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Wednesday, 28 June 2017

The Gogs D'Amour

In Wales, there appear to be many more Gog jokes than there are Hwntw jokes. I've turned one into a meme.
One of the finest and most popular comedies in the Welsh language aired before the advent of S4C 'Fo a Fe' pitted the Father in Laws who had both come to live with their children, against each other. Ryan Davies played the Hwntw 'Twm Twm' and Guto Roberts played the Gog 'Ephraim'. The series was written by two of the finest writers that north Wales has ever produced, Gwenlyn Parry and Rhydderch Jones. I've spelt north with a small n there because I have spotted recently that this is the way that you are meant to write it. I get to write a post like this because as a hybrid hwntw I lived for a decade and some in the Gogledd. Not the happiest of times for me but that had nothing to do with north Wales but more to do with the prison camp of a school which I attended.  As an adult hybrid hwntw, born in Bridgend, raised in north Wales and spending the last thirty years in Kairdiff I realise that most of my adult friends are Gogs! I don't know whether Gogs are offended by the word, not that we bandy it around a lot amongst ourselves. Gogs and Hwntws! Two peoples occupying the same land, sharing the same language but with different accents and words. People different in characteristics as well. As a sly southerner myself I can spot the differences. There appears to be a naivete and innocence about north Walians which when I meet a duplicitous and shifty one blows my generalisation out of the water. You listen to a broad west Walian in Welsh and it sounds as if they are trying to be your friend and pick your pocket at the same time whereas there is a booming friendliness and openness about the north Walian inflection.

"This will not get us closer to a united and independent Wales, if you keep highlighting the differences".    

A beautiful country but one in which the geography frustrates the utopia of independence. The last true prince of Wales is buried under the A470. We know that 'Wastemonster' and the Cardiff Parliament don't want a better transport infrastructure in Wales because then the Gogs and Hwntws would get together and decide on a strategy for Independence and Self  Determination so it really is better for them if we have to travel through Shrewsbury to get to Aberystwyth from Cardiff. A country divided but only united in comedy. As Twm Twm accurately pointed out all those years ago.

"Nefar in Ewrop Gwboi"   

Picture BBC archive

Monday, 26 June 2017

Dead or Alive

It doesn't matter whether you are dead or alive
you can still make a difference to other peoples' lives
It's time to give up being a selfish twat
 your inner pain is hidden under your hat.
you've learnt to hoard and to feed your dog 
but you got rid of him because he didn't eat another.
It really doesn't matter whether you're munching sushi
or you're six foot under.
People, as if you care about them, will just wonder
did this human finally cop on
and drop the meat and skin suit
to play Hallelujah
and high five with the ukulele.
Competition is for c**ts
who go looking for runts
to take advantage of.
We think we're running out of time
but this is a memorial to all the hours you spent
queuing in supermarket dives
filling the pockets of Capitalists who believe in
the new agenda for the few not the many
who can only afford to spend a penny
No it really doesn't matter whether you are dead or alive. 

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Chwarae gwleidyddiaeth bleidiol

