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Sunday, 8 July 2018

Opatija on my mind

"Madam Deputy Speaker, as I have made clear before, we have no disagreement with the English people who have achieved so much through their country’s great history.
Neither should we wish to be in a permanent state of perpetual confrontation with England
Many of us looked at a Pre-Brexit Britain with hope.
We would much rather have in England a constructive partner ready to play by the rules.
But while we should continue to keep open this possibility, we must also face the facts. Theresa May's regime is carrying out acts of aggression against our values and interests within Europe and beyond."
A Speech Delivered at the Welsh Arsembly by a bloke in a Balaclava on March 28th 2018
In 1981 we went on a family holiday to Opatija in Croatia which was then in Yugoslavia. This was really pre mass packaged holidays by air so we went by coach with a crowd of good natured northern folk who had come down to join the coach from Nantwich in Cheshire. It appears that the coach company are still going which says something for them. What I remember about crossing from Italy into Croatia was a Memorial with a  Black Skeleton hanging from a wall. It wasn't Jesus for sure! Now it says a lot that I will be supporting a former Fascist State against Wales' nearest neighbours, England, on Wednesday next in the Russian World Cup Final but it is my contention that post Brexit Referendum, that it is behaving like a Fascist State in insisting that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland leave the European Union with it. If Edward I was alive today, I would be having strong words with him. 
We arrived in Croatia a year after President Tito had died and the same year that the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol was held in Machynlleth. I remember his framed picture being inside the many news and tobacco kiosks on the front of this seaside town. "During World War II, he was the leader of the Partisans, often regarded as the most effective resistance movement in occupied Europe."  
It is my contention (The Shark Fisherman of Wales) that what Wales needs at the moment is a partisan resistance movement against the British State. If there was, then Alun Cairns and Bruce Robertson of Trago Mills would think twice about opening their mouths. Similar to the United States of America with their body bag phobia I believe that Wales as a Nation State has become so soft that we wouldn't know what partisan resistance was if it parked on our collective foot. It appears that 'Petitions' are the way to go if you are not happy with the State's Decisions these days and we have seen how effective they have been. To be fair, the petition did dissuade Kenneth Skates from building his Ringpiece of Iron at Flint Castle but unfortunately the same didn't happen for the renaming of the Second Severn crossing. Edward I's distant descendant via Saxe Coburg Gotha managed a swift tea in secret with Alun Cairns in secret to have the bridge named after him. Two idiots so clueless and out of touch with Welsh National Feeling that they just went ahead and did what they felt they had to do. They had the weight of the History of the British Empire behind them. Weedy Skates only had a hundred years of history of Welsh Labour behind him so he wasn't prepared to risk it.   
Back in the late 1960s the last Partisan Resistance movement we had, the Free Wales Army was ridiculed by the British Establishment, the discredited George Thomas et al. Very often it is our own Dic Sion Dafydds (of which I have been accused of being one) who scupper any plans of partisan resistance by laying allegiance through the British Media to those who employ them. It is very difficult in practice for those minor celebrities earning a fat cat salary in London to align themselves with the land of their birth because the Corporation would not approve. Therefore a few well aimed tweets have to suffice.
We holidayed in Ostend, Belgium in 1976, another coach holiday and that is why I supported Belgium against England in the World Cup Finals. On Wednesday I will be supporting Croatia. It means nothing and is quite frankly a pathetic gesture on social media to show that you disapprove of your imposed government and monarchy. 

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