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Sunday, 19 February 2012

Dear John!

Well! Happy Birthday to Shark Fishing in Wales. It is One Month old today and has had 1,100 page views. SFIW is in essence a 'Dear John' letter to Kairdiff and Wales. Whilst I will still continue to live here,(unless I get any other offers) I will be just a ghost in the machine. The older you get, the more invisible you become. Despite the protestations of SAGA and the University of the Third Age, getting old is no fun. It is in your twenties and thirties that you need to make your mark, then you can sit back in middle age and chew on the bones of your successes and do some fine tweaking and some ruthless P.R work. Old age where the beautiful become less beautiful. Unless of course they have worked on their inner selves. For some reason the BBC Comedy series 'Dear John' spoke to me and I collected the episodes religiously on V.H.S, the lilting and angelic theme tune, the first class acting by Ralph Bates and the observational comedy by John Sullivan. Its American adaptation with Judd Hirsch was longer lived. Thankfully I haven't been through the 'Rights of Passage' of Divorce like John, but there was just something of the 'Everyman' about the character that appealed.
A dear john letter is a farewell to a former loved one. I used to love Wales but loving one's country is a useless notion. Loving one's planet is probably a better option. You've probably got more chance of finding someone with whom you have something in common. The Grey Lady or Carwyn Jones First Minister, to give him his proper title is appealing to Plaid Cymru voters to become turncoats and come home to Labour. Well Labour in Wales are what the Tory Party are to England. "You put a donkey up in the Valleys and I'd vote for it". Ed Millipede has been here to tell us how much we have in common and he is probably returning to London with the same uneasy feeling that David Cameron has, having been to visit the Independent Nation of Scotland. Labour have always been the dominant paradigm in Wales and this useless swinging, like Democrat and Republican in America from Red to Blue across the United Kingdom is slowly grinding to a halt. I have never quite worked out how you can become so powerful, so quickly by entering politics. This is a career path that all John Does should choose. Plenty of ego and ambition, the hide of a rhino, belligerence and you can become Prime Minister. Every four years we continue to vote for it, actually believing that whoever we vote for can make a difference. How ridiculous! The Shark Fishing in Wales party, yes well I'm starting to get some fan letters now so it might be an option. Don't watch this space but thank you for your birthday greetings and see you all in the next post.

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