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Thursday, 29 March 2018

Sobbing Selfies for Mental Health

Sobbing Selfies for Mental Health from David Williams on Vimeo.

G'day! In today's blog I propose a therapeutic practice that might pay dividends 'Sobbing Selfies'
My intention in the above video was to have a good old wep similar to Anthony Hopkins in Shadowlands. Great big wracking sobs! Didn't happen but I was fairly close to it! I actually lie in this video because I say I cannot remember the last time I had a good cry, well I can, and similar to the Australian Cricket Captain it was in public, in front of an audience in a village hall in North Wales in 2014. I had just performed in the drama of a friend who had written about the challenges of going back to work after the protagonist had suffered with depression. We had rehearsed over three days and script in hand in front of about 25 people I broke down in the Q&A at the end. Wracking sobs after somebody had asked a question about the stimulus and inspiration of the piece. It was embarrassing and I do look back and cringe but I often wonder if more people cried in public especially men perhaps it could act as a pressure valve to let all the negative feelings, frustration and anger out which is a given with the human condition. What do we do with all our regrets, our disappointments, our guilt? Where does it go? Where should it go? Nobody seems to know but what we do know is that 84 men a week are taking their lives in the UK. They are even talking about it in America. So guys instead of sending dick pics what about sending sobbing selfies? Instead of trying to prove your masculinity, why not show your vulnerability! Instead of testosterone, show the world that you are at home with your emotions. You don't have to Man Up you know. That was also a lie. 

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Stigma & Taint

Stigma & Taint

Time for a Poem Robert Owen
Whatever happened to Bleddyn Bowen?
Anti-Semitism is afoot
What is fame when mortality beckons
How long you gonna live, what do you reckon?
Unemployed Russian Diplomats queuing for soup
Theresa May going "Whoop Whoop"
Cold War, Phoney War, Putin shows us the door.
In string vest and Donkey Jacket he crosses the floor.
The impudent West, oh give it a rest.
Time to rub some Vic on to our collective chests.
BBC and LBC won't give you a lot of tlc
You have to make a choice between your mental health and wealth.
You can't have both.
Poor and well or rich and crazy
Like a Sunday Lunch but without the gravy.
Wittering on in doggerel won't pay for some fresh or secondhand bog roll.(Recycled Line)
I should really try and find some work
but at 52 I'd be a berk 
to trade my freedom for wage slavery.
They don't give you medals for civilian bravery.
I'd like to promote myself as a purveyor of mirth
But cheap laughs are two a penny from someone of my girth.
I should really set up my own examinations board, if in trouble just pull the red cord but no one would attend because they know I'm going round the bend.
Euphemisms for madness are ever so quaint,it beats me why there is stigma and taint.
El loco, the mad un, the nutter on the bus
crazy, demented, she's lost it, what's all the fuss?
Mental Illness and Melancholy
Is a great leveller from hunter to hunted, sick in fox fur.
Out on the town, they are admired for being 'off their head' but they are the statistics that usually end up dead.
Making others laugh, putting others first is a dependency that gives you a thirst.
alcohol, drugs & gambling are not lifestyle choices for the ambling, 
these are the past times for those that inside are burning.
It's all very well saying "Life is what you make it" but how do we know that you're not faking it.
You can pull yourself up by the bootstraps and then use them to hang yourself.
Scratch Cards & Bonus Balls
Bad Poetry, Your Call.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Anweithredol yn Economiadd