Mae'r Ffrinj Nuttar a Physgotwr Siarcod sydd yn digwydd bod yr un person wedi sylwi fod yna sylwadau a thrydarai dirmygus tuag at Jeremy Corbyn yn dod oddiwrth Cenedlaetholwyr Cymraeg. Ar un ystyr digon dealladwy, mae Llafur yn gelyn i hunaniaeth Cymraeg ond yn bersonol dwi meddwl fasa na mwy o gyfle trafod 'home rule' gyda Corbyn na sydd gynnon ni gyda the Conservative and Unionist Party of Great Britain. Rhyfedd ydy'r sefyllfa yma yn y Gogledd ble mae Gareth Jones wedi gadael Plaid Cymru oherwydd y 'Party Line' o beidio gweithio gyda Cheidwadwyr. Eto dealladwy yn nhermau ideoleg oherwydd mae cenedlaetholwyr a sosialwyr yn cofio 'Teirnasiaeth Thatcher' fel tasa fo ddoe ac rydym siŵr o fod ddim yn y meddwl iawn i fod yn oddefgar tuag atyn nhw ond ar ddiwedd y dydd, dim chwarae gwleidyddiaeth bleidiol ddylwn ni fod yn gwneud. Meddwl am y ffordd orau i gynnig gwasanaeth i bobol Cymru? Mae rhan fwyaf o bobol ddim yn aelodau o bleidiau gwleidyddol ond mae gennym ni'r sefyllfa chwerthinllyd bob pum mlynedd ble mae'r pleidiau yn disgwyl i ni ei ddewis nhw mewn rhyw gystadleuaeth 'Pick the least worst'. Faint sy'n darllen y Maniffestos? Faint sydd yn pleidleisio allan o draddodiad a theyrngarwch? Faint sydd yn pleidleisio oherwydd  'I'm all right Jack'? Eithaf tipyn o'r olaf fel arfer ond roedd o'n ddigon amlwg o ganlyniadau'r etholiad cyffredinol diwethaf fod 'na ddim gymaint o Jacks yn iawn. Mae UKIP ar Toris yn mynd i golli pleidleisiau yn y blynyddoedd i ddod oherwydd mae pobol gyda thueddiadau hunanol fel yna yn marw. A fydd y pleidleisiau sydd ar ôl yn mynd i'r Blaid Lafur neu i Blaid Cymru yng Nghymru? Yn anffodus y Blaid Lafur Cymraeg dau wynebol fydd yn elwa oherwydd y Corbyn effect. 
Lwcus i bawb arall fy mod i yn Ffrinj Nuttar oherwydd dwi'n meddwl y ffordd ymlaen ydy sicrhau llywodraeth Corbyn yn Llundain, wedyn weriniaeth Brydeinig ac wedyn Cymru Rydd. Dwi ddim yn gweld sut fydd Cymru yn gallu fod yn annibynnol gyda'r frenhiniaeth ag y system dosbarth yn ei anterth yn Westminster. Mae o fel pisio yn y gwynt, felli rhywbryd fydd rhaid bod rhyw fath o gydweithio yn rhywle. Ble a rhwng pwy? Watch this space pop pickers.  

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Yr hebog dau wynebol

Fi ydy'r hebog dau wynebol sydd yn eistedd ar y ffens
Fasa ymddygiad o unrhyw fath arall ddim yn gwneud lot o sens
Oherwydd dwi di weld y byd yn troi am hanner canrif
A phobol yn gwneud yr un hen lol a gabol
Ni ydy'r broblem a wyddoch yn iawn,
a beth bynnag mae'r llyfr ac ysgrythur fawr yn deud
Mae 'love conquers all' wedi troi yn ormod i ddweud
Efallai derbyn y diwedd mae rhaid i ni wneud,
oherwydd mae'r ffordd yma o fyw yn 'unsustainable' cyw
Hoffwn roi'r atebion ger eich bron
Ond dwi di sefyll yn nol gymaint dwi bron yn ffŵl stop
Mae beth gen i i ddeud ddim yn lot o gop.
Mae fy Nghymraeg wedi troi'n Wenglish
Mae fy tax affairs yn Spanish
Dwi ddim yn siŵr bellach be dir gwahaniaeth
rhwng Yes a No Wales
Mae un yn cynnig gobaith, mae'r llall yn cynnig fails
Hammered gan y Toris/Llafur yn deud fod jobs yn bwysicach na'n enaid
Mae nhw'n wrong, maen nhw'n wrong, maen nhw'n wrong dwi'n affraid.
So 'Back to School' i'r hen ffŵl yma
Mi fydd rhaid i mi ddysgu gweithredu
Os dwi am i Gymru para.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps
Get on your bike and look for work
A helping hand not a handout
B.b.but my tower block just burnt down 
"There's no magic money tree"
Yes there is, you've just promised 5 million pounds
Where did that come from?
 if not from the sapling of unlimited currency
"mighty oaks from little acorns grow"
It might as well have been built of wood
You'd have built it out of the cheapest material if you could
Oh you did!
You want us to carry on and know our place
to follow your homespun folklore 
To bow to queen and country
and to respect authority.
We cannot listen to your bull shit anymore
You've even forgotten what it's for
We take to the streets and you call us a mob
the women and children too tired to sob.
On Father's Day you must find a way
to make society fairer
or we'll have to do it fer yer! 

