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Monday, 30 April 2012

Bus Stop Blues!

Got into town early to check the times of the Arriva X40 to Aberystwyth. Went to Bay B2, where it said in peeling paint, that that's the Bay it left from. Went to Central Library where lo and behold the revolving doors were working to check on the timetable. 11.10 from Cardiff getting into Aber at 3.15.
As I left the library, we were entrancing and exiting through the Disabled Exit, as the Engineers had been called out once again to the Revolving doors that do not work. (Silent Scream)

Where am I now? sat at home blogging because the Bus no show. Got to the Bus Stop B2 at 10.50 ready for a 11.10 departure. Left the Bus Station at 12.00 on foot. No Bus at the Time Stipulated from the Bay stipulated. The B1, B2, B3 concourse is the one furthest away from the Railway Station yet this is the one that Travellers for National Express to Victoria and Gatwick Station use. I know this because an elderly gentleman was sat on one of those horrible metal yellow seats on B2 and missed the National Express to Gatwick on B4 even though he had been sat there for 15 minutes. None of the signs had any signs on them apart from the time and the Bay. He ran towards the bus with his Trolley Bag, he must have been in his early seventies. The driver saw him but just went sailing on out there at 11.45. The Driver and National Express were at fault. There was no announcement. They expect you to know. There are no times on the Timetables only destinations and the Bays they depart from. The poor man was ushered over to the National Express Office by a lady with a walky talky whilst at the far end of Bay B a lady was screaming at someone on her mobile phone. 
"How are you going to get the table home on the bus or in a Taxi?
Can you hear me?    
How are you going to get the table home?
What's wrong with your mobile?
Get it sorted out
For Fuck's sake!
Are you on the Bus or in a Taxi?
Have you got enough money for the Table?
Can you fucking hear me?
For Fuck's sake?"
And so it went on. These distractions made me forget about my long wait. You don't need A.A Gill to tell you that
" Travelling and Eating in the United Kingdom" are an absolute disgrace. Can you honestly say that when you go out for a meal or take a journey that you are expecting pleasant service and value for money? No, you are expecting surly service and to get ripped off!
I don't know what the plans are for Cardiff Central bus station but Bridgend's got a new one, Swansea's got a new one but the Capital City has got one that would embarrass the 1970's.

1 comment:

  1. Just found out that they'd changed the timetables at the end of February so the bus left at 10.35 but there was no signage to this effect and the details are still out of date on the Internet so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


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Freud: The Key Ideas
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Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
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