Hostile Environment
Ever since I can
remember Britain has been a hostile environment
but now it has been
amplified by loud speakers playing Jerusalem.
Jerks draped in Union
Jacks blaming Labour for 14 years of Tory failure.
This is deliberate,
intentional collective amnesia.
Patriots are looking
for someone to blame
ex watch sellers and
army veterans on You Tube the same.
The Muslims and Islam
are the infidel to them
Black lives don’t
matter because they are Marxists
and they can’t really
explain why they are uncomfortable taking the knee
but they’d rather bow
to Jacob Rees Mogg and the Reform Five
than anyone of a
different religion and skin colour.
Lord and Lady Muck
have got our best interests at heart
And don’t you say
nuffink about the King!
The Queen, his mother
was our soul bearer going back to the Crusades!
You claim to be a
Christian Nation because of a Middle Eastern Religion
but because your
Puritans invaded Turtle Island and killed up until Wounded Knee,
you can’t see the
point of reparations for slavery
You are the problem
ye sons and daughters of Albion
Your flag is made up,
your anthem a dirge
You look around to
blame others when you are the scourge
You worship an orange
businessman and racists in suits
but walk by the
homeless suspecting them of being communist
You are the virus
that you wouldn’t mask up for!
There’s no
vaccination against prejudice and hate
You’ll just have to keep marching to work out your fate.
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