Doeddwn ni ddim yn siŵr beth oedd y label diwethaf i mi gael ond ar ôl darllen darn yn 'Fwrlwm y Bae' yn Gylchgrawn Golwg wsnos hon, sylweddoli na 'Anweithredol yn Economaidd' ydw i ag dwi wedi bod fel yna am dair blynedd ar ddeg bellach. 13 years, anlwcus i rai. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi cynllun newydd i geisio lleihau'r nifer o bobol sy'n ddi-waith yng Nghymru a chyrraedd yr un lefel a chyfartaledd y Deyrnas Unedig. Wastad chwarae catch up da ni wedi bod yn gwneud yn yr hen Gwalia, nawr rydym eisiau dal fyny gyda'r nifer o ddi-waith yn weddill GB PLC. Well, dyna uchelgais i chi, ras i'r gwaelod os fuodd un erioed. Mae o'n edrych fod Gweinidog y Gymraeg a Dysgu Gydol Oes Eluned Morgan gyda rhyw fath o hudlath! 
"Os oes cyfrifoldebau gofal gyda chi, allwn ni rhoi rhyw fath o strwythur mewn lle i'w helpu gyda nhw." Mae hi hyd yn oed yn mynd i ddatrys problemau iechyd meddwl. Nawr mae hwn yn dipyn o hudlath neu Magic Wand i'r Wenglish amongst you. Dwi ar bigau'r drain fan hyn nawr oherwydd dwi'n disgwyl gweld pobol mewn siwtiau yn dod i'r drws a chynnig gwasanaeth gofal i'm annwyliaid ag iddynt sortio allan fy mhroblemau iechyd meddwl sydd wedi bod gyda fi ers yn las lanc o 13 ag dwi'n 52 eleni, felli edrychwn ymlaen yn enfawr i weld beth sydd gyda nhw i gynnig yn y cynllun newydd yma. Ond i chi yn gwybod be, dwi'n eithaf hoffi'r label yma. 
Does dim mawr allai gwneud am y label 'Anhwylder Dau Begwn' oni bai am beidio sôn amdano fo ond mae yna rywbeth reit nobl a dewr am y teitl "Anweithredol yn Economaidd". Mewn byd cyfalafol, cystadleuol, neo-rhyddfrydol dwi falch o ynganu fy mod yn anweithredol yn economaidd ac efallai, efallai fydd rhaid iddynt dynnu fi nol i ryw fath o waith yn cicio a sgrechian. Gwyliwch y gofod yma.  

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Fit to Work


Fit to Work
Fit to Work
Come on Now
You mustn't shirk
Look at that man in his new car
Look at that woman, she'll go far.
Don't you want to be like them?
It's not fair that they have to subsidise you
They are the many, you are the few.
Fit to Work
Fit to Work
"Sanction me, you berk"
Folks are ill
you make them walk uphill
you kick away the crutch
you hide their inhaler
you ask them if they want to claim travel expenses
and when they say no, you punish them.
DWP means Stupid in Welsh 
mutated from Twp
I can't tell you how many times
I've looked for non existent jobs
on Government Job Search.
Not a single one of those vicarious careers
did I want to caress
but I had to apply for them
because you said so
but who are you?
Who actually are you?
Someone with a job
making someone else
get a job that they are not fit to do.
You begrudge them £8.00 a day
Come on what have you got to say?
This is the Welfare State
that Attlee made
and you are dismantling it in front of our eyes
you're too busy kicking out Russian Spies.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

