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Friday, 17 February 2012

Salmond Fishing in Scotland

Trout Fishing in America, Shark Fishing in Wales and now Salmond Fishing in Scotland! Whatever Next?
On the front page of the Western Mail (Llais y Sais) this morning, an action shot of David Cameron in bright blue tie with the headlines 'It's made us safer, it's made us stronger, it's made us richer, it's helped us in times of difficulty. We shouldn't give up this great thing-Our United Kingdom'
Now who are you calling 'us' paleface? Don't drag us into it! Now you see if I was Editor of the Western Mail, the National Newspaper of Wales(Ha! Ha!) I would have had a huge photograph of Alex Salmond with the headline:
"Go back to England, and tell them there that Scotland's daughters and her sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free." 
I am not Editor however, thankfully, of this shallow rag with its emphasis on twirling the Prince of Wales feathers in your face and telling you on an almost weekly basis who the top 50 'hottest' men and women are in Wales. Shallow drivel bollocks! By their National Newspaper shall ye know them ! Now its all very well for this crazy little Welshman to write admiring words about the situation North of the Border "Ye dinnae have to live here". Well put it like this, I'd rather live in a country that teaches its children its own history than the Imperialist, sanitised propaganda that they force feed us this side of Offa's Dyke. I had the 1832 Reform Act, Sir Robert Peel, The Corn Laws. Whose History do you want us to learn?

Now I know there is a danger for some to feel alienated by such talk but perhaps we would be better off getting rid of certain words in the dictionary because they carry such heavy connotations. Here are my short list of words that I would get rid off because they carry such baggage.

  • Nationalist: Not a helpful word this one, it can be used by academics and conservative politicians to make you feel like a Fascist. Ironic what?
  • Schizophrenia: Not a helpful word or concept at all. So much media representation of this condition has given it such a heavy burden that the word needs to change. R.D Laing, the Scotsman Psychiatrist from the Glasgow tenements knew this when he wrote 'The Divided Self'
  • Death: Not a good word. Apart from the most enlightened, we are all 'shit scared' of death therefore might I suggest 'The Long Sleep' or 'The Long Rest'. 
  • Ethnicity: This word enhances the differences between human beings. A 'bad' word. Ethnic Minority is a ridiculous concept which just goes to strengthen the weakness inherent in the two words. 
Perhaps it would be better if the Scottish Border were brought down to just South of Liverpool. The North/South Divide would then be more equitable. The people of the North of England have suffered just as much if not more from the elitist ruling class of London and the Home Counties than we in Wales or Scotland. 

Cameron knows only too well the baggage of the word 'Tory' but I'm sure he's glad that he's called Cameron and not Campbell.

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