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Wednesday 29 May 2024

Slavery by any other name


National Service and Apprenticeships are 'slavery' by any other name. Both require uniforms. The green khaki of the soldier and the blue denim of the boilermaker. Don't be daft ya big apath, this isn't the 1950s. Oh but it is in the minds of many older voters who feel that they have been cast on the mouldering dump that is the disunited kingdom by the divisive and inflammatory rhetoric of Reform UK and the Conservative Party.

Today we have Sir Keir Starmer behaving like God. Giving the whip back to Diane Abbott and then not allowing her to stand in the upcoming General Erection. The omnipotent Starmer who is being heavily worked by Peter Mandelson has really changed the Labour Party from a party that tried to be Socialist under Jeremy Corbyn to an establishme
nt tool of Israel. The man will be like Scrooge on his death bed with the ghosts of Corbyn and Abbott and the A.N other he's about to shaft any day soon. 

Finally we come to the sweaty orange overlord whose court appearance on re-imbursing his lawyer the hush money that he allegedly paid porn star Stormy Daniels BEFORE he became President of the United Snakes of America in 2016. Whatever the outcome, this creature from the populist swamp could become President again. 

All the bollocks mentioned above gets played out while Israel, the bastard son of the United Snakes and shit stain Britain commit war crimes on a daily basis in Gaza and Rafah. 

The fact that we are expected to vote for all these mother f*****g cock s****rs is a testament to how great Western Democracy is.

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