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Saturday, 30 April 2016


I shouldn't really go there but the Shark Fisherman of Wales tends to go to places that others fear to tread. Anti-Semitism is the new Paedophilia. It is the 'N word'. It is so Taboo that it sends Labour, Conservative and Uncle Tom Cobley and all into apoplexy. One of the first books I read as a teenager was about the Holocaust and Adolf Eichmann. It had a red cover and I was drawn to it every time I entered the school library. I am not Jewish and I do not know many Jews so perhaps, no I definitely shouldn't be writing a post about it but I have a very small readership and I do not anticipate a stream of comments as if this was a Guardian Column. Is Anti-Semitic sentiment worse than Islamophobia? Isn't Islamophobia understandable to an extent these days in light of atrocities that claim to be done under that religion's name. After all you wouldn't be human if you didn't carry prejudice in some shape or form. Prejudice is not racism. Somebody said that Palestinians are Semites. On my sojourn in a Dutch Prison I met a man whose father was Jewish and mother Arabic. A great man with a great sense of humour. He was half and half rather than a full breed. I am half Gog and half Hwntw! I am sure this is what gives me my appeal and charisma. To be a full blown anything.....please enter Catholic, Protestant, Jehovas Witness carries its own dangers. You are then in danger of being a full blown defensive. You live in complete fear that your beliefs can be questioned, that your Ivory Tower can be toppled any minute. Any race or people with a history of persecution will carry that gene in its DNA. A race of people can carry a persecution complex. You will think that Ken Livingstone is Anti-Semitic if you don't like Ken Livingstone. You will think him so if you want to see the new Labour leadership undermined because Livingstone is one of Corbyn's men and from day one of his tenure, whispers have been whistling through the corridors of power. Whispers that go right back to the Balfour Declaration of 1917. 

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