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I'll write anything for money me!

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Gone to spend a penny!

 This pretend poet is going to pen some prose
that is going to grow longer than his nose.
It is now 50p to spend a penny in the Lake District
I shudder to think how much in a London precinct
I suppose that because we spend so much money on food
that Community Councils have to catch the mood.

They are charging for the air for your tyres,
charging tourists to look round the spires.  
"While you're reading what I've put
you might be peeing on your foot"
"I don't come to think and wonder
I just come to shit like thunder"
were yesterday's scrawls on the toilet stalls
now it's a hole in the wall and a phone number.

Queen Victoria would have been amused at her subjects
fumbling for a bank card to fund her Empire Wars.
"I only want a penny to spread our culture abroad"
"Well tough titty m'lady"
There's so much effluence in the public domain
finding benefit money to pay for a poo is really a pain.

We need to bring back 'Pieces of Eight' 
to deal with these modern day pirates.
They'll be charging us to walk and to sleep 
access to nature will be as chargeable
as the lithium battery on your electric car,
you'll be charged for drinking your craft beer at the bar. 
If anything now is still free,
humans will find a way to make you pay for it, you'll see. 

We think that we own the planet and everything upon it.
every living breathing entity is a commodity
that has to be used to boost the economy.
If we didn't think we could own people
there wouldn't have been slavery.
The higher, crueller castes would have you in penury.

I don't get out much
and now I know why
because the powers that be want you to pay for the sky
"But it's up there, I can see it from here"
"There must be a mistake because you haven't paid Sir" 
We are not allowed to just exist, to just be
We are judged as a human being on our productivity 
Well "balls to that" I'm not going to spend a penny.

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