The Express mek me a Distress

The Express mek me a distress
It as sad as a white middle age rapper
Ya cant call this a papyr 
Dis tabloid it has got a form
Criticised by Royalty in 1962
it now gone full circle
and cleaning Buck House loos
wid its tongue
Dem Royal Borough dis
Dem Royal Borough dat
She a com down post haste
cos she know dat ash leave a taste
She wanting to trooping her colour
Her Empire is a losing its people
through tragedy and terrorism
It was never no common wealth
It was common poverty for dem dat shared
de stealth of Royalty.
Dem have to cut down trees for dis paper
Propaganda of Beaverbrook and Desmond
Titillation for de middle class asses
who stand around in coat tails and dresses
in garden parties.
People in Tower Blocks don't have de luxury
of gardens only boxes
which dem now lie in
cos de tabloids dem continue a lying.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Tower Blocks & Welsh Parliaments

The public housing projects influenced by his ideas have also been criticized for isolating poor communities in monolithic high-rises and breaking the social ties integral to a community's development. One of his most influential detractors has been Jane Jacobs, who delivered a scathing critique of Le Corbusier's urban design theories in her seminal work The Death and Life of Great American Cities.
For some critics, the urbanism of Le Corbusier's was the model for a fascist state. These critics cited Le Corbusier himself when he wrote that "not all citizens could become leaders. The technocratic elite, the industrialists, financiers, engineers, and artists would be located in the city centre, while the workers would be removed to the fringes of the city"

We awake to another tragedy. The day after John Bercow was flounced to his perch above the House of Commons to be congratulated by Theresa May on his landslide victory. The night she attends a football match in France and is feted by the French fans united with England in its recent terrorist attacks. Le Corbusier was a French architect who designed monolithic high rise blocks.  No blame attached from this blogger to the above mentioned but once again an example of social injustice. People should not be living in high rise blocks like sardines raised to the sky especially when safety concerns had been raised about this particular block in the past. The UK is being hit by tragedy after tragedy and the trajectory of democracy stops for only a few days for platitudes and the shaking of heads. Really, all Parliamentarians should be taken to the sites of tragedies and told to inhale the smoke, the gun smoke and feel the blood and detritus. Instead they hide behind security and sacrifice an unarmed copper for their safety and pay tribute to him at the state opening of parliament. They were desperate for us to vote for them and then they become the untouchables until they are assassinated by the alienated. 
"We cannot let them change our way of life"
"Shut the F**K Up because our way of life needs to change"
We are a profoundly sick society if we now proceed like a bowling ball waiting for the next defenceless pins to be knocked down. Time will tell if ISIL (Irony & Bad Taste Alert) actually claim responsibility for Grenfell Tower because they want to see people dead but who will claim responsibility for changing the name of the Assembly to the Welsh Parliament. It sounds grand but the name should be 'Senedd' one word like the Irish Dáil Éireann. Ok that's two words. It should also be in Machynlleth or Aberystwyth. If S4C can relocate to Carmarthen then our elected egotists on £60,000 a year  can codi pac and reach out to the rest of Wales. If Andrew RT Davies wants it changed to Welsh Parliament then return the Welsh Parliament to its original location, Machynlleth, the Mid Wales town could do with some investment and profile raising after the horrors of recent years. This blog will be read by the curious and bored and then ignored and nobody will do anything. We will all carry on as before because as Del Amitiri sang 'Nothing Ever Happens' apart from human tragedies.    

