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Friday, 29 July 2022

General Strike

I have been on strike since 2005/2006. That is when I last 'worked' in a conventional pay to play capacity. That is a very long time to be out on strike but I knew that the world would catch up with me one day.

I decided back then that the system wasn't working and I devised an elaborate escape plan for myself which involved feigning a drug induced psychosis, a prison sentence which then led to a 'Not Guilty' verdict due to Insanity.

I became insane so I wouldn't have to play this ridiculous game of handing your life over to the work and taxation regime. I thought that I had been born a free man but my incarceration became clear throughout school, failing exams, doing shitty shops, going to University as a mature student, getting into debt with student loans, more shitty jobs, more taxes with only death to look forward to.

It was actually my subconscious mind that took over in 2005/2006. I wasn't intelligent enough to work it out for myself but the limbic sytem combined with the God button and some powerful scuff led me down an unconventional road but one that pioneers like Albert Camus, Henry David Thoreau and Colin Wilson had also trod.

I wasn't brave enough to opt out of the system of my own volition, my conventional, logical brain and mind was resigned to suffering the shitty jobs and taxation formulae until retirement and death with the binge abuse of substances on the weekends to lighten the load.

We are now in the middle of strike season where people cannot get to work in order to pay tax so the Government and the BBC are running divide and conquer stories whereby middle England and Wales are outraged that 'Star' can't get to her auditions in London and 'Fergus' can't go on his stag do because train drivers are paid too much.   

The soul sickness that affects so many people cannot be cured by GPs appointments and tablets. It cannot be cured by watching Truss & Sunak battling it out for the hearts and minds of Conservative (selfish) voters. This soul sickness cannot be cured by Starmer and his slithery snakes.

The soul sickness could have been cured by Jeremy Corbyn but we saw that UK PLC was in the grip of an addiction. It is only an addict that behaves in such sneaky, underhand ways to maintain access to their drug namely the free market, capitalism, neo-liberal politics. Those with pots of gold became shit scared that a well meaning man of integrity from Shropshire via Islington was going to deprive them of access to their offshore accounts and tax fiddles so they set about destroying this gentle man and this gentleman. It was a scam by the addicted.   

The addicted have become divided in the UK. They've got rid of the clown by walking away from him and are now involved in a pitiful TV soap opera full of fainting presenters viewed by a populace who are paying their TV licences in order not to have a say in the outcome.

Starmer has told his slithering storm troopers not to show solidarity with striking workers  else they'll get the sack. Tarry broke ranks and he did.

This blog post started off about me but now it's all about you. You are going to have to walk away from a system that has caused so much 'soul sickness' over the centuries. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution. A UK General Strike while a start will need to become a global general strike.

We need to walk away from our places of work, from our schools from the centres of soul sickness. What the powers and principalities didn't realise when they instituted the pandemic lockdown was that they were preparing the populace for a General Strike. Sunak was one of the main players in the UK one.

They expected us to return to the root of our soul sicknesses without so much as a by your leave.  

We all have a choice to make. To continue with a charade that is hastening global warming or to recreate a lockdown of our own choosing where we get to decide the way that we spend our short few decades on this planet not leave it to those with pound signs and profit motives in their dreams.

I may not understand economics but I understand freedom. I've had 17 years of a General Strike. It has been tough because almost everybody else is slugging away at the soul sickness.

In this blog post, I invite you to join me in a General Strike. You will find a way to survive without digitally clocking in and out. It won't be easy, in fact it will be damned difficult but if enough of the Global population go out on strike it will force those responsible for our soul sickness to come to the negotiating table.


Monday, 25 July 2022

Hen het bellach

Ges di dy gyfle, yn do?

Ges di filoedd ohonynt yn do? Yn do?

Does dim pwynt alaru, rhy hwyr i garu.

Caeau Ceredigion yn llawn Cymry wedi dod i gystadlu

Beirniaid, Ysgolheigion, Derwyddon bob un ohonynt gyda'i 'mobile phone'

Mae rhai yn rhy eiddgar i brofi ei fod nhw 'Yma o Hyd'

Ella fuasent yn well off yn cymryd bach o 'speed'

Unwaith y flwyddyn mae Hwntw a Gog yn gallu rhannu'r un bog

Culni a chasineb yn perthyn i ni, fel pawb arall "Sbïwch dyna honna honna a hwn a hwn"

Carafanau mewn cwr o gaeau  

"Os welaf di Dwynwen, cofia deud Hi"

Mae bod yn aelod o leiafrif sy'n ceisio fod yn fwyafrif yn hollol draining.

Ceisio penderfynu os am wthio fy agendor lawr corn gwddw neu roi gorau i'r 'mansplaining'

Siŵr fod 'na rhwyg yn y 'psyche' erbyn hyn

Fydd na chyfle i fynd i'r Eisteddfod ar fy meic?

Neu Cars only fydd o?

Cors Caron yn debycach i Dover

Beth sydd yn cael fi mwy na dim byd,

 ydy'r ffaith fod yr Eisteddfod ddim yn cydnabod fod 'na fath beth ag 'unemployed'.

Allwn ni fod allan o waith oherwydd iechyd meddwl ond dych chi am inni dalu dwbl? trebl?  

"Allwch chi wirfoddoli?" waeddoch chi

"Dwi ddim yn siŵr os ydy o werth trafferthu cyw"

Mi fydd na goron a chadair ag enillwyr di ri’ ond "cymryd rhan di'r peth pwysicach" meddwch chi.  


Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

David Williams's favorite books »

Bottom of the Ottoman