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I'll write anything for money me!

Saturday, 23 April 2016


To be or not to be....in Welsh or English? On page 18 of this week's Golwg magazine there is an advertisement from the WJEC. You know the examination board that inhabits the Gaudiesque building on Western Avenue dans le Cardiff. There are 8 jobs on offer, The 'caws mawr' (Swyddog Pwnc Cymraeg Ail Iaith/Officer Subject Welsh Second Language) will be on a nice screw £51,717 a year top whack (pro-rata) Now how in Christ's name, Saints preserve us can you justify such a salary? It is an Exam Board for F***ks sake!!!
I thought the idea of learning Welsh as a second language had been 
discredited by the Welsh Language Society and outgoing Education Minister Huey Lewis. I've got a personal beef with examination boards because I failed all mine and that is why I am writing poisonous blog posts now. It's not a very good salary 'pro-rata' but at least I get to tell the truth, a truth, my truth, so help me God. They want two editorial officers on £33,432 a year. Shitty little pen pushers to make sure 'that the Ecsaminations Syr are in good and propyr ordyr indeed to gwdness look yew'. That is more than the teachers of Welsh as a Second Language earn a year. I didn't even take my Maths O level (GCSE) but I have calculated that the salaries of these eight jobs combined are £203,544 a year which doesn't include the 'caws mawr's' salary. The Welsh Assembly and the Welsh Language Society have said that it is a model that doesn't work yet here we have all this money, that could be going to Port Talbot Steelworks or the NHS being laundered on the salaries of Administrators. It is a F*****g disgrace, pardon my French! Wales is a land of administrators, we don't need no more adminishtraitors. My English is going up the wall now.
Back in 1983 I passed Welsh as a Second Language at O level on the WJEC syllabus with an A Grade. I cheated. I lied. It was my first language but it was the only subject that I was going to be able to get a qualification in. Dear cbac/wjec please inform all your adminishtraitors to scroll back through their Amstrad compiwtar divisives to now mark my paper down as null and void. The problem with teaching Welsh as a Second Language is that people come to view it as a Second Rate Language.   
caws mawr - big cheese 

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