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Paul Nuttall: My Part in his Downfall

I like to think that I played a small part in the toppling of former Leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, one Paul Xavier Nuttall. As a lookalike doppelganger I began my onslaught a month ago on a windy, windswept Skegness beachfront.

Paul Nuttall from David Williams on Vimeo.

I then purchased a 'Kiss me Quick' purple porkpie hat from a seaside store run by an illegal immigrant in full face veil. My merciless goading continued here

Where did you get that hat? from David Williams on Vimeo.

The Coup de grâce

was when I brought my George Formby Banjolele out and administered the killer blow with a rusty rendition of the seaside favourite 'Wangle me Dangle'.

Paul Nuttall sings Wangle me Dangle from David Williams on Vimeo.


Thursday, 8 June 2017

We've got to put aside the old tribal politics.

We can overturn our unfair electoral system and build a progressive majority
We've got to put aside the old tribal politics.

I do despair. I just read this and it makes sense of course not to go into a hung parliament or coalition with the Tories not that they would offer anyway but "Os 'dyn ni'n parhau i bleidleisio Llafur fel 'dyn ni wedi am y 100 mlynedd diwethaf fydd dim byd yn newid"  If as you claim that Wales or rather the South Wales Coalfield, Anglesey and North East Wales have voted Labour for the last 100 years would it not make sense to go into coalition with yewer friends the SNP, the Greens and Socialist Labour, Corbyn Labour. I hope this isn't playing tit for tat! Sturgeon has said she would go into coalition and they have 54 seats and you have 3 at the time of writing. Corbyn has said that he wouldn't entertain a coalition but is it because you do not want to play ball with the Liberal Democrats? your arch enemies in Ceredigion and because Kirsty Williams was the pivotal member of the Assembly not to support you in your bid to become First Minister. A Progressive Alliance across the United Kingdom at a time of heightened tensions with Islamic State or a tribal grouping in Westminster hoping for crumbs off the table. You are meant to be the Welsh Nationalist Party but whatever the result tonight, the campaigning for such will be left to Yes Cymru.  the cross party group. I have voted for you this time in Cardiff South and Penarth ostensibly because the incumbent Labour MP is anti-Corbyn. You have said yourself in an interview that the man you would most like to have a pint with is Jeremy Corbyn. Is it because in Westminster you might have to co-operate with the people you are opposing in the Welsh Assembly? Leave Carwyn and his cronies in the Senedd and fight for a strong Wales in coalition with the Progressive Alliance for otherwise your shield will not be strong enough to withstand the regressive alliance of the Conservatives and DUP.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Torïaid a Therfysgwyr

                                        Twll Din I'r Toris from David Williams on Vimeo.