The Thief of Joy

The Thief of Joy
Self Driving Cars
Non Alcoholic Bars
Back to Rehab Stars
News just In, it wasn't Putin
Wenger has come under suspicion
Because the Emirates is in Islington
Photoshopped hats on Communist cats.
Climate Change
Coral Reefs are Dying
What's your beef?
I am the thief of Joy
I have come to steal your new found toy.
A new for old Cold War.
The BBC news is a bit of a bore
We are over populated to f*ck and controversially it's quantity not quality.
You can hear the food chain being pulled down the Khazi.
We've over fished, over consumed and now we're over fuc*ing.
"Excuse Moi mon brave, what are the issues you are ducking?"
You can only be famous and tell it like it is cos if you are a common man, they look at you as if you were jizz.
Film Executives wear black to remember those who were power played into the sack.
Bozo and Mogg the porcelain frogs ribbitting on about Mother Russia.
Don't you realise that they could crush yer.
The beastly Brits are a bunch of shits.
Tommy Robinson on Speakers Corner wants to get rid of yer if yer a Foreigner.
You might want to check your label to see if you are.
Angly Dangly Saxons and their off shoots the Windsors are planning a wedding for which you must pay.
The Picts and the Celts as usual don't get to have a say.
Let us hope there will be snow in May.
I told you I am the thief of joy.
What do you mean "what's my ploy?"
I'm here to steal your fun, here do you want that hot cross bun?
we are surrounded by the new Victorian.
Across the Pond they want to confiscate my gun just because I am Mental.
Sugar and Gambling the old fashioned addictions.
We're meant to be fighting the fundamentalists but are turning into them ourselves.
Simple pleasures, Hidden treasures
All substances to be banned, don't let the human stand unaided
They must face their mortality cold turkey.
Put them into a room and give them a broom and let them sweep up the debris of their past.
Standing at the Exit Door, the thief of joy will give them a score out of ten for resilience.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Salisbury Scratch and Sniff

Salisbury Scratch and Sniff

Better not!
Mother, there's a Spy in me Pie.
There we were minding our own business and a former undisclosed agent and his daughter walk in.
I've just this minute finished incinerating my clothes.
Honest to God, there is no peace to be had.
Come summer the kids will be swopping footy cards with pictures of Russian Ultras.
Bored by Brexit, they needed a distraction and boy did they get one.
Farage's gravelly gavel banging out the European anthem.
This is meat and potatoes to the Patriots.
Beware the Ides of March.
"Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote".
This has gone nuts in May
but I the Shark Fisherman of Wales have to say
this is all about spreading fear, control and co-ercion.
ISIL could only go so far, now Russia have walked into the bar.
Paranoia, distrust and self loathing stalk the walls of White Hall.
From being soft on Brexit she is being hard on Putin.
"Oooh we do like a strong leader, yearning for a Churchill to do a Yalta"
Imagine the bloke who does nothing but watch 24 hour news.
No Horror film could match their views.
It has been non stop since 9/11
Lee Rigby, don't forget, 7/7
It's not only Novichok that is playing on our nerves.
There is an emotional pain that the wind, snow and rain cannot disdain.
We are experiencing a collective trauma as we wait for the train.
The silence of commuters, the memory of Parsons Green,
CCTV, no sight unseen.
Once again I state the bleedin obvious because I can.
As yet, I haven't been given a ban for speaking my truth.
Stopping does not appear to be an option.
The world turns and we revolve with it.
There is always hope but we are spinning out of control.
Throw the Polar Bear a life belt!
Hold my Subway and Tuna Melt.
Eve confronted by the apple and snake prefers a Big Mac milk shake.
We are rattling round on pills and for better for ill, this is yet another drill for the four minute warning.
Get under the stairs with your very own food bank because the Russians are coming.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Bataliwn Brwynen

Bataliwn Brwynen

Bataliwn Brwynen ar Cors Caron

Bob un yn sefyll fel y dyn olaf ar faes y gad.

Maent wedi tynnu llyw i amddiffyn y broga a phenbyliaid wrth ei thraed.

Crychydd crintachlyd uchel yn y coed

Ei sgrech yn unigryw ac fel cri de coeur

Mae 'na chwedl yn deud fod drylliau Byddin Rhyddid Cymru yn gorwedd ar Gantre' Gwaelod Cors Caron.

Yn anffodus mae oes yr ia wedi toddi mewn i oes yr hufen ia.

Twristiaid sydd yn teyrnasu bellach ond nid yn Nhregaron. 

Te cryf yn y Talbot, Rhiannon yn rhefru.

Mae'r iaith yn cadw e'i thir

Cayo nid y Ceidwadwyr yw'r arweinydd rownd ffordd hyn.

Ceffylau cryf, sŵn y llif

Llafur llafrwynen

Bataliwn Brwynen dal i frwydro.

