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Friday, 2 April 2021

Abolish the Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party

Henffych Gwladgarwyr! Shwmae butties? Welcome to my 1000 Blog Post. I've been at it (if you'll excuse the expression) since January 2012 and today I have reached the Gold plated milestone. It occurred to me to offer this one out to tender, a Guest Blog Post, which bring the numbers in, but I thought, "No, it's my blog"

I am going to use my limited platform and reach to appeal to you NOT to vote for the 'Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party' at the upcoming Senedd elections on May 6th. They are the ugly face of colonialism. They are Stockholm Syndrome writ large. They are hoping to make gains in areas where ostensibly people have given up caring about anything.

Yes, we've been through a year long lockdown and yes I can understand your frustration with our Senedd but it's ours and it's the only one we've got. Let's make it better instead of abolishing it?

"HYPOCRITE" I see you cry with outstretched trembling finger. You want to  get rid of the Queen and the British Monarchy. YES I DO! because they are un-elected, they have been foisted upon us. "YES VERY MUCH LIKE THE WELSH ASSEMBLY" I hear you snort in retort. You had a chance to vote for or against it in 1997. If you didn't exercise your democratic privilege you can't sit there now and say it's not working. 

The only two things the citizens of Wales have had out of it are free bus passes for the over 60s and free prescriptions. These perhaps reflecting the target demographic. It may very well be the Land of My Fathers but it is also the sick old man of Europe and that's got nothing to do with the Senedd because if it wasn't for the Welsh Assembly, people in the poorer parts of Wales would be paying for their prescriptions. Perhaps the electorate of Blaenau Gwent need to be reminded of this when they decide to cast their vote. They will have to use the lowest old age pension in Europe if not the Western World to subsidise their ill health caused by two centuries of under investment by Westminster and the nihilists of abolish want to take you back there.

The fact that the Tories in Wales have not ruled out working with them as a Party should any of them 'God Forbid' get elected tells you all you want to know about them. Wales has never voted Tory in any significant numbers yet they rule over us at Westminster and they have a loud voice to represent a minority of the wealthy and landed gentry herein Wales. 

Despite his dislike of Nationalism Mark Drakeford operated on a one Wales model during the pandemic lockdown treating Wales and its citizens as one entity. Something I have never seen before. It was a tough year for the people that abolish and the tories claim to represent namely business owners but Christ, life isn't all about profit and making a living at the expense of others. We are alive, the ones who survived Covid 19. Let's breath the fresh air and smell the meadow wildflowers and forget about beer gardens and Covid passports.

Let's think about nature and the fact that it abhors a vacuum. Instead of filling the vacant seats left by UKIP by a similar bunch of unruly, back seat nose pickers and flickers, why note vote Green for a change. If everybody who thought they didn't stand a chance voted for them, then they would stand a chance. You must realise by now that climate change and the welfare of the Planet is the most pressing matter for us all now surely?

Vote Hope! Don't vote death, we've had quite enough of that.          

Further Reading

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