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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Gwneud pwpw ar lawr y Senedd

Mae'r Blogfeister ei hun wedi mynd yn gyhoeddus a dweud cyn hyn fasa UKIP yn y Senedd yn dod a thipyn o liw a llun i'r sefydliad ond doeddwn ni ddim yn rhagweld hyn. Nathan Gill a Neil Hamilton yn gwneud pwpw yn gyhoeddus ar lawr y Senedd. Well son am olchi eich trôns yn gyhoeddus! Mae Cymru gyfan yn gallu gweld y skid marks. Car Crash o Blaid ydy UKIP. "Rank amateurs punching well above their weight" fuasa Prydeiniwr yn ei ddeud. A Phrydeinwyr rhonc yn dod a'i Gwleidyddiaeth wrth Ewropeaidd mewn i Gaerdydd, y Ddinas a bleidleisiodd i aros yn Ewrop ond yn erbyn y Senedd nol yn 1997. Fasa fo wedi bod yn well syniad yn rhoi'r Senedd yng Nghaerfyrddin oherwydd dyma'r sir a chipiodd hi. Efallai fuasa Range Rover Neil ddim mor awyddus i fynd ymhellach mewn i deepest darkest Wales. A beth am yr Annibynwr Nathan Gill, he of the Church of the Latter Day British Nationalists. Does gen i ddim byd yn erbyn y Mormoniaid wyddoch chi. Well gen i rheina na'r Tystion Jehova! Dydyn nhw ddim yn ffwndro chi gymaint. Mi allai dweud fy mod wedi bod yn y Tabernacle yn Salt Lake City ac wedi cael fy nhywys o gwmpas y ganolfan ymwelwyr gan ddynes a ddywedodd fod ganddyn nhw genhadon ym Merthyr Tydfil ar hyn o bryd. Teimlo drostyn nhw braidd wedyn. Ond mae'r mewnlifiad piws wedi dod i Gymru ac mae Aelod y Cynulliad Mark Reckless wedi cael ei wneud yn Gadeirydd y grŵp newid hinsawdd. Nawr ai newid hinsawdd y Deyrnas Unedig di hwn neu hinsawdd y byd? I mi, mae UKIP yn y Senedd yn drosiad (metaphor) am y mewnlifiad i Gymru. O leua pan oedd Nick Griffin yn byw yn ymyl y Trallwng mi roeddwn i gyd yn gwybod i fod o'n hiliol. Mae'r bobol sydd yn pleidleisio i UKIP yn llawn ofn. Ofn mewnfudwyr, mewnfudwyr i Brydain ac nid i Gymru wyddoch chi. Yn Gymoedd y De maen't yn ofni fod nhw yn mynd i dwyn y gwaith sydd ddim yna beth bynnag, felli maent yn pleidleisio yn erbyn pobol a all fynd a'i gwaith nhw yn y dyfodol. Gwaith yn dod ir Cymoedd? Yn y Beibl mae gwyrthiau yn digwydd a dim yn Nhredegar.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Independence Now

I am minded to start a new political party called 'Independence Now'. The Flag of St David might give you a clue as to which nation I am calling for it to become Independent. Wales is at a critical point in its evolution and devolution. The good work of the Independent Footballing nation Cymru/Wales in the Euros 2016 has now been overshadowed by #TeamGB. We know that Theresa May and the Tories are fervent Unionists and even though I support Jeremy Corbyn, I am a Welsh Nationalist first and a Socialist second. Independence for Wales & Scotland will be the last thing on their minds as they fight the next General Election in 2020. If we leave this debate up to Plaid Cymru we will be here for another 50 years before the notion is put before the nation, slowly, slowly never catch yee monkey as far as they are concerned.  We have seen that by the appointment of British Nationalists to the Welsh Assembly namely UKIP that the demography of Wales has changed. If, like Scotland we were to demand an Independence Referendum in Wales NOW, then Yes we would surely lose but at least we would know where we stood and in which areas the support is the strongest. We actually know this already but a Referendum would give the movement for Independence a mandate to move forward. Plaid Cymru have proved that by having a Peers of the Realm, Lord Wigley, within their ranks that they are playing the British Political System. The S.N.P like any Nationalist Party worthy of its name has none and would not entertain the idea. We know that #TeamGB and British Values and Great Britain and Brexit will place a lot of pressure on the populace to conform which is why it is important to lobby for Independence Now. The Welsh people voted out of Europe by a small majority. Does this mean that it voted in to the UK or for an Independent Wales? Probably the former which means that we have an uphill struggle to persuade an ever shifting populace that a self defined Wales is better than a royalist arse kissing principality, but without a struggle there is no growth. At the moment there is stasis and ennui. In another four years with the growth of Islamic State and the British State's Propaganda machine, it will be too late. 

