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Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Militant, Socialist, Republican Welsh Nationalism


After ten years of existence, this blog and its editorial staff and all guest blog posters who have been on zero hours contracts for too long have decided to state publicly that the politics of sharkfishinginwales is unashamedly Militant, Socialist, Republican Welsh Nationalism.

The Militancy, the Socialism and the Republicanism come before the Welsh Nationalism. An Independent Wales will occur as a by-product of the struggle by our brothers and sisters in the English Republican Movement who with our support will depose the Monarch and appoint a President of an Independent British Republic. 

No longer faux 'United' no longer a 'Kingdom', the Independent citizens of English, Scottish and Welsh Republics will go forward together in a spirit of co-operation and solidarity.

The Queen of England and her descendents will be offered safe passage to a dominion (of their ancient and crumbling empire) of their choosing. Gibraltar, The Falkland Islands and the British Virgin Islands have all been suggested as final resting places for this archaic and costly tradition.

While One Nation Tories, Monarchists and Establishment Labour will be scoffing the Jelly and Ice Cream in four weeks time, those of us with our eyes on the Republican prize will be cogitating and analysing the best way forward.

There will be no leaders, no egos, no members, no leaflets through doors and certainly no rallies YET. We have to be ghosts in their machine.

This so called British Democracy expects us to exercise the right they have given us to vote today. That vote is always for the status quo. There are too many vested interests in this particular Capitalist State as we have seen very recently with the demonisation of a man of integrity.

Why would anybody put their heads above the parapet after the absolute trashing of a person who knew that for any change to occur for the better for ordinary citizens then the whole set up had to be challenged and changed.

If enough people feel that Westminster, the Monarchy, the Upper Class Tory Toff mafioso need to be removed then their roots and branches need to be cut off at source. 

Are we addicted to this sado-masochism? Do we subconsciously want to be punished?

Is it about self hate?

Do we hate ourselves so much for the lowly position that we have inhabited for the last two hundred years?

It's time for somebody to wave goodbye and time for somebody else to start sweating.


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