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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Some Easter Thoughts!

I believe in God but I have doubts about Jesus Christ being the Son of God or being God on Earth in the form of a Human. Why I should believe in one and not the other! I find the idea of the Holy Spirit very attractive. I know the Lord's Prayer in English but I couldn't recite it all the way through in Welsh which is shameful.  

I believe that a Spiritual Awakening is required globally but especially in UK PLC and perhaps it will start in Wales, land of ancient myths and legends. If only to stop our collective insanity in its tracks. Something is required to slow down the never ending consumption and short term thinking.   A Secularist would call the Bible a work of fiction. I am not comfortable with a book written by Men professing the word of God. A Belief in a Higher Being is a personal thing so why am I writing a Blog Post about it? I suppose because it is a universally personal thing. On occasion when the 'sap' has been high and I have felt particularly in need of spiritual replenishment I have attended a church service. As a teacher in London I would make a pilgrimage to a Chapel near the Barbican called Jewin, the chapel where my parents met when it's services were held at the London Welsh Centre in Gray's Inn Road. I went for an opportunity to be in the presence of my mother tongue and worship in Welsh. I was a desperate man. My mood swings and intrusive thoughts were getting the better of me. Stress levels were high.  I am less desperate these days but you need to fill the God shaped hole. Some people do it with drink and drugs. Some people do it with...God. I have never felt comfortable in the Fellowship of the Church and was always the first to leave and tried to be the last to arrive at any service. I couldn't do small talk then and even now I find it a waste of time. I think I began following God because I got fed up of Man and what Man was doing in and of the world. I had a Spiritual Emergency in 2005 where I bargained with God. I prayed to a Higher Power. He/She kept their side of the Bargain and is still doing so and I am trying to hold my end up in the negotiation. It would be wonderful to see a Spiritual Revival start again in Wales like it did in 1904 with Evan Roberts at the helm. It kickstarted the Pentecostal Movement in America with the Azuza Street Revival.  If I attend a service now, it is to the Pentecostals I go because in my opinion if you are going to believe then you need to do it with a bit of 'hwyl' with a bit of singing and dancing in the aisles.
I always feel sorry for Jesus especially at this time of year and maybe we are meant to pause for reflection. Well we do get two days holidays in lieu of his crucifixion and resurrection so he's definitely worth a thought as we push our shopping trolleys around the Temples of the Moneylenders  I feel sorry that Man has put such a burden of belief upon him. Was he just a Man, a special Man or was he indeed the Son of God? Perhaps we shall never know.

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