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Tuesday, 3 November 2020




Aled Gwyn Job

The sickening 'outright beheading and two knife killings' at a church in Nice, France last week was an act of indescribable barbarity.

Once again, the death cult of Islamism has struck at the heart of European civilization- its churches, -in its attempt to impose its warped ideology on the west.

The more historically-conscious in our midst may well recall that beheadings were also a staple item in another bloody episode in France’s own history, the French revolution.

This revolution and its battle cry of Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite has inspired many over the years, but what is often overlooked is that it proved to be a blood-curdling affair all round.

Robespierre and his revolutionary colleagues were determined to usher in a secular France, free from all the evils they believed to be endemic within the Catholic Church in France.

As such, their blood lust was reserved most of all for clerics and representatives of the Catholic Church who were slaughtered in their thousands from 1799 onwards.

They say that history never repeats itself but often rhymes, and it’s sickeningly ironic that the new ideologues are replicating the exact beheading strategy that so marked out the original French revolutionaries. 

The spirit of Robespierre is yet again stalking the land, with Christianity once more bearing the brunt of the attacks from those so willing to engage in willful bloodletting to achieve their aims.

What secularists often forget is that attacks upon Christianity are in effect an attack upon the whole idea of Europe itself.

Who can ever forget watching the burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral in 2018 -a metaphor for a whole continent which has to all intents and purposes been forged by Christian values- going up in flames.

In his stunning 2016 novel Submission”(Islam) the renowned French author Michel Houellebecq paints a picture of a forthcoming French election where an Islamist party actually wins power and begins the process of instigating an Islamist state in France.

Perhaps the most frightening element of the novel is the passivity of the French people and how quickly they are to acquiesce with the new order- including the novel’s main character, who relishes his new four wives allowed under Islamic Law.

Houellebecq describes a hollowed out and empty secular culture which is defenseless in the face of the devotion, fanaticism and the single-mindedness of the members and supporters of the Islamist party.

The novel highlights the fact that the West has not so much been taken over by Islam, as it has committed suicide by its own hand.

Following the attack last week, French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the latest attacks in the most robust terms possible.

Oblivious to the fact that he is perhaps THE poster boy for the liberalism which has actually fueled the growth of Islamist terrorism in Europe over the past generation. And which has perhaps held the pen for the European suicide note that Houellebecq refers to in his novel.

Modern Liberalism could best be described as a form of pathological altruism, with its devotion to open borders, mass migration, diversity, western guilt and self-loathing. Pushed so relentlessly by the mass media, the education system and popular culture for so many years, it’s almost like the air we breathe by now.

We have been told repeatedly by this liberal mindset that Islam is a “religion of peace”, and that the Islamist terrorists are a complete aberration within the faith tradition.

Any one who tries to point out that the religion’s adherents are actually following a mass murdering warlord who took an 8 year old bride, (Mohammed) and a text which constantly refers to the need to kill, conquer and defeat the “infidels”  are shouted down and accused of “Islamaphobia” and “Racism”.

And so the pathological altruism continues to the detriment of all in the West. 

Europe has for centuries been defined and created by three foundational tenets: Christianity, the nation state and free speech. It’s not a coincidence that all three of these tenets are now under attack from all quarters.

Perhaps the Islamists are indeed the Trojan horse implanted into Europe by the globalist puppeteers, who want to destroy people’s natural loyalty to their own nations and cultures, so that their plan for a one world government where they can rule over a slavish and deracinated population can unfold.

And its typical of their devilish intentions that they have encouraged the specter of Robespierre to once again terrorise the people of France, to prepare the people of Europe for their eventual submission and subjugation.


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