”

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Keeping the Grave Away

Keeping the grave away
by drinking gravy
how do we deal with mortality?
not very well I'll wager to say
do you think about death as much as me
or do you post positive affirmations for all to see?
I just can't get the images out of my mind
as they lower me into the hole
by a crane, cradling my behind.
head first, wicker basket, splosh
"let's away to tea
did he have much dosh?"
The eulogy read
in the pissing rain
"Unemployed for much of his life
a loony, a nutter, a bum
he was also quite partial to a tot 'bach' of rum
he claimed to be teetotal
but he was a wily old chum
given the right wind and a full tum
he would turn round and call the whole world 'scum' 
he thought he could write
no readers, no reviewers, no friends had he,
So I am surprised today
to see the whole cast of 'Glee' 
We've had to bus in security
and add an extra field
this is more like Glastonbury than a graveyard
was there more to him that met the eye, 
this awkward old card? 
He tried to be kind but
 it was interpreted that he'd lost his mind.
Being soft was a weakness
that got you not far
that's why so many of that sort
ended up propping up the bar.
When you finally realize what the world's all about
you're too old to give it another shout.
So we return his body to the earth
near to the sea
tune in next week
for 'Zombies that surf'

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

Blog Archive

Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

David Williams's favorite books »

Bottom of the Ottoman