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Dangerous Dogs

I was the custodian of a dog once, it was a cross. In fact it was very cross. Half a Border Collie with something else! From Colwyn Bay R.S.P.C.A (Bryn Eilian) which is now an animal rescue centre I believe. It did what dogs are meant to do, he barked, he ran around, he shat everywhere. He chased cars and he worried sheep. I was a teenager and I teased him, so much so that one day he bit me under the eye. I had to go and have a tetanus injection and I put up a fight about that. One day there was a furore on the estate as the appropriately named 'Willy' was reverse pushing his own willy into a Boxer Dog Bitch down the road and the only advice that was given was 'throw a bucket of water over them'. Having tried to pull them apart I realised that if someone could market a glue as strong as two dogs coupling they would be a millionaire. Now I accept responsibility for being an unsuitable owner. He was taken for walks and he was given food and water. We weren't however 'Dog People' and I think you have to be a dog person to keep dogs. In those days you had to have a licence and we trooped off to the square in Rhuthun to buy a licence from the Post Office. Nobody came out to see whether your adobe was a suitable abode to keep a dog that had been mistreated as a puppy. You just paid your 37 and 1/2 pence. It was an offence, punishable by a fine of £10.00 to keep a dog without a licence or to fail to produce a licence when asked by a policeman. They didn't have tasers in those days. Willy was not a dangerous dog, he was a nuisance dog. We weren't told when we went to get him that he had been mistreated as a puppy. How else do you explain the chasing of sheep and the running after cars especially the Postman's van. We took him back to the same place after eight months much to the relief of the postman and everybody on the estate and all the sheep in the fields. I was very upset. I can understand how dogs get to you because on a good day, he was great fun and a good companion. I am approaching this topic with my usual light touch but in the last week there have been two deadly attacks, one on a 52 year old man and another on a 3 year old boy. Whilst the Great British Pubic have been mesmerised by the picture of a Syrian Boy who survived one of Hilary Benn's Bombing missions, at least he is still alive. Two people are dead because of dangerous dogs or rather dangerous owners. Is it now time to bring back a Dog Owner's Licence with a cost commensurate with the passage of time. In those days if your dog was caught causing injury or suffering to livestock, then you were fined £200.00. What about a Dog Licence that costs £200.00 and a licence that is diligently enforced? I have just read that you still need a Dog Licence in Northern Ireland and that costs £12.50. That amount of money is not going to stop somebody mistreating their dog and turning it into a dangerous dog.  From £200.00 upwards it might make some reconsider and at that price they would be given gold lined pooping bags for fearsome Fido. Just a thought! Let the barrage of abuse begin.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Pothole 2

I saw the light on her bike as she entered the pothole
I saw her blonde wig come loose on the bars
She was a woman (I think)
As she climbed out, I watched, and there were stars

My my my Injury Lawyers4U
Why why why Injury Lawyers4U
I could see, that girl was good for a claim
Shot over with clipboard and said who was to blame 

At break of day when they came to fix the pothole
I crossed the street to her house and she opened the door
She stood there laughing
Another man with a bigger claim form had been there before

My my my commission 
Why why why no commission
So before they come to tarmac the floor
Forgive me o Pothole, I just couldn't take any more

She stood there laughing
I felt the shovel in my hand and she laughed no more

My my my pothole
Why why why pothole
So before they come to tarmac the floor
I dug another pothole, I just couldn't take any more

I dug another pothole, I just couldn't take any more

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


been on the lash, dying for a slash
crossed legs and waiting
A man in a high viz, clutching his thermos
So mystic and soulful
A voice reaching out in a piercing cry
It stays with you until

The feeling has gone only you and I
It means a lot to me
This means a lot to me
Oh, Pothole!

My head is spinning
Haunting notes, pizza n cheese strings
The bastard is whistling
Alone in the night as the daylight brings
A cool empty silence
The warmth of the band and a cold grey sky
It fades to the distance

The Pothole has gone, only you and I
It means a lot to me
This means a lot to me

Oh Pothole!

Saturday, 13 August 2016


Me Blog's had a makeover! I've gone all Johnny Nice Painter. No I won't say the word, just in case. Although I have to admit that I have been feeling 'the Black Dog' panting on my shoulder recently. Not surprising for a Manic Depressive I suppose but the dramatic highs and lows of my younger years now no longer occur. Now it is a general blandness and emptiness that haunts me. Overthinking about my age and the fact that I cannot see myself changing, which I need to do if I am to progress and achieve. You cannot teach an old black dog new tricks. Whilst having much to be grateful for, it is the conditioned expectations of work and family which if you haven't attained by a definitive point in your life you start to think of Margaret Thatcher's quote about travelling on buses after a certain age. It could just be the weekend. I've never liked weekends, even when I was working. There was always that pressure to 'do' something especially if the sun was shining. I always preferred the brutality of the working week because even though you were probably doing something quite stressful it took your mind away from the pointlessness of existence. I'm sounding like a moaning, whinger now but I wanted to write this as an introduction to the new look. The Boutique Blog which is never mentioned elsewhere goes from strength to strength. Started in January 2012, it is one of the very few things that I am proud of and one of the very few things that I enjoy curating. Anyway jolly readers I hope I haven't brought you down. Did you say Black?    

