Who put the Great in Great Yarmouth?
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The fact is, the poet does not want admiration, he wants to be believed.
— Jean Cocteau Quotes (@CocteauQuotes) September 21, 2020
I'll write anything for money me!
Abersignon There's a place called Abercynon but this is a story about Abersignon where everybody is unemployed. Now a Universa...
http://cymraeg.gov.wales/?lang=en Mae'r ysfa i sgrifennu yn Gymraeg wedi dod drosta’i eto ond am beth y tro yma? Well, mi rydych...
Last Monday, I walked into town. Town being Cardiff City Centre. I was surprised that I was able to book an eye test online so towards St Da...
Yn fy mhost diweddaraf Myfyrdodau'r Mis mi wnes i awgrymu fod mynd ar ôl siop Gwlad yr Ia yn wastraff amser ond dwi newydd dd...
http://www.stevieriks.net/ Conclusive evidence this morning on Page 7 of the National Newspaper of the West of England that Wales is ...
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Lladd Amser
Sunday, 26 February 2017
God spoke English you know!
God spoke English you know
for how else would he speak to his flock?
God spoke English you know
but scientists still can't work out
whether he was Geordie or
Cockney Sparrow
God spoke English you know
cos a sign from heaven told me so.
It was a sign written all in Welsh.
I thought he's talking in tongues
and he wants me to work out
what we must do as humans
God spoke English you know
for how else could he go with the flow
and pretend that he was a bit of a bro
although his brother Allah
did not speak English you know
Allah had turned his back on all that monoglot crap
so you can imagine at the family re-union
things were not as smooth as they should have been
Humanists & Atheists were all at the windows
pointing their fingers and other such gestures
God and Allah were both in fine dress
and a little voice piped up
"have a game of chess,
that'll decide it once and for all"
so under a glittering disco ball
God and Allah went at it
There was no sound, no language
It was a brutal affair and at one point
God called for a bandage
All the followers dressed as sheep
were pawns in this game
and God and Allah
refused to take the blame.
Sweat poured as rain from each others brow
but neither one would take a bow
And they all carried on as before!
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Hwyl Fawr Mrs & Mr Chips
"Cadwa dy blydi Chips"
William Jones gan T.Rowland Hughes
Principality from David Williams on Vimeo.
Monday, 20 February 2017
Civil Unrest
You will take this post with the pinch of salt that you take all my other posts but here I am going to be proposing civil unrest. Civil unrest in the UK against the Right Wing and Fascism. We have been sleepwalking into Trump and Brexit and the longer and harder we enter their corridors and domains the harder it will be to extricate ourselves so the Shark Fisherman of Wales is advocating a rumble, a bit of mindless hooliganism or rather 'mindful opposition' The Tory toffs and the upper echelons of class ridden Britain have had centuries to work on how to keep the plebs down since the days of the Barons, almost as long as Islamic State has had to work out how to bring the hedonistic, Christian West to its knees so it can chop our heads off. The French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution got rid of injustice and I'm afraid giving us a choice every four years to elect left wing, right wing, liberal, green or nationalist numpties is not going to cut the mustard old chap. Obviously we don't want to upset the wheels of Capitalism because where the hell would we be without the Free Market Economy. Non-Cooperation might be a start. Refuse to pay your Council Tax and your Income Tax and we'll soon see things grind to a halt. Don't pay your TV licence, don't pay anything because it is only going towards the rewiring of Buckingham Palace which would make a bloody good Homeless Centre by the way. You know that we have started to enter a period of free fall. We are not far from chaos. It is inevitable.
Friday, 17 February 2017
Gwobrau amgen Dewi Sant
Bu rhaid i'r Pysgotwr Siarcod cyfadde’ fod e braidd yn siomedig ei fod ddim wedi ei rhestru fel un a chyfle i ennill Gwobr Dewi Sant. Gwobrau Dewi Sant yw gwobrau cenedlaethol Cymru. Maent yn cydnabod gorchestion a chyfraniadau gwych pobl o bob cefndir. Dywedodd y Prif Weinidog 'CJ' "Nod Gwobrau Dewi Sant, sydd bellach yn eu pedwaredd flwyddyn, yw dathlu pobl sydd wedi mynd yr ail filltir i wneud gwahaniaeth i fywyd rhywun arall, sydd wedi goresgyn anawsterau neu wedi cyflawni rhywbeth ysbrydoledig". Well, faswn ni yn meddwl fod rhedeg a golygu'r rhacsyn blog yma am y pum mlynedd diwethaf neu fy 'Wenglish chwerthinllyd' yn cael ei ystyried ond na fe. Mewn ysbryd chwerwder a wenwynig dyma fi yn rhestru fy rhestr Gwobrau amgen Dewi Sant.
