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Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Therapeutic Community

I have a dream that one day a Therapeutic Community will be established in the hills of Wales, in old abandoned farm buildings converted into a healing centre where the hurt of  their previous life will be integrated and accepted and individuals will be able to return to their communities and become leaders but not of gangs.

They will be able to emulate Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

They will return, not to the status quo! They will return as changemakers and bridge builders. The present way that society is being run is destroying the soul of those unable or unwilling to compete. Those who will have passed through the 'Underground Railroad' will show by example, a different way. This is 2012 and we cannot carry on this way. Those punished and sent to prison in the riots need to heal or they will exact revenge on others, or more likely on themselves. We must stop this avaricious, consuming and competing. Inequality in Society is all too evident and emotional abuse is endemic in families through poverty and lack of opportunity.

Is it really a surprise when people become Mentally Unwell? 

We must find a way to put an end to
'thwarted ambition'.

We must find a different way.

I am 46 now. I will die when I am 76. I have thirty years ahead of me to realise this dream.

I have wasted the past thirty years,
I'm not prepared to waste the next thirty.

In my role as Artistic Director of Red Button Theatre Co-operative and as a Freelance Mental Health Advocate I am declaring my intention in this Blog Post.

I want to realise this dream and I know the people on Facebook and Twitter and elsewhere who I know will help this dream materialise.  

Spread the word peoples, we are going to create a Care Farm, a Therapeutic Community.

I'm Blogging for Mental Health here folks!

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Bottom of the Ottoman

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How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

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