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Saturday, 15 February 2020

There will be Insanity

At times like this I am actually glad that I have been 'mad' that I have been certifiably insane. I shudder to think how those of you who have not spent time in a prison or mental hospital because of 'lunacy' feel at this moment.

Say that you are approaching forty years of age? Say that you were 21 when 9/11 occurred. How must you be feeling today after almost two decades of horrific global news stories? or a more impressionable 11 years of age and now you are approaching thirty. 

Three years of Will He? Won't He? protracted Brexit and on the same day that UK PLC exit the European Union, Coronavirus enters the UK and people start making memes of such using the well known cerveza manufacturer's logo and brand. 

We have never been in these uncharted territories before. Nobody remembers the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 because nobody was around then. At the time of the SARS outbreak there was a very scary 9.00 o clock click bait news right at the outset and then nothing was heard of it again. It was contained in China largely but it appears to have mutated and now our beleaguered NHS who were promised so much on the side of buses in 2016 have to deal with this. 

It is fascinating to observe the Internet News. They are sensationalising it or minimising it so much on the telly that you could be forgiven for thinking that they are playing good cop, bad cop with our fears.

Ont Internet you have the usual scabby and boring stories but then 
"Were you at this Bus Conference? We're you in this Doctor's Surgery? Did you get into an Uber? The drip drip of scaremongering continues so while we escape into the banality of our football teams and different storms we are being psychologically battered on a daily basis.

The wind and rain may be scary Mary outside but that is nothing compared to what is going on in the collective subconscious. Llanrwst and Hebden Bridge were flooded in Storm Cara. Who will cop it in Storm Dennis? And all the time that we are worried about the weather and the Brexit negotiations and whether Wales will win the next Rugby game, the little Corona Virus Pop Man is tapping on your cerebral cortex going 
"I could kill you in one sneeze or cough"

Some of us have been self isolating for years out of social anxiety not realising that there is a name for it. Now we get to do it officially.

Fear stalks the streets of austerity Britain as Bojo the Clown plays Chess with his Cabinet getting rid of the threats to his power base. You can tell that everybody is scared of him and that they are ready to guffaw at the slightest quip to be uttered from his pouty lips. This new Chancellor looks like a real Boris Brown Nose.

As this Corona Physical plays out! Have you had it? Are you now clear? Are you a super muck spreader? we will see more and more people becoming insane with the fear. The Nuclear Bunkers that were built in the 1980's will be opened to house the Councillors and Politicians that will be required to run a Post Corona Virus Zombie Nation. When are the Police going to start wearing face masks to go and arrest people.

We had Gas Masks and Geoffrey Boycott in the Second World War. Could we not offer Geoffrey Boycott to the Corona Virus as a Human Sacrifice. Get him to bore it into submission? Failing that could we ask Dominic Cummings to disseminate gas masks on prescription. Perhaps at the next Paris Fashion Show the models will be wearing Hazmat Suits. There must be a factory unit full of them down Salisbury Way.

There will be casualties from this CoronaVirus outbreak, not just the physical ones but the ones whose minds have become flooded by fear. People will becomes insane, there will be more instances of psychosis, the grainy telephone pictures of Chinese Medical Staff screaming with tiredness and despair will play out on the streets of Blighty depending on how the mainstream media want to play it. The Johnson will tell the BBC to ramp the fear factor up a few volts to avoid scrutiny on his latest hair brained scheme.

Just because you have lost your mind once and become insane doesn't mean that it grants immunity from it happening again.

Depending on how this one plays out I will see you on the streets, in the mental health facilities or failing that I will wave to you from the window of my self isolation unit also known as my home. 


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