Yn gyntaf bu rhaid cynnwys yr ysgrifennydd gwladol y blaid Dorïaidd Alun 'Greasy Wop' Cairns. Y dyn sydd yn ysgrifennydd gwladol oherwydd ei fod yn siarad Cymraeg a'i fod yn Dori. Dyma'r dyn a aeth yn fyw ar BBC Question Time a honnodd fod aelodau o Blaid Cymru yn gwybod ble roedd y cyrff wedi ei chladdu, nudge nudge, wink wink.
Yn ail ac un sydd yn ffefryn i gael gwobr trwyn coch a revolving bow tie Dewi Sant ydy'r blaggard 'Neil Hamilton'. Dyn sydd yn rhedeg ar batteries ac sydd yn cael ei weithio'n 'remote control' gan ei wraig Christine Hamilton o'i phalas yn Wiltshire. Hi sydd yn arwain o dros y bont yn ei Range Rover ac i lawr i Langennech i fod yn rhan picket lein y 'Welsh Not'.
Yn drydydd yr Arglwydd annibynnol dros Fetws y Coed a Swallow Falls, yr ysgolhaig a diddanwr Merched y Wawr, Dafydd El. Dafydd diddums a gafodd ei anghofio gan weddill y blaid genedlaethol a oedd yn rhy brysur yn brwydro dros annibyniaeth i Gymru i gofio fod rhaid iddynt ei thrin o fel Arglwydd.
Yn bedwerydd yr anghynnes Alun Davies, y Llafurwr o Dredegar sydd wedi cael y top job gan CJ i wneud yn siŵr fod 'na miliwn o bobol yn gallu siarad y Gymraeg erbyn 2050. Well neb gwell i fwlio a bygwth pobol i ddysgu iaith. Pwy a ŵyr gyda’i sgiliau llithrig efallai fydd hyd yn oed o yn perswadio Jeremy Corbyn i siarad Cymraeg. Gair o gyngor i 'CJ' gan y Pysgotwr Siarcod gyda hwn fuasa 'Beware the Ides of March' gwboi.
Y pumed ac yr olaf ar fy rhestr wobrau amgen Dewi Sant fasa'r caws mawr ei hun 'CJ' boss ar yr hen Reggie Perrin. "I didn't get where I am today....... Mae Carwyn wedi bod yn Brif Weinidog arnom ni, y taeog Cymry ers.....Yawn! Mi fydd o yn seremoni rhyfedd achos mi fydd rhaid iddo dal fyny drych i gael rhoi bathodyn bach Dewi Sant ar ei lapel neu well fyth fydd rhaid i Alun 'anghynnes' Davies dal fyny'r drych iddo ef! "Mi rydych yn edrych yn swper CJ"
Os oes gyda chi enwebiadau am wobrau amgen Dewi Sant rhowch nhw lawr yn y blwch 'sylwadau' os gwelwch yn dda!