Well lats mae ein bywydau wedi cael ei domineiddio yn ddiweddar gan Doriaid a Therfysgwyr. Ond fydd o gyd drosodd dydd Iau i un ohonyn nhw obeithio. Fydd y terfysgwyr gyda ni am byth tan i ni ddysgu sut i fod yn ddiymhongar, ni yn y Gorllewin gwyn. I ni yn Gymru wedi bod yn ddiymhongar am ganrifoedd ond dyw'r sefydliad Prydeinig ddim wedi bygwth ni gyda dienyddio, well ddim eto beth bynnag. Mae'r Torïaid wedi bod yn cyhwfan drosom ni fel cwmwl du dros Rhostrehwfa ers 1979. Roedd Tony Blair yn Llafur yn enw yn unig. Tori oedd o! Siŵr eich bod yn ddigon hen i weld beth sydd wedi arwain i hwn i gyd? Hunan-dyb, balchder, meddylfryd yr ymerodraeth ac yn anffodus rydym ni yn Gymru fach wedi cael ein sugno mewn i'r holl bell. Mae 'na Feseia ar y gorwel sef JC, ie Jeremy Corbyn ei hun sydd wedi cael 30 mlynedd o brofiad o astudio'r creaduriaid ymffrostgar yma. Os gawn ni'r Torïaid allan dim ond y terfysgwyr fydd ar ôl wedyn i ddelio gyda nhw a faswn ni yn tybio na ymateb mwy cymodol gan lywodraeth fwy teg i bawb fydd yn dwyn ffrwyth yn y pen draw ond pwy a ŵyr "Dydym ddim yn gallu trafod gyda therfysgwyr" ydy mantra y sefydliad erioed ond hwnna oddiwrth ochor oedd wastad yn meddwl na nhw oedd yn iawn. Pam fod gyda chi dwy ochor sydd yn edrych i Dduw am arweinyddiaeth rydym yn sicr i fod mewn cawdel go iawn, cawdel sydd yn rhoi capelwyr bach mewn penbleth. Beth yn union rydym yn addoli a chanu amdano ar y Sul? Newydd weld gair yn y Geiriadur Mawr yn fan hyn 'Cecsyth' (a) adjective sef Arrogant. Tybed a ydy hwn yn dod o Geg Syth sef Straight Mouth neu Straight Talker? Rhyfedd sut rydym yn dehongli hwnna fel arrogance yn de. Efallai gair o'r capel ydy o am rywun sydd yn deud o fel mae yn ei weld o. Dim digon o rheina o gwmpas erbyn hyn ac oes maen nhw o gwmpas ond dydyn nhw ddim mewn safle pwerus. Cadw pawb yn hapus ydy'r nod a neb yn hapus yn y pen draw. Ble bynnag wnewch chi roi eich croes dydd Iau dychmygwch o fel croes yr Iesu. Mi wnaeth rhywun aberth drosom ni i gael yr hawl i wneud hyn. The bullet or the ballot box. Chi fydd rhaid penderfynu.  

Monday, 5 June 2017

Barking Mad

Barking Mad

A Poem

"We can't let them change our way of life"
"Enough is enough"
"Business as usual"
"If we change the way we do things and stop going out then the terrorists have won".
The terrorists have won already you arrogant, decadent prick.
You are part of the Western White Empire which is about to fall.
It might take another 20 to 50 years but fall it will
because we have no stomach for a fight
because our stomachs are too full of  2 for 1 offers.
get out of your Chelsea Tractor
and start praying you secular, atheist ignorant klutz.
They will win because they believe in a God
and they are willing to die for their deity
You however continue to go out 
and worship Bread & Circus
because you have no imagination. 
You are spiritually dead.
If you don't believe me look into the
eyes of those in the Christmas queues.
Defend your way of life....
Go on I fucking dare you!
Your 9-5
your 2.5
Nuclear Family?
We could of course nuke Islamic State
with Tony Blair flying a modern day
Enola Gay 
but only cowards fight this way?

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Nazi Propaganda Part 2

One must encourage dearest Mama to do another crossword because whilst she sneaks away with the magazine, I have to use cooking tongs to turn over the pages of the Nazi influenced tabloid, the Sunday Express. The Conservatives and the snake like Cobra might have called a truce in the electioneering today but their mouthpieces have not.

It is quite obvious that Socialists will destroy us all after next Thursday just like the Tories and their bed mates New Labour have destroyed us since 1979. It is interesting that it is not Labour that Desmond's Express are attacking but Jeremy Corbyn. Blairite Labour sits comfortably with this editorial policy as do moderate muslims. Anything that does not threaten Capitalism, the Free Market and making money for those that are sitting on their pension pots like ticking time bombs.

After World War 2 the people of the Dis-United Kingdom voted for a Socialist Labour administration under Clement Attlee. After attack after terrorist attack with an enemy that doesn't have a short moustache and funny walk, perhaps the sheeple will wake up and realise that it is only a Community Spirit that can meet this divisive campaign of hate from adherents of the Islamic State and the Conservative Party. There were crusaders on London Bridge last night but they were the Police and Emergency Services. 

