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Thursday, 29 October 2015

High Anxiety

Even though I am allergic to young people I am concerned about their Mental Health. Their suffering is endemic and often times so unnecessary. It is this culture of secrecy around growing up because we often grow up with the burden of the family history but nobody talks about it. Parents don't feel that it is appropriate to mention crazy Uncle Dai and that there might be a genetic predisposition in the family to depression. They don't talk about Mental Health because very often parents are scared about their own Mental Health. Being young is bloody difficult and so bloody challenging and it is heartbreaking that they suffer so. It is not until they are older that they can frame things differently in their minds, that they have learnt coping with life strategies. I do wonder if a lot of it has to do with their growing awareness of DEATH. Knowing that their parents, that their care givers are going to die and desert them. Also knowing that their own lives could be snuffed out like a candle at any time. Then they see all the crap in the world, the injustices pumped out on 24 hour news and then they get to thinking, where do I fit into all this shit? and is it really worth it? "My parents obviously loved each other enough to bring me into the world but I wish that there were other responsible adults who can help me cope with these feelings of high anxiety" is what I imagine they must be thinking but it is a long time since I was there but the memories can be painfully searing and can often stop you in your tracks when you remember back. So often times we turn to the substances to numb the pain. The pain of feeling and the pain of emotion. It works for a while but you need more and more substance because when the numbness wears off the anxiety and depression come back ten fold in the form of withdrawal. I wonder that as we age, we begin to give up and give in. It is this resignation that keeps us alive. To all intents and purposes we have resigned to circumstances and are just treading water but the young have hopes and dreams and they are fighting and if we have given up, then we should at least help them in their fighting and not show them that giving up is the answer to piece of mind.  Dunno! Just saying like. 

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