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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Gibbets & Jihadis

Somewhere in the house I have a letter from a Dutch court declaring me insane and what you are about to read is obviously the thoughtful rantings of an insane man. After yesterday's atrocity in New York, as an insane man I am about to propound a philosophy and deterrent that will have my fellow trendy lefties fainting in the aisles. In certain media outlets and in the back rooms of certain British boozers, ISIL are referred to as a Medieval Death Cult. Well if we in the Capitalist Christian Black & White West or the CCBWW for short intend to carry on watching the Great British Bake Off and celebrating Halloween then we must have a deterrent worthy of our medieval past. There was talk on last Thursday's question time of not letting em back in, the Soldiers of Allah who have gone oft to foreign shores to bomb, kill and maim us. Well what about letting em back in and while we are medievally burning Guy Fawkes on the Bonfire and gayly Christmas shopping in Oxford Street and Times Square we might look up and observe jihadists rotting on gibbets and shudder as we realise how close they were from stopping us enjoying our self indulgent little pleasures. George Bush declared a war on terrorism after 9/11 and terrorism is carrying on that war on a civilian population using the tools of rampant capitalism. Not even your most unhinged UKipper would dare to propound what I just have here but in my defence I have just completed a month of abstinence from alcoholic beverages so I may not be thinking straight. A couple of liveners and I'll be back to abnormal. I think that Spain and Catalonia are playing a remarkable game of bluff and double bluff with the Islamic State. Since the atrocity on Las Ramblas in August, the Iberian peninsula have been playing an elaborate game of smoke and mirrors with the Moors of old and only time will tell who will come out the victors. If we the global proletariat don't do sumffink to deter these barbarians who are hell bent on changing our way of life then we will just continue to be like the ducks in the Heineken advertisement of old.
 I am either too old or too insane for all this shit.


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