Friday, 2 June 2017

Cardiff Dark


#UrbanNoir #WelshNoir #Fiction #ShortStory 

"We are going back a bit now mind, you're asking me to trawl my memory to what, 1958 maybe 59?"
A nod from the other side of the table. "Well I better have another pint then, oil the wheels a bit"
Instead of fetching the drink, Macey's companion throws a £2 coin on to the table. 
"I'll keep the change shall I? This isn't a Witherspoons you know" 
Arthur Macey by now well into his late 70s shuffles over to the bar. He had been a dancer in his day. Born in 1935, he was 23, 24 by the end of the 1950s. He stood at the bar with the huge television showing pictures of the General Election and his mind went back to the last proper government the country had had. He always touched the statue of Aneurin Bevan on his way home but perhaps tonight he would do a laying on of hands to make sure that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour got in! If Jezza won on June 8th then he'd try the jitterbug one more time and if that meant he ended up in the Heath Hospital then so be it. The bar maid smiled a half smile and gave Arthur his pint of what they now called black! Arthur knew why it was only a half smile and a look of fear because Arthur Macey had spent half of the time since 1958 in prison. Bad boy Macey had become a Teddy Boy with a bicycle chain in the 1960s and even though the London of the Krays was more familiar, Cardiff had its very own underground and underworld. It was his reputation and it was what brought these guys round to speak to him every so often. They were either hacks looking to dig up old stories or they were modern criminals, gangsters and gang members looking to pick up a few tips. A lot of them were tight wads as well! He should stop talking but it was company and it brought him out of the sheltered housing. He might be in his late seventies but Arthur Macey swam and that is what kept him relatively fit. His legs might be a bit shakey now but his upper body was strong, strong enough to squeeze the life out of a man and if he came across the right man or wrong man he would do it! 
"So what did you say your name was again?"
"I didn't"
"Course you didn't, so why should I talk to you?"
"Just bought you a pint haven't I?"
"I can't be specific you know, it was a very long time ago"
" Just a bit of general will do"
" The area around the bottom of Churchill Way you said, where the Guildford Baths used to be?"
No name nods his head again. 
"I could see it from the prison cell window"
"You saw a murder from your cell?"
"I didn't know that at the time"
"It was a fracas"
"A man died?"
"Apparently so"
"It was my Grandfather"
"They never got anyone for it"
"Don't keep saying so as if it doesn't matter!"
"It doesn't matter to me"
" You witnessed it"
"It was dark and it was late, I was smoking and looking out of the cell window"
"You could see over the walls?"
"You could in those days"
"What did you see?"
"A scuffle, a fight, it was a Saturday night, it happened all the time, that's why I was in prison"
"You killed a man?"
"No comment"
"Nothing you can tell me then?"
"Only that I witnessed your Grandad's murder, why do you want to find out?"
"Because it affected my Dad....badly. He was only 5."
"And because of that, it affected you?"
"Why don't you use crutches or a walker?"
"I'm not that bad.....You been inside?"
No name shakes his head.
"They sent me to Dartmoor, to separate me from my associates you know, I used to run the show from my prison cell" 
Arthur reaches over and grabs no name by his collar. 
"This talking is thirsty work and this time you can go and fetch me a pint and if you want to know any more bring me a packet of pork scratchings as well"
No name looks visibly shaken. His cockiness has taken a hit.
On his return to the table he extends his arm in greeting, "Sorry about that earlier, I'm Leon"
Arthur decides to continue with his game of elderly intimidation and does not shake Leon's hand.
" Your Dad is Jasper Todd from Grangetown?"
"Yes that's him"
"So your Grandad's name was....."
"Walter Todd, well stone me, is that who I saw?"
"You knew him?"
"I'd met him.....so I met the man who I saw from my cell, well, well."
"Was he in your gang?"
"He had been"