Monday, 13 February 2017
Beggars & Buskers
Saturday, 4 February 2017
Come on down to the Sycophant Special
Those of a certain vintage will remember the television programme 'Summertime Special'. Saturday nights had families across the Kingdom humming along to the theme song and introduced by Diddy David Hamilton who is now the public address announcer at Craven Cottage. The eponymous Ken Dodd, a real family favourite and his diddy men! Is this a blog about diddy things? No it's a post about a radio station that I find that I cannot stop listening to cos I like a bit of chat, a bit of banter. There is no radio station that caters to my musical tastes so I like to listen to people droning on in the background. Recently the radio station in question has given the leader of the purple meanies, the man that lies to you in the European Parliament his own show. While his best mate goes up and down in a golden lift trumping all over the place he has been reduced to an hour a night where a clutch of sycophants are lined up to say "Yes Sir Niggles, you are our Savior". I have noticed that since the Referendum vote in June 2016, that they have moved further to the right and they are really into Corbyn and Abbott bashing. The New Left does not appeal to their protectionist taste at all. They are owned by Global Radio, a British Company which in 2013 had a revenue of £219.5 million and an operating income of £37.1 million for the same year so hardly a company that you would think had Socialism as one of its core values. That this company can actually afford to pay Sir Niggles and Dame Hatey Hopkins on a Sunday says something about their budget and war chest. Since they started to broadcast to the whole of the Kingdom in 2014, their callers have directed a lot of their chagrin and criticism against anything that might threaten the royal family, namely the SNP and Corbyn Labour. The party that Sir Niggles used to be a leader of had a core support in the seaside resorts beloved of Great British Families in the seventies and eighties. There is a huge irony in that protectionist, sovereignty right wingers, Brexit pushing, "I've worked hard for my money" broadcasters get to inveigle their way like tape worms into the digestive systems of the populace. A populace that since the days of Upstairs Downstairs know exactly where their place is.
Friday, 3 February 2017
Psychic Healer & Empath
Diversification is the name of the game and I want to play the game with you. As a fifty year old, slightly chubby, thug life looking individual, it feels a little bit strange to be writing this but I feel that despite my lack of formal qualifications that I have the insight and lived experience to be able to help others.The difference between me and counsellors/therapists is that I wont be charging a fee. I am Anti-Capitalist after all and it would be rather odd for me to put a price on my service. I will be offering an offshore email service to begin with from davidredbutton@googlemail.com and I will be providing some insights to your questions and problems. Despite being an incorrigible gossip, confidentiality is assured with this and your emails will be deleted immediately upon a satisfactory response. If you feel that you would benefit from a personal one to one session then this can be arranged depending on location. My living CV is five years of this blog. You can go back through the posts and see my unique outlook on the world. It hasn't got me very far in the conditioned, materialistic world but spending 114 days in a prison cell afforded me an experience not given to many apart from ascetic monks in their cloisters. Here I read bits of the Bible, half of the Koran and the Living part of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. I am what you might call a 'Spiritual Potchiwr' the Wenglish there revealing my tendency to dabble. I will not sign on the dotted line for any religion or faith as I believe that they all have something to offer. My reservation is that like much of life they have become institutionalised and their wish to put us in boxes is oppressive. I have spoken recently on radio and television about my madness, my labelled mental health condition and ten years on I am hurtling to my grave without being of service to others. What I can offer is an empathetic understanding of your paranoia, your intrusive thoughts, your addictions and your battles with substance abuse. I can offer understanding to your struggle with being in a world that appears only to value status and competition. I can listen to your sense of hopelessness and to your firm conviction that life will not get any better. I can tie them up to you as the unique valuable individual that you are with your experience within the nuclear family. I can share with you my struggles that might shine light on your own. As my psychiatrist said "If only the people who came to see me realised what they had in common". If after email consultation that you feel that you have been helped then a donation of your choosing would be appreciated. This donation will go towards my work with http://redbuttontheatre.co.uk You will perhaps be aware that it is my contention that 'Mental Illness' is political. Our natural, normal suffering as human beings has been compartmentalised and we have been labelled as other because we have been brave enough to bring our struggles out into the open. I don't have all the answers in fact I will not be able to assist you with Relationship or Marriage Guidance as I self identify as being pants at both. If this blog post has triggered your interest then don't be swil/shy. Drop me an email and I'll see if I can be of service. If you don't like what you read or hear back then my donations' box will remain empty. I would particularly encourage correspondence in Welsh or Wenglish as it will allow me to practice writing in my indigenous tongue. Diolch yn Fawr fellow Shark Fisher Persons. I hope that I will be of some assistance to you.
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Bottom of the Ottoman
Bottom of the Ottoman from David Williams on Vimeo.
Crying in your Beer from David Williams on Vimeo.
Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth
I shall never wear tweeds from David Williams on Vimeo.