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Sunday, 30 April 2017

Nationality Amnesty

We need a Nationality Amnesty! I am prepared to turn up at Cardiff Central Police Station and hand over my 'Welshness' but only if my lookalike and stunt double Paul Nuttall agrees to do the same thing. We've had America First, North Korea First, Turkey First so it's not surprising that we have Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders. Big beasts of countries influencing the little fellas. You can hardly call France small but it has certainly been 'diminished' in recent years. Nationality or allegiance to a National Flag is a problem in so far that it binds us and blinds us to something else that we need an amnesty for. That no good religion. What we are witnessing is a Tsunami of Religious Fundamentalism spinning a trail of discordant Nationalisms in its wake. We have forgotten that we are Global Citizens, children of the International Community. Saying things like that could get you locked up now because we are so wrapped up in our National Flags or our Class Flags. We have a choice on June 8th between the Conservative and Unionist Party of Grande Bretagne and the Working Class Labour Party or we could plump for one of the isms. The Nationalism of Plaid Cymru, the SNP or Sinn Fein or of course we could opt for the sandle wearing utopia of the Liberal Democrats or the Green Party. That much used epithet "What planet are you on"? Well obviously not the same one as you if you even have to ask that question. Last night, British Nationalist, Anti-European Union personage Nigel Farage was regaling an audience with the story of his life so far in Norfolk. He's only 53, you'd think that he was at the beaches of Dunkirk or leading the charge of the Light Brigade...hang on...! Further up the Coast, his love child Nuttall of Bootle will be standing in Boston and Skegness because they had the highest percentage of Brexiteers or Racists in the European Referendum last year, whichever way you wish to spin it. The general populace are either too busy providing for their families or other such distractions to realise that this Sceptic Isle, that this Perfidious Albion has descended into chaos. We have become passive consumers of terror tuning in to BBC News 24 to witness the latest scenes of alienation from Central London.
The question I suppose I am asking in this post is
"Do we have to become our national tribes again to be able to appreciate that we do live on the same finite planet"?   


Thursday, 27 April 2017

Welsh Column Made in England

If you go down to the shops today you wont be in for a big surprise for every Western Mail that ever there was has 48 pages of God's own language and 2.5 column inches in that heathen language 'Cymraeg'. I might have got those two descriptors the wrong way around but no matter, a mathematician of very little brain would be able to tell, that the odds are in the favour of Trinity Mirror now printed in Oxford, home to the dreaming spires. The fact that the column is written by the 'Golygydd Cyfarwyddwr' of the Welsh Language's only weekly magazine of note 'Golwg' makes a citizen blogger like myself pause for thought. The Welsh Language Newspaper Y Cymro which has been running since 1932 and at a loss for some time is up for sale and the Welsh speaking and reading public do not know yet what the result of negotiations with Tyndall Newspapers will be. I have always been of the mindset that any kind of Welsh is better than none, I have been known to write in a kind of Wenglish patois on this blog, but am wondering about the epithet 'Any Welsh is better than none' in this context. If you are writing for the Western Mail you are essentially collaborating with a Principality mindset, one that sees Wales as a part of England rather than an Independent Nation State. Whatever the minutiae of history this Shark Fisherman would contend that any country with its own language deserves 'Independent Status' purely for having the gall to carry on in the face of Anglo American dumbing down which is what the Western Mail essentially is. Now I don't know, perhaps there are moves afoot for Golwg to buy out the Cymro which would be a smart move, keep all the Welsh Language content in house rather than collaborating with Trinity Mirror. This Cardiff/Oxford paper has a colour supplement on a Saturday which carries the heading 'Welsh Watch' purporting to tell the proles and trolls about the delicacies lined up on S4C on our behalf and with columnists like myself bemoaning the fate of the language. These guys are in the belly of the beast. I am outside the leviathan poking it with cocktail sticks when I can. These columnists will be receiving payment for their services. I knock out my vitriol for nothing. It is free and ex gratis butt! So 'Welsh Column' and 'Welsh Watch'. They expect us to stand up straight and tall and doff our cap to the 'tirfeddiannwr'  

