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Friday, 18 July 2014

nationalist with a small n

I am a nationalist with a small n. I must be, otherwise, this blog would be entitled Shark Fishing in the UK. I identify as Welsh and not British. I acknowledge the individual countries that make up the British Isles and respect them as autonomous powers. The World Cup has just finished and if that wasn't a celebration of nationalism I don't know what was. Every game preceded by a nation-al anthem. Very often these are rousing renditions. A nation is a land mass identified by a flag and a language. They are part of bigger continents. Historically we have seen wars due to national pride and aggression. nations have invaded nations because their sense of national pride has got out of control. Unfortunately there are conservatives with a small c in the ranks of Welsh nationalists and this is a major reason why I am no longer a member of the Welsh National Party, Plaid Cymru. That combined with the fact that they have two members in the British House of Lords, the unelected second chamber. For a nationalist party to condone the unjustified status quo in this way is beyond my comprehension. As regular readers will be aware my biggest concern is the Welsh Language, everything else can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. I would sacrifice, the Rugby, the Football, Male Voice Choirs, Lava Bread etc etc if the Language can be saved and for it to revive. It's not looking good and it won't be helped by nationalists with a small n continuing to write their blogs in the English language. The nation of Islam is on fire, the nation of Israel is terrorising the nation of Palestine. In this respect it would probably be better if there were no nations. nations allow individual people to ascribe meaning to themselves through the nation state. The bigger the nation the easier it is to get lost in its history and rhetoric. I wish I wasn't a nationalist with a small n. I don't take pride in shit I haven't done because I don't think Wales has done anything and I only hate people I haven't met because I am a misanthrope, nothing to do with their nationality. I hate some Welsh people a lot more than I hate nationalists of other countries.      

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