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Saturday, 3 November 2018

Complicit Conts

If your husband, father, brother or son went down to the American Embassy to pick up his passport or visa and you found out later via MSM and other vicarious sources that he had been strangled, dismembered and dissolved in acid then the very least you might do is phone 101 or write a strongly worded letter to the Western Mail. This state sponsored assassination occurred in the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul so it's the Middle East and like a poorly organised rugby trip it appears "that what happens in the Middle East, stays in the Middle East" I mean, they look different to us and they have got different laws and rules that you need to abide by, after all they are Islamists and we know that the more militant wing of that group can be a tad brutal to say the least. Britain are supplying arms to the Saudi Arabians and they are allowing their pilots to train for genocide in RAF Valley on Anglesey. Now you see if Wales was an Independent nation and not a pissing Principality of Prince Wing Nuts dominion we could say no to this but as in the case of Wylfa B and Hitachi we have to agree to something that we know intuitively is bad for us and the shark fisherman of Wales is wondering on this 'super soaraway caturday saturday,' is that what we are experiencing in UK PLC since the Brexit vote of 2016, is a permanent state of self disgust. As individual bods we can do 'ffwc all' to influence the power brokers and war machine to stop killing innocent people so we go gambling, drinking and taking drugs. We partake of a slow form of suicide. Being addicted to making money as a Capitalist, Business, Entrepreneur is a form of spiritual death "Oh woah, hang on you can't say that, we wouldn't have the Dragon's Den, the Apprentice and all those shows with Evan Davies squinting into the lens if we weren't addicted to greed and it does give people jobs". Let me tell you now 'gwboi' that the Shark Fisherman of Wales is so sick of the 'jobs' argument that he is likely to drown the next person on a witch's ducking stool who makes it, which brings me back to the husband, father, brother, son who has just gone down to the American Embassy and been killed in such a horrible fashion. You might excuse his demise because you remember that in an argument with his wife, mother, sister, daughter that you interpreted that he was giving off 'misogynistic' signals. You remember that when he was reading the paper or watching the news that he shouted out "That F******g Philip Green" and you knew that he was a Jew and that you came to the only conclusion that was left open to you, that your beloved family member was 'Anti-Semitic'. Now I don't know what has gone into our collective drinking water apart from fluoride and the results of fracking but I can tell you that we are gulping down hysteria and group think! As a 'loon' I am ever watchful for 'normals' using the terminology of 'mental health' to make a point and therefore I must acquiesce to women and Jews when they feel persecuted but we are attacking each other when we should be attacking those who send their children to private education and who get treated by BUPA because they have been feathering their nests whilst we have been distracted by caring about the future of the world. Here endeth the lesson.       

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