The area around the two had filled up with bodies and Arthur and Leon were forced to talk louder.
"So you got your own gang then Leon?"
"Kind of!"
"Well you wont learn anything from me, it's all changed. I was small fry compared to what's happening today."
"Yeah I know dat, but it all started with you and my Grandad"
"We were younger but what people don't realise is that men had come home from the war as trained killers. Some of them, their heads had proper gone. They'd killed for fun for King and Country and it was pretty boring for them coming back to safe and regular jobs."
Arthur noticed some people looking over and listening in to the conversation.
"It seems like another age, well it was. If you're a drug dealer you can eff off now. We never did any of that. It ruined peoples lives. I remember the weed and the khat down the Docks, harmless stuff but when I got out of nick, cocaine had come in and that changed people. Changed their personalities and the community"
Leon looks a bit sheepish.
"What I remember of Walter, he'd be ashamed Leon. It was beer and fags and breaking into warehouses down the dock but we wouldn't deal. It was just passed on for a fair price."
"I want to find out who killed my grandfather"
"Good chance he's dead now"
"Don't care, I want a name, I need a name"
"I got lots of names in my head but I'd be guessing. Is Jasper still alive?"
Leon looks glum.
"Just about, alcoholic"
"You can hold your drink?"
Arthur hadn't seen Jasper Todd come into the bar. He sat down beside Arthur who was now in a Todd sandwich.
"You're not going home to your warden and cup of cocoa until you give us a few names Macey"
"Blimey Jasper, last person to call me Macey was a screw from Dartmoor"
"You know who killed my Dad?"
"Why are you still bothering? It wont bring him back." 
"It will bring a bit of closure for me and Leon"
"Can I get you a drink Jasper, Leon tells me you're an alcoholic"
Jasper looks at his boy who looks crest fallen.
"I like a drink...but I'm not having one tonight. I'm staying sober to go through a few names with you."
"Why have you left it this long? You could have found me years ago and I might have remembered properly!"
"Who was in your gang? Hugh Lane, Spike Watts, Ken Harper. Which one of them was it?"
"I couldn't see that far. It was getting late as I told your boy here. Ken Harper was in with me at the time so it wasn't him"
"I was only 5 and one of your gang killed him...on your orders"
"Hey hold up Jasper, you can't go around accusing me"
Leon pipes up, "You said earlier that you used to run the show from your prison cell"
Jasper continues "We found Hugh Lane and he told us that you sanctioned the killing"
"Hugh Lane? Is he still alive?"
"He said that you wanted to witness the killing from your cell so they arranged to meet Walter where Churchill Way is now"
"He must have dementia now Hugh, he's rambling"
"It was Watts that killed my father and you paid him"
Leon moves in closer on Arthur Macey 
"It's been nice talking to you fellas but my cocoa and my warden await"
"I want to know why, why did you have my Dad killed?"
"Sorry Jasper, sorry Leon but I must be going now, I got to touch the statue of Aneurin Bevan for good luck before I get home"
Arthur spots his chance and notices a group of people near the table. He shouts at one and says "Excuse me could you give me a hand up son, these guys are about to give me a bit of trouble and I have to get going". 
He makes sure that he shouts and that the CCTV has picked them all out. 
Jasper Todd moves sideways and is aware of the attention that Macey has caused. He looks at Leon and he gets up and leaves.
Arthur gets up and makes his way to the bar where he hands the half smiling bar maid a note. Just before he exits Jasper Todd shouts at the top of his voice
"Arthur Macey You are a Murderer"
Arthur makes sure to touch the Bevan statue at the top of Queen Street and mutters 'Nice One Nye'. He crosses to the Castle to make his way up North Road. He passes the large ornate gates to Bute Park and looks down.
In the morning the bodies of Leon and Jasper Todd are discovered in the Taff feeder near to the Welsh College of Music and Drama.  


Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

David Williams's favorite books »

Bottom of the Ottoman