Who put the Great in Great Yarmouth?

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I'll write anything for money me!

Monday, 25 October 2021

"Dance Ti Thy Saudi"



Dance to thy Saudi my little laddie
Dance to thy Saudi my little man
Dance to thy Saudi, sing to Mrs Staveley
Dance to thy Saudi till the cheques come in.

You shall have blood money on a little dishy
You shall have blood money when the boat comes in
You shall have a severed head on a little dishy
You shall have a severed head when the boat comes in

Come here me little Jacky
Now aw've smoked mi cracky backy
Have a bit o Shisha
Till the cheques come in

Dance to thy Saudi sing to Mrs Staveley
Dance to thy Saudi my little man
You shall have summat fishy on a little dishy
You shall have blood money when the boat comes in
Jamal Kashoggi on a little dishy
Jamal Kashoggi when the boat comes in

Dance to thy Saudi my little laddie
Dance to thy Saudi my little man
Dance to thy Saudi, sing to Mrs Staveley
Dance to thy Saudi my little man

They’ll serve you summat fishy on a little dishy
They’ll serve you summat fishy when the boat comes in
Alan Shearer clappy clappy on a little dishy
Alan Shearer clappy clappy when the boat comes in

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Guest Blog Post: Robertson Davies


My family background was Welsh, and the Welsh are very,very fond of storytelling and tend to be rather good at it. They're also fond of children, but they are not in the modern way infinitely tolerant of children. They think children need to be taught and they teach them. They teach them very often through stories. I feel that this quality of storytelling is basic to the novelist's art.

Sometimes I am asked to talk to groups of students about writing, and the poor souls are filled to the brim with all the complex business about theories and types of narrative and this, that and the other. What I say to them is

If you're a writer, a real writer, you're a descendant of those medieval storytellers who used to go into the square of a town and spread a little mat on the ground and sit on it and beat on a bowl and say, 

"If you give a copper coin I will tell you a golden tale" 

If the storyteller had what it took, he collected a little group and told them a golden tale until it got to the most exciting point and then he passed the bowl again. That was the way he made his living, and if he failed to hold his audience, he was through and had to take up some other line of work.

Now this is what a writer must do. I get so sick of writers who make tedious demands on their readers and expect them to bear with them through infinitely refined analyses of meaning and this,that and the other.

You really must have a story and you must tell it, or people will just put the book down and they will find it to be one of those books (unlike the ones you sometimes read about in book reviews) that once put down is impossible to take up again.  

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Broblem ta Trysor?


Maen nhw'n deud fod 'na diffyg athrawon. Maen nhw'n deud fod 'na diffyg ymrwymiad o'r Llywodraeth Cymraeg ag y Curriculum addysg i ddelio gyda 'dysgu Cymraeg'. I'r rheina ohonom ni sydd yn ddigon breintiedig i allu siarad yr iaith yn rhugl neu yn fratiog mae yna gyfrifoldeb arnom ni i ddatrys y 'broblem' yma ond oes e? 

Yn anffortunus iawn i bobol tu allan y 'bubble' Cymraeg broblem ydy'r iaith Gymraeg. Broblem wleidyddol sydd yn gwahanu pobol o fewn Cymru. Broblem sydd wedi achosi i Blaid Cymru rhoi'r gorau iddi yn ei ymdrechion i fod yn Blaid sydd yn cynrychioli Cymru gyfan. Mae'r olwynion wedi dod i ffwrdd o'r cerbyd oherwydd bod un drws yn ormod wedi cael ei chnocio gyda'r ymateb "Sorry Luv, I don't speak Welsh". "Bbbbut you don't have to speak Welsh to be a member of Plaid Cymru o’r to vote fôr Plaid Cymru". Gyda'r ymateb llipa amddiffynnol yma mae'r drws yn cael ei chau ar yr ymgeisydd ac ar yr ymgyrch unwaith eto.

Yr elfen o orfodaeth yma sydd yn dychryn fi! Fel un a gafodd ddim addysg Cymraeg ar ôl saith oed, dwi'n sgrifennu mewn iaith y cartref ag iaith yr aelwyd a dyna ble dyle'r Gymraeg fod yn gryf, ddim mewn ysgolion neu mewn Prifysgolion, ddim fel mae dynoliaeth Cymraeg ar hyn o bryd. Dynoliaeth sydd yn gyffredinol yn gweld yr iaith Gymraeg fel problem i'w ddatrys ac nid fel trysor i gael ei warchod.