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Work Camps

I wanted to write another blog post about work and whilst potching about ont internet came across the above picture and page. Canada in the Depression. Many unemployed men and a suspected Communist plot. Not dissimilar to today's situation in the UK. St Theresa of the Roses tells us that this is the most important General Election for 60 years but I don't think that this Government can really call itself right wing or they would have organised a Work Camps Project for all the benefit scroungers in the UK. Instead of these lazy, feckless single people claiming £72.10 in benefit payments, they could be picked up every Monday morning and returned to their hovels on a Friday night. This valuable public purse in exchange for some graft, some hard toil. I haven't worked for 11 years and I needed such a program to give me some discipline and focus. Instead I have been left to my own devices and I have fallen into the trap of becoming creative and writing books of poetry, a wasteful past time that benefits nobody. I could have been picking raspberries or root vegetables.  
I could have been digging for victory.
What does happen to this invisible army that used to fill up the reading rooms at public libraries and now hog all the computers? Why are they being allowed to waste their lives by a totalitarian right wing government? The blue rinse and tank top brigade didn't return David Cameron and his successor St Theresa to subsidize me and my fellow wastrels. I can't believe that I am writing this but I have been allowed to rot because I have shown signs of Mental Illness in English and in Welsh. I am a loony tune and wallgof and the truth is I would now be dead if I had had to carry on in the 9-5, wall to wall work and binge drinking culture so beloved of soulless automata that don't know any better. The trouble is that I am now a drain on the welfare state. I wouldn't know how to set about earning money if you showed me! Well I would but I also would have done a cost benefit equation and realized that the hours and remuneration offered would not satisfy my soul so I would rather volunteer my time at a work camp, Monday-Friday in return for Benefit, instead of wasting everybody's time doing a job search on You Gov for jobs that don't exist. 
I discovered today that Carer's Allowance has gone up 60p a week under this Tory Government and am now conflicted because we have been told that like Canada in the 1930's that Jeremy Corbyn is being sponsored and supported by the Communist Party. People shouldn't be worried about Reds under the Beds anymore because now they have made their way into your beds.    


Thursday, 20 April 2017

A View from the Crow's Nest

a still from Steven Spielberg's 1975 film 'Jaws'

Ahoy shipmates! Day one of electioneering and I think St Theresa of the Roses might just have shot herself in the foot. I can see Corbyn reducing her majority by June 8th and I mean Corbyn, not the Labour Party, not Welsh Labour. His honesty and integrity will have whittled away this right wing, Brexit bullshit. May's heart isn't in it anyway and I think she could come out of this looking rather foolish. 

My hunch is that Jeremy Corbyn could do a Clement Attlee and overturn this Brexit embittered and embattled Britain. A Socialist government under Corbyn could do more for the island's Mental Health than Harry and William putting their heads together because social inequality and poverty cause mental distress. We have been oppressed under this Conservative, UKIP hate mongering for so long we have forgotten what compassion and community are all about. Remember that it was Attlee's Government who introduced the National Health Service and the Welfare State. Those who read this blog are probably of a similar mindset. After Trump and Erdogan and the rise of the Far Right I don't know how anybody can defend Capitalism which when it decays turns into Fascism which we are seeing now across the world.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Kerfuffle y Cockney Cymraeg

She's gone and done it! She's gone and got the Cockney Cymraeg out of retirement. Listen to what he has to say here! Dictionaries Out!

Kerfuffle y Cockney Cymraeg from David Williams on Vimeo.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Gweddi wrth Lafur Gymraeg

         cyn deidiau dosbarth gweithiol glofa de Cymru ag ardaloedd chwareli'r Gogledd, maddewch i mi fel disgynnydd gwerin y wlad ond mae rhaid i mi sgrifennu rhai geiriau ar drothwy etholaethau cyngor 2017 ar Mai'r pedwerydd.
Mae Plaid Lafur Cymru yn fy nhyb i wedi bradychu eich cofiant ag eich aberth
Hain, Howells a Kinnock, dynion y deyrnas unedig
Beth maent wedi gwireddi ar ran pobl Cymru?  
Mae Carwyn a'i blant yn y Senedd wedi bod mor aneffeithiol.
Dydyn nhw ddim yn gyhoeddus yn cefnogi Sosialaeth Corbyn,
y dyn agosach at Attlee ag Aneurin a gewch chi!
Tasech chi yn digwydd rhoi eich croes yn y blwch arferol mi fyddwch wir yn gwireddu'r hen ddywediad am roi'r asyn i mewn eto.
Mae yn glir hyd yn oed i'r Brenin heb ei ddillad fod Llafur Cymru wedi troi mewn i Dorïaid Lloegr.
Mae'r byd yn newid ond dydyn ni ddim.
Os yw Cymru unwaith eto am danseilio Sosialydd mae gyda ni gyd gyfrifoldeb i brofi fod yr hen ddihareb yn gelwydd neu byddwn am ffydd yn cael ei adnabod fel 'y rhai allent ddim ei drystio'.
Y Blaid Lafur dan Corbyn yn iawn ond y Blaid Lafur Cymraeg dan Carwyn ddim.