Saturday, 10 March 2018


rhwng gŵyl a gwaith
rhwng bywyd a marwolaeth
aros oherwydd oedran
i henadur arall cnoi'r llwch
i gael ei anfon allan mewn cwch
i flasu angladd y Llychlynwyr
unrhyw un sydd wedi byw mor hir
yn haeddu ennill tir
yn ein cof
haearn a dur bywyd yn cael ei saer gan gof.
murlun ta cerflun i gofio Tryweryn?
beth bynnag all cael ei weld o fynydd y Berwyn
mae bywydau ni fel Cymry yn dioddef oherwydd ffawd Cymru
gwlad ffwrdd a hi erbyn hyn
gwlad llawn ffwlbri
de a gogledd wedi rhannu gan feddylfryd ar ffaith fod y bobol ifanc eisiau teithio’r byd
a pwy all ei feio?
agor llenni’r ffenest i weld hen gastell
agor papur newydd i ddarllen hiliaeth o iaith,
pryd oedd Cymru yn lle da i fyw?
oes rhywun yn cofio?
efallai wnaeth yr hen ŵr newydd ymadawedig
blasu rhyw faint o fodlonrwydd rhywbryd
ond annhebyg 

Friday, 9 March 2018



In years from now we will all just be dust
Yet we play a game whilst our particles are stuck together of delusion.
Dust and Delusion
We believe that we are better, inferior, different to others.
Dust, Delusion and Difference.
Holed up in our boxes and rabbit hutches with paper thin walls,
it's the law of the jungle when neighbours meet.
What's it like in your street?
Imagine if we didn't fear each other but worked together.
Nah, it wouldn't work because we'd soon get bored and we can all be bought.
Concrete and Shops and Noise.
Ceaseless Education of Testing and Exams.
Strained GPs with receptionists trained to keep us at bay.
8 minutes with Doctor who could save your life.
How much do you value your life?
More than you value your wife?
Your life or your wife?
What a decision! you ask with precision?
'Partner' please, we don't go in for that old fashioned cobblers.
Ok your partner then?
Is it women or children first? 
Or would they be pulling you out of the lifeboat having slaked your thirst?
The rich and wealthy can be selfish and stealthy but the poor just don't realise it yet.
They would give you the shirt off their back and then get stabbed in it for their gesture.
The fact that there is even one homeless person in Westminster let alone hundreds maybe a thousand is a national scandal.
The seat of government allow their bobbies to be target practice for the alienated and the dislocated huddle in shop doorways.
These pompous prats, no longer in bowler hats have been taken down a peg or two by the women.
No longer allowed to be lewd, rude and crude, they take it outside to their gentlemans' clubs so they can give their anima a rub.
Social Inequality starts here, do not pass go, do not collect 200 pounds.
If you are heartily sick of the two party state please put your cross in the box you crafty old fox.
Politics, Playfighting and Protectionism.
I couldn't wait to cast my first vote aged 18 now 52 I dread the opportunity to give some party flunky the opportunity to be first past the post.
I'm dead against gambling but they want us all a fluttering every five years.
Bercow the bookie winks, and my heart sinks as another pantomime begins or is it a play?
How about letting the little people have their say?
'Dim Siawns Hombre' because its always been done this way.
Let's just pray for snow in May
In years from now we will all just be dust (and a good fucking thing too)