Fel cyn athro a cyn athro cyflenwi a wnaeth wers cyflenwi mewn ysgol yn Drelái o bob man dwi'n cofio mynd mewn i ddosbarth ble oedd neb yn fy adnabod i a minnau yn adnabod dim o'r disgyblion. Gwers Cymraeg! Mi wnes fy ngorau ond ar ôl hanner awr mi aeth yn ddadl wleidyddol gyda minnau yn datgan i'r rhesi blinedig "Fy mod i ddim eisiau byw mewn Cymru heb y Gymraeg" gydag un hogyn yn sefyll i fyny a dyrnu'r wal gyda'i ddwrn "What effing use is it?" gan gerdded allan. Da iawn Mr Williams am elyniaethu dosbarth arall o blant yn erbyn y Gymraeg. Hen ffrind yn datgan fod ei gyn athro Cymraeg yn alcoholig ag o sail hynny "We learnt nothing".

Mae'n edrych fel bod y pwyslais yn mynd i fod i gael mwy o athrawon sydd yn medru'r Gymraeg. Ond os yw ganran o athrawon yn lleihau yn gyffredinol pa obaith ydyw cael mwy o athrawon Cymraeg trwy ddrysau'r dosbarth?

Yn y Fro Cymraeg efallai faswn yn cael fy llosgi ar y goelcerth am ddatgan y fath barn am iaith y nefoedd ond yn weddill Cymru, y Gymru ble mae Plaid Cymru yn cael problem cyrraedd gyda'i neges mae'r realiti yn dra gwahanol. Ddiffiniad gwallgofrwydd ydy gwneud yr un ymarferion dro ar ôl tro a gobeithio am ganlyniad gwahanol.

Beth sydd rhaid i gwestiynu a chael ei ddatrys yn fy nhyb i ydy'r 'Meddylfryd Cymraeg'.

Pam fod athrawon yn mynd i daflu ei hunan ar faes y gad i geisio ysgogi plant sydd wedi cael ei ddieithrio gan y cyfnod clo, i ddysgu Cymraeg, pan mae pobol yn gwneud bywoliaeth reit braf yn y cyfryngau Cymraeg diolch yn fawr i chi? Dim ar enillwyr pres mawr ddylse y cyfrifoldeb am ddyfodol yr iaith fod? Ddim ar ysgwyddau bobol ifanc sydd wedi cael ei swyno gan yr hysbysebion 'Seize the Day' am ddiffyg reality y byd dysgu.

Mewn byd ble rydym yn chwarae rhan fwy eangfrydig oherwydd Cofid 19 ag newid hinsawdd ydy o ddim yn dyledus arnom ni fel Cymuned o Gymry Cymraeg i weithio allan beth ydy'r ffordd orau o drosglwyddo'r iaith Gymraeg i'r rheina sydd yn dewis ei siarad â dim ceisio gorfodi pobol i fynd i fod yn athrawon y Gymraeg ym myd addysg sydd ar ei bengliniau. Popeth yn Gymraeg wrth gwrs yn enwedig tirwedd (realiti)      

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Squeezing out another blog post


I want to squeeze out another blog post but I'm not too sure what to concentrate on as I am doing the squeezing. The brutal stabbing of MP Sir David Amess & the Robin Hood Killer in Norway. You turn on the radio, (that is where I get most of my news or from the Internet), and the dystopian future ticker tapes into your lug holes. These are random acts of senseless violence but they must have made sense to the perpetrators at the time. I foresaw insanity way back in February 2020 before the pandemic lockdown really kicked in, in the UK. When the Freedom Day Barrage Balloon went up on July 19th I was surprised that all the surpressed rage and frustration didn't flood out in many wanton acts of violence but now we are hearing about random acts of violence. They are shocking but we get over them because we haven't (hopefully) been personally affected. We get back on the horse and do whatever we have to do.

I never thought that I would say it, let alone propound it in a blog post especially as a a left leaning sometime socialist BUT I have been thinking more and more about the death penalty for certain pre planned and pre meditated crimes. If there had been a death penalty in place would this have stopped the course of actions undertaken by Wayne Couzens and Ali Harbi Ali. Would they have thought 'Hang on, if I carry on and get caught I will definitely be killed by the state?'