Wednesday, 12 April 2017

An unpalatable truth

The Shark Fisherman of Wales has kneed the Cockney Cymraeg in the groin and trussed him up with gaffer tape and barricaded him into his lock up. Like Houdini I've got a feeling he will somehow re-appear. Even if this last episode with the Borussia Dortmund team bus is not terrorist related, there has been enough naughtiness recently for a divided Europe and the stranking baby in the white house to sit up and take note. I don't like long winded posts so I will cut to the chase. Unless we change our way of life then we are going to lose this war. "We can't let them stop us going about our daily lives". If we continue with our avaricious greed, wealth accumulation and just good old fashioned capitalism then we are going to lose this guerrilla war against Islamic State. You cannot defend the indefensible and this is what we are continuously trying to do as a society. They are hitting us on our soft underbelly every time. Unarmed Police Officers, Tourists, Shopping Malls, Football Matches, Pop Concerts, Bastille Day Celebrations, Christmas Markets. The only way we are going to compete with them on their own terms is if we turn ourselves into a metaphorical desert. Every symbol of Capitalism will have to go, from Jimmy Choo shoes to Harrods. The only way to stop this carnage is to become what James Baldwin advised   
"This is why the most dangerous creation of any society is that man who has nothing to lose. You do not need ten such men—one will do"

We have to become a people with nothing to lose and I really don't think we can do that and they (Islamic State) know this. Our 24 hour News is like a vampire, sucking up every last ounce of blood and regurgitating it 'ad nauseum' to make sure that we have digested every last piece of graphic detail and allowing our precious little minds to turn what we have seen into prejudice and hate. PC Keith Palmer was not defending a symbol of freedom and democracy, he was guarding an opulent symbol of an unequal society and the tourists that were murdered were voyeurs of this facade. To know that this is an unpalatable truth one only needed to observe the Royal Family trotted out at Westminster Abbey two weeks later. Why was PC Palmer wearing the same uniform as Dixon of Dock Green? He had been left unprotected by a state and city on the highest state of terrorist alert which actually means nothing in practice! You just can't stop these lone wolves!? or can you? 
Can a compassionate society actually stop individual human souls from becoming alienated?  A compassionate society might be able to but a competitive, dog eat dog society? Impossible.  
So are you ready to lose everything to fight the shadows of the desert? or are you hoping that you will die a natural death before they take over? Your 'spoilt' children will then have to deal with the fall out!

