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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Prescriptions For Free

"Get all your prescriptions for free" as sung the Brotherhood of Sexism back in 1976 in the Eurovision song contest in the Hague.
I wonder what that will be called when we Brexit! Now, who would have thought that a man diagnosed with a lifelong long debilitating condition such as Bipolar Disorder would be arguing for paying for prescriptions but that is exactly what I'm going to do, well for some people anyway. I'm one of those awkward sods who no longer medicates the condition. I gave up psychotropic medication on August 22nd 2008 and I haven't popped a pill for my madness since then! I've just set about a strict regime of avoiding things that trigger my condition like work and awkward people.
The Tories of Monmouthshire, the Vale of Glamorgan and the Gower should have to pay for their prescriptions.
The wheezing ex miner in Banwen shouldn't have to!
I actually feel that free prescriptions are encouraging us to be a sick nation. "I'll go down the Docs, pop a few pills to quell the existential angst! Just a little something to quell the emotional pain!" 
I dread going to the Pharmacy to pick up prescriptions for the family! I feel embarrassed getting something for nothing, even for somebody else who probably has worked hard to pay for it! The Pharmacy I go to, the Pharmacist has got attitude. The ladies are fine but the apothecary with a skeleton head cane looks at you with that look. You have prepared your little speech and it comes out rushed and gobbledygook! "Date of Birth" "Postcode" ashamed like a wounded fox I slink off clutching the tablets. 
Some people, yes even in Wales have bought into the striving, capitalistic, dog eat pension pot mentality and they judge others for being scroungers! Well give the scroungers free prescriptions and let the Argyle sweaters with manicured lawns pay for them! How do you like them apples? They keep the Doctor away, don't they! 

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