If that deterrent were in place then Sarah Everard and Sir David Amess might be alive today. Before you think I'm going all Priti Patel on you there would have to be many caveats put in place. How do you and can you prove whether somebody is criminally insane? If a cold blooded rapist or murderer is offered the choice of the death penalty or a life behind bars they might well choose the easy way out of lethal injection by syringe driver. It might not be the way out chosen by martyrs for an ideological cause within the walls of Belmarsh but I'm seriously wondering now whether it has to become an option.

Otherwise we will be accepting these events as normal and usual.

However many life sentences somebody is given does not bring the deceased back. What you are doing is hothousing sick minds within the walls of incarceration. What can you hope for in terms of rehabilitation? That they find God and repent? That they breakdown in prison? Surely this is the aim of punishment. To break a man's spirit, to break a man's will. Keep them inside long enough and then they will become old men with less lust, cruelty and testosterone. 

For somebody who doesn't believe in Prison as a form of punishment I am amazed that I am coming out with this twaddle but life is not sacrosanct. It never has been. Life is cheap, brutal, dirty and poor. These people have died inside mentally and emotionally before they fall to their knees.

I'm wondering whether it is worth introducing something to deter the pre planned from their course of action and before you ask whether I would be willing to administer the fatal dose. The answer is yes because NHS Doctors and Nurses do it everyday to put people out of their pain.


Wednesday, 13 October 2021

On being sent to cultural Coventry


I think I’ve been there once. 
Nice enough.
Had my hair cut on a Saturday
in the days when it was on the top of my head.
Humans are amazing at putting people there.
Blanking, ignoring, doorstepping
“Give him the silent treatment,
he’ll soon see the error of his ways.
Don’t encourage him, he’s far too big for his boots.
Let him fine dine on bamboo shoots."
Coventry? It’s that way 👆
Why not Daventry or Bantry Bay?
Abergavenny or Oswestry?
Hinckley C or Kirkby?
Twitter is the medium for moaners, 
Some of them moan so much it gives them a boner.
I look for collaborators, people to work with creatively
 but all I come across is insecurity.
They guard their artistic practice with German Sheperds and barbed wire
Thinking that the world is going to set their work on fire 
rather than the other way around.
I’ll have to continue to plough my own furrow.
Look pal get back into your burrow 🐾
Next time round the City of Culture will be the whole county of Wrexham.
Then you will see me
shifting through the gears like Ivor the Engine and Sam Tân
driving the artistic, cultural poetry tram.

Monday, 11 October 2021

Neighbours with yapping dogs


Neighbours with yapping dogs

 We’ve all got them!

Neighbours with yapping dogs

aka selfish people who live next door.

Concrete Mixers going at 3.00am

Teenager’s Drumkit on at 10.00 pm

They’ve discovered ‘the recorder’

I wish I lived over the border

In hell and high-water trust ‘y bobol drws nesaf i sarnu pethau.'

Love thy Neighbour has been scratched out of my Bible

replaced by ‘Revenge is mine’ sayeth the Lord.

You can’t argue with that if they create discord?

Who keeps a chihuahua or Yorkshire terrier to repel burglars?

the thief would take the ribbon from its head.

No, until I hear different in a court of law

I’ll think they bought it just to give me lock jaw.

I’m simmering with resentment

My passive aggression knows no bounds

You wait till I get my hands on the necks of those hounds

A whimper turns to a snivel turns to baying wolf like sounds.

Me and my cat are in here counting out the pounds.

We’ve saved up you see to buy a tree

It’s one of these AI Robots, Amazoned from Japan.

It stands in the garden looking like a bonsai

When next door’s yapping dog decides to take a wee

the roots wrap themselves around said dog

 rubbing its face and paws in their own created bog.

Next door’s yapping dogs are hushed and silent now

while the AI tree and cat take a bow.

‘y bobol drws nesaf i sarnu pethau.'

the people next door to ruin things

Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive

  Voluntary Worklessness and Economically Inactive   I awake and see Liz Kendall and Keir Starmer (Sir) standing at the bottom of my bed...

Blog Archive

Bottom of the Ottoman

Hitler navigates the A487 from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth


David's books

How To Be Idle
Second Sight
Freud: The Key Ideas
The Yellow World
Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other
Going Mad?: Understanding Mental Illness
Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds
Ham on Rye
Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I Bought a Mountain
Hovel in the Hills: An Account of the Simple Life
Ring of Bright Water
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Seat of the Soul

David Williams's favorite books »

Bottom of the Ottoman