Friday, 7 April 2017


Diddorol di'r gair diniwed. Lori yn taro pobol ddiniwed yn Stockholm. Pwy all dweud gyda llaw ar ei galon ei fod nhw yn ddiniwed? Dwi bendant ddim yn ddiniwed. Dwi'n real hen infidel chi! Bob crefydd dan haul yn deud ein bod yn bechaduriaid. Allwn ni ddim yn galw ein hun yn ddiniwed yn fy marn i os ydym yn cymryd rhan mewn cymdeithas gyfalafol. Os ydym yn prynu nwyddau chep mae rhywun yn rhywle yn dioddef. Mi es i i Stockholm unwaith, ar awyren Ryan Air gyda dwy Sbaenes, un o wlad y Basque ar llall o Zaragosa. Hedfan o Stansted. Mi gerddon ni am filltiroedd, dipyn o ddinas ag mi wnaethon ni aros y noson ar gwch yn harbwr oedd hefyd yn hostel. Cymryd mantais o brisiau chep am benwythnos i ffwrdd.
Rydym mewn rhyfel gyda lone wolves yr Islamic State yn Ewrop ac mae Trump newydd agor y Jinn o flwch yn Syria. Mae geiriau 'Evil' yn cael ei ddefnyddio. Dwi ddim yn credu yn y gair! Dwi ddim yn credu fod yna fath beth ag 'Evil'.
Subjective Statement ofergoelus ydy 'evil'. Rydym ni yn y Gorllewin wedi cael ein llusgo gan y rhethreg gwrth ffoaduriaid a mewnfudwyr gan Farage a'i debyg. Dwi'n meddwl fod ni rŵan fel Ewrop rhanedig ar fin cyfnod efallai fydd yn cael ei gofio fel 'The Age of Hysteria' Duw a ŵyr pa effaith mae'r digwyddiadau terfysgol yma yn cael ar isymwybod bobol fregus. Pobol sydd ddim wedi torri eto, torri yn ysbrydol. Rhag ofn i chi meddwl fy mod i yn dangos rhyw fath o 'Stockholm Syndrome' yn fan hyn, dwi'n meddwl fod o'n bwysig i ddeall "pam fod pobol yn cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau terfysgol?" Mae 'critical mass' y Gorllewin wedi cael braw. Yr hen ddywediad 'One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter'. Dydy o erioed wedi bod mor briodol ers dyddiau yr IRA. Dwi'n anghytuno gyda rheina sydd yn deud "rydym wedi gweld hyn o blaen". Doedd yr IRA ddim yn dieneidio pobol, ddim yn gyhoeddus beth bynnag a ddim ar You Tube. Gan feddwl, mi wnaethon nhw bombio Canary Wharf yn Ninas Llundain ag hefyd yr Arndale Centre ym Manceinion. Dwi'n dechrau meddwl fod milwyr jihad yn defnyddio arfau cyfalafiaeth ar bwrpas. Mae defnyddio loriau, y 'blunt instruments' yma sydd fel arfer yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gario nwyddau nawr yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ladd pobol. Maen nhw yn ddigwyddiadau symbolaidd fel oedd llofruddiaeth y Gweinidog Catholig yn Normandy  flwyddyn yn ôl. Yr attack yn Nice ar Bastille Day, yr ymosodiad ym Mharis ac ym Merlin just cyn y Dolig. Digon hawdd fydd hwn yn parhau yn ddiddiwedd ac yr unig ateb allai weld ydy peidiwch ag reportio fo. Mae 24hour news Rupert Murdoch ar BBC yn gwneud gwaith propaganda'r Islamic State drostyn nhw. Peidiwch â dangos yr erchyllterau! Byddwch fel estrys! Anwybyddwch y ffaith fod y byd yn mynd ben iddi. Allwn ni fel unigolion diniwed gwneud dim am y peth. Waeth i ni jest cario mlaen i fwynhau ein hunan yn y byd cyfalafol sydd ohoni.      

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Twyll & Sarhad

Yr Awdur Dysgwr Dreifio o Lundain from David Williams on Vimeo.

Fel dipyn bach o homage i'r Artist Taxi Driver dyma fi'r Pysgotwr Siarcod yn gwneud video bach yn fy Nghymraeg wide boy cockney yn lladd ar Senedd Cymru am ganiatáu i Aelodau gadael ei Phleidiau ac i fynd yn Annibynnol neu i eistedd a phleidleisio gyda grŵp arall o fewn y Cynulliad. Sut all hwn fod yn sefyllfa gyfreithlon a chyfansoddiadol? Faint o ganran o bobol oedd wedi pleidleisio i Gill, Elis-Thomas a Reckless a oedd wedi pleidleisio i'r blaid roeddent yn sefyll drosto. Er mor gas dwi'n teimlo dros genedlaetholdeb Prydeinig mae rhaid parchu hawl yr unigolion i bleidleisio dros y clowns yma sef UKIP. Mae o'n saff i ddeud tase Gill, Elis-Thomas a Reckless wedi sefyll yn etholiad blwyddyn ddiwethaf ar docyn annibynnol fysent wedi dod yn olaf yn y pôl oherwydd does 'na ddim traddodiad yn y Cynulliad beth bynnag o sefyll yn annibynnol. Mae'r creaduriaid yma wedi twyllo ei etholaethau ac mae'n edrych fod 'na ddim byd all ein llywodraeth genedlaethol gwneud am y peth. Mae hwn yn warthus ac yn dwyn sarhad ar ddemocratiaeth. Gwnewch rywbeth am y twyllo yma er mwyn Duw!

Going into town

"Hello Mrs Brown
I'm going into town
what for?
don't know
kill some time
mooch around
art gallery
coffee shop
no reason
spend the money
should be earning really
but you know how it is!
How is the head?
full of dread 
If I think about it long enough
I could talk myself out of
going into town
I usually just look down
don't like to stare
to see their soul bare
they're not aware 
that I can see them.
no connection
we all eat and shit and shop the same way
but our ages give it away
the young fear the old unless its Grandma
text talking the old dear out of her fear
of going out at night.
Loners & Stoners
on public computers
have lost all idea about making money
life is grubby but sunny
when you shed responsibility
got to do my duty
of looking for shitty work
to get my £72.00 from 
the Queen & the Country
who couldn't care less if I died.
One less benefit scrounger for
the public purse to look after
Mrs Brown do not frown
You voted in your full blown Brexit gown."