Friday, 5 August 2016

A Garden Gathering

Sugar coated gladioli

in sweet shop colours.

bubble gum pink & sherbert yellow

flame red crocosmia

dart a warning to leave potentilla alone

poor old potus

bullied by all the other plants in the garden.

"doing my best ain't I"

"You're just big and fat and budding and over there"

shouted the buddleia

"At least they don't call me the butterfly bush or elephants' trunk"

that soon shut the brash bugger up.

The lily-livered lavender was looking good this year.

The chameleon like camellia however was crap,

flowering one year and not bothering the next.

The sedum was on the verge of turning red,

the hydrangea was screaming like a Hollywood starlet

"hydrate me, hydrate me"

but the drought had come.

Autumn then Winter crowds in

and the competition is over for another year.

My money is on the lilac to bloom first next Spring.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

When is a terrorist not a terrorist?

When he is mentally ill of course and they are all almost always he! After all the hard work of Time to Change and Mental Health Charities to challenge the stigma around Mental Health, the all powerful Media, they that effectively run this country come in with their size 11s and intermingle the words terrorist and mentally ill. If he's not one, he must be the other. I mean you must be a bit 'doollaly tap' mun to go and do something like that. As a loon myself I have often been very angry. My anger spills over into verbal outbursts but not violence. I am too much of a coward to be violent. That sounds like a strange thing to say but even in my chagrin and rage I am aware of the consequences of any violent act. Some people maybe are not! As all Muslims are fed up at being associated with Islamic State, all Mentally Ill are now fed up at being associated with violent attacks. The Black and White thinking that very often leads to episodes of Mental Illness is actually exacerbated by a Media that sees everything in terms of Good & Bad! 
White Man: Good 
Black Man: Bad
Western Democracy:Good
Middle Eastern Dictatorship:Bad  
Goodness knows what this has done to our minds over the years but alienation is growing in the West. Alienation against an un-caring and un-nurturing Capitalism. It is a system that kills thousands quietly every year. You will have to contact the Department of Work and Pensions for the statistics. The fact that it is Islamic State or those no good mentally ill terrorists that are determined to bring it down allows easy scapegoating by a Media who see what they want to see and report what they want to report.   

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

E am Elitaidd

Pwy sydd yn gallu afforddi £20.00 i fynd i fewn i faes yr Eisteddfod am ddiwrnod? Mae £20.00 i rywun di-waith fel £200.00. Ac mae'r pensiynwyr druan yn cael gostyngiad o £2.00 ac yn mynd i mewn am £18.00 felli ddim pensioneers cyffredin di rhain yn amlwg. Pensioneers gyda phensiwn preifat i dalu am y fath beth. Mae 'na ostyngiad i fyfyrwyr ond fydd rhaid i fyfyrwyr gysylltu gyda'r Eisteddfod i ffeindio allan faint ydy'r pris. Beth ydy'r gyfrinach fawr? Mi gewch chi ostyngiad am bedwar o gloch y prynhawn ond erbyn hynny mae pawb yn pacio fyny i fynd adref. Waith i mi falu awyr mwn a deud fod yr ŵyl gystadleuol flynyddol yn sploetch elitaidd dosbarth canol gwyn. Does 'na very few Cymry Cymraeg di waith felly pam cynnig gostyngiad fasa ei dadl nhw dwi'n siŵr. Ond os ydy nod y bobol a'i phethau ydy'r filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg yma, gobeithio yn fawr fydda nhw ddim i gyd yn ddosbarth canol gwyn, oherwydd rydym eisiau 'quality not quantity' mwn. Pa ots am yr iaith os ydy'r person gyda moesau hunanol, cyfalafol pob gwlad wen arall yn y byd. Dewch flaen Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, mae rhywun yn rhywle yn ennill pres go dda! Pam dych chi ddim yn cynnig talu eich stiwardiaid gwirfoddol os ydych yn codi tal o ugain punt y dydd i ddod mewn i'r maes? Mae yn anfoesol ac yn anfaddeuol fod y cathod tew ar y top yn cael yr hufen i gyd a'r bobol fach yn cael briwsion o fwrdd yr Eisteddfod. Pam fod yr Eisteddfod, yn lle efelychi bob system gyfalafol gwneud pres arall, yn gallu dilyn esiampl sosialaidd? Talwch beth allwch chi afforddi ac yn amlwg fydd y cathod tew yn talu £200.00 a fydd y bobol fach yn cario blaen i dalu £20.00 os pres yn amlwg ydi'r nod. Dwi'n meddwl fod nhw jest eisiau cadw riff raff fel fi allan o'r maes.  

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

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Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


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How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

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Bottom of the Ottoman