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Gammon Land

Gammon Land

This is the Age of Anger
of arteriosclerosis, of salted butter and caffeine.
 Of drowning your sorrows, of too many lends and not enough borrows.
Trump is a bluffer, he bluffed about the wall,
 about North Korea and now about arming teachers.
 He knows the importance of talking a good game,
 it's just a shame that he is the one holding up the mirror to our own mortality.
Sickos! I laugh every time I hear that word. 
How long would he last on skid row I wonder?
Over this side of the pond in Gammon Land,
 it's Rule Britannia, we are going to trade with you me old China,
but the Far East has other plans.
We are still reeling from the freezing!
How many actually wish it really is the end days so we can have done with it?
This is the Age of Anxiety
Mental Health is now big news, all our chimneys need new flues!
We are carrying round the whips and chains of a selfish society but instead of beating others we beat ourselves. 
It is more socially acceptable to be depressed because you can get a tab for that,
 a little something to take the edge off. 
Beating others means you go to prison and they are overcrowded. 
So you stay in a cell of your own making and government and taxes keep taking and taking.
Folks want answers but there aren't any, only more questions.
You are the planet and the family your satellites.
 They think that you are their rock 
but the last thing you want is for them to dock in your moon base. 
You have to save face.
The fabric of society was built on slavery and Boris and Mogg are spinning a fog,
like the London Pea-Soupers of the 1950s when people couldn't find their way home. 
They were holding on to walls and this is what the Toffia want,
 for the Proles to eulogise Etonians at the expense of Romanians.
Ice caps are shrinking
 and Polar Bears are drowning
 and Daddy's frowning
 trying to decide which gas guzzler to buy next.
Scrappage Schemes and Hen Parties
Shopping Channels and Cricketing Flannels.
"Come on old boy, make your way to the crease, buck up your ideas, 
there's a wedding in May and we want you all to share our special day."
This is the age of the poor but it should be the age of Civil War.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Johnny Come Lately

Yn Fwrlwm y Bae yn Cylchgrawn Golwg wythnos yma ar Dudalen 10 mae 'Johnny Come Lately' Plaid Cymru sef Seimon Thomas yn hollti barn am ffrwgwd Llanelli. Dwi yn ei alw yn Johnny come lately oherwydd dyma beth ddigwyddodd gyda sefyllfa Neil McEvoy yn ddiweddar. Y ffrae ar drafferth yn digwydd, McEvoy yn cael ei ddiarddel a Thomas yn gwneud trips rownd y cyfryngau i ddeud pam. Nawr bai arno fo neu fai ar y blaid? Ydy o yn gweithio ar liwt ei hunan neu fo ydy hatchet man y Blaid sydd yn cael ei trotio allan bob tro mae 'na drafferth wrth y felin. Os hynny, mae o yn mynd i fod yn gwningen brysur iawn. Yn ei eiriau fo "Dylai Plaid Cymru ystyried penodi 'pobol cymodi broffesiynol' i ddelio a ffraeo mewnol yn y dyfodol. Nad oedd yn deg disgwyl i wirfoddolwyr fel y Cadeirydd, Alun Ffred Jones, ddatrys problemau fel y ffrae yn Llanelli sydd wedi arwain at ddiarddel cangen y dref dros dro." Os gofiwch chi dim ond di arddel Neil McEvoy dros dro roeddent fod gwneud a nawr gyda digon o amser dan ei beltiau maen't wedi ddi-arddel yn barhaol. Dwi ddim yn siŵr na phobol cymodi broffesiynol sydd ei angen ta gangen cysylltiadau cyhoeddus ar Blaid Cymru. Efallai fod o wedi llusgo o gof y Bnr Thomas ond bobol wirfoddol sydd yn rhedeg cangen. O leua mha Alun Ffred Jones wedi bod ar ffrynt lein y wynebau galed yn y Senedd fel Aelod Cynulliad. Peidiwch deimlo tosturi trosto fo ddyn. Teimlwch dosturi dros Gangen Llanelli ag dros Neil McEvoy sydd wedi gwneud gwyrthiau dros eich plaid arwynebol dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Yn amlwg nid blaid y werin datws ydy hyn bellach os fuodd o erioed ond blaid y 'shpin ar 'schmaltz'. Yn hynny o beth maen't wedi penodi'r dyn iawn i dacluso fyny ar ôl y digwyddiad.      

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

Blog Archive

Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

David Williams's favorite books »

Bottom of the Ottoman