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Leave Livingstone Alone

This is turning into a witch hunt! If you are not Jewish, a Zionist or related to Adolf Hitler then back off. Those attacking Red Ken are doing so because they know that he is an effective ally of Jeremy Corbyn, the only man who can bring down the cancerous Political Establishment. I don't give a flying fuck what he said and why should you? He was a great Mayor of London. Two men who could go on a diet, Tubby Watson & Carwyn the Clown are using Ken Livingstone as a scapegoat. They want to look hard a month before the Council elections. They don't care what he said. He is friend to Corbyn who is an enemy of Blairite Labour. If he was a Holocaust denier I could understand the brouhaha but another years suspension is not enough for the vampires. They want blood. Why not turn your ire against the descendants of  the Balfour Declaration. This is reminding me of the hounding of Militant Labour in Liverpool by Neil Kinnock and his Labour Party. Anything and anybody that smacks of socialism, that learnt behaviour that goes against the grain of the innate selfishness and greed of the human condition writ large under the mainstream Labour Party. They blame their leader for not standing up to the Conservatives but they would rather turn on him and Ken Livingstone than fight the Tories. Why? because people don't like to fight with their own. The Conservative & Unionist Party of Great Britain have moved to the centre ground and Tubby Watson, Hilary Benn, Alan Johnson et all want to meet them in the middle of the Houses of Parliament and do a tea dance while Rome (Syria) burns. Today, the Royals are trotted out into Westminster Abbey to pay homage to the victims of an alienated British born and bred Islamic convert who attacked 'innocent' people on Westminster Bridge two weeks ago. Smoke & Mirrors, Smoke & Mirrors, Smoke & Mirrors. British Jingoism writ large. Socialism, Equality and Justice are just not the British Way old boy. It's dog eat dog Anglo American Capitalism, Monarchy and the Class system.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Putting the Fin back into Politics

Plaid Siarcod Cymru

The Shark Party of Wales

Putting the Fin back into Politics

The next National Assembly for Wales election is due to be held on Thursday 6th May 2021. If I live that long, this old shark will be 55 years of age. Just the right dotage to be sat in the Senedd in my homemade Shark Outfit.
Adam Price, the Assembly member for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr once described me as 'all mouth and trousers'. He might very well be right, as I have chosen the easy route of satirist and blogger, not to make a living, as opposed to the £65,344 a year that he and his ilk make sat in the Cardiff Sea Aquarium also known as the Welsh Assembly or Senedd to you nuisance Welsh Speakers. What fucks this particular shark off is that there are 6 members of that Fringe Satirical Party UKIP sitting in the Goldfish Bowl each taking home that wad whilst two members namely Dafydd Elis-Thomas and Nathan Gill although elected under the banner of their party, are now sitting under the Independent banner, a move now euphemistically referred to as 'doing a Carswell'. Now this 55 year old Shark would like to stand in 2021 under the banner of 'The Shark Party of Wales' or 'Plaid Siarcod Cymru' to you nuisance Welsh Speakers. My aim is to rid the Peoples' Socialist Republic of Wales of all British Nationalists. They can go screaming or they can go quietly, I don't care as long as they go. I've had a look at the Electoral Commission's guidelines for setting up a political party and Adam Price might well be right, I don't know whether I can be arsed to go to all the financial outlay and administrative trouble of setting up a party but my aim would be to stand candidates against all UKIP Candidates + Gill & Thomas and give them a bloody nose.

 Please see below for our (my) first outline manifesto.   



This Party believes in Independence for Wales. Independence from the rest of the United Kingdom.

This Party believes that there is no place in a Liberal Democracy for British Nationalists.

This Party believes in a fully Bi-Lingual Wales with Cymraeg First on all documents and in all public discourse. The indigenous language of Wales must take precedence over the language of the Oppressors. Welsh will be compulsory for all residents of Wales. After five years, if the individual does not meet acceptable standards, they are escorted to the Severn Bridge and to the end of the A55.

This Party believes in the decriminalization of Cannabis.

This Party does not believe in the methods employed by the punitive justice system of the United Kingdom. Prison is a destination of last resort and will only be used for serious offences. No offences involving theft, fraud, money laundering will be punished by Prison.

This Party believes that Alcohol is an evil and a poison and will introduce Prohibition to Wales.

This Party believes that Public fornication should be encouraged. Nakedness will be the norm and the old missionary position with the lights off will be discouraged. 

This Party believes that there is no such thing as 'Mental Health'. You've all got it, so F Off with your 1 in 5 statistics.

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


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How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

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Bottom of the Ottoman