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Monday, 9 January 2017

May on Mental Health

Now I like Theresa May as a person, she comes across as compassionate and kind, when you do actually see her. I think she is actually quite a private person and guards her own mental health well, unlike her predecessor, the Flashman Cameron who was in your, and every camerman's face day in day out, looking as if he was doing something. What he was actually doing under the disguise of democracy was preparing to allow the people to lance the Brexit Boil. It has been lanced and Theresa May is now concerned about our mental health in the light of this. I've watched a couple of news flashes (on somebody else's TV) and looked on the Internet and read an article in the Western Fail
'May calls for end to stigma surrounding mental health.'

"I was talking to somebody earlier today and they were making the point that, in the workplace, if you break your arm and you go in with your arm in plaster or in a sling, people will come up to you and talk to you about it. If you have a mental health problem people are more likely to try to avoid you. We must get over the stigma, we must ensure that we are providing the services for people with mental health"

Well I'm sorry Theresa but that is absolute drivel worthy of my previous post. It is anecdotal and it buys into the us and them narrative. Other people get problems with their Mental Health. The very language she uses feeds the stigma and I'm not actually so sure that there is a stigma regarding mental health. It is only those who actually see themselves as robots, devoid of a heart, who can actually believe that there can be a stigma related to emotional distress. It appears to me that many of those who work for Mental Health Charities on a very fat salary, in a hierarchical structure that perpetuates oppression also buy into that narrative, but that is another post for another day. What qualifies the Shark Fisherman of Wales to talk of such things? Well he/I ended up in a Foreign Jail because of his/my mental health. No, I'm sorry referring to it in the third person is just not going to work. It makes everything impersonal and puts everything at arms length. Luckily for me, Britain was still in the European Union at the time and the Remand Jail was willing to take me at Dutch Tax Payers Expense. If they had refused to incarcerate me then I would have had to return to Britain and God knows what kind of treatment I would have received here. Well it's not only God knows, we all know what kind of treatment I would have received here, none. 
I, one of Thatcher's children, became an emergency case at the age of 39. I had been hospitalised at 21 for a breakdown that had been precipitated by my first experience of emotional distress and trauma at the age of 13. Mental Health, Mental Illness has dominated my life because it wasn't addressed when I was a teenager.  Theresa May's words today are addressing the needs of today's teenagers but I am concerned that it is a sticking plaster on an open wound. You are asking education factories that hothouse children and put them under unnecessary pressure to pass exams for jobs that don't exist to minister to their spiritual and holistic needs. Hang on, this sounds like a job for the new Chief Inspector of Ofsted. I think she is a brave Prime Minister. That doesn't make me a Tory. I think she is brave in comparison to the cowards that have preceded her. It was Thatcher who destroyed the Mining Community. It was Thatcher who destroyed the Community of the New Age Travellers at the Battle of the Beanfield using Police Officers who never suffer from Mental Illness. These are the robots we are talking about. They are paid enough and promised a big enough pension, not to feel anything in the line of duty. There are some on my Twitter Feed who hark back to the days of the Asylums and bemoan the fact that Care in the Community happened. The Victorians locked people away because they did not conform to social norms.
This was the beginning of the us and them mentality.
1 in 4... If I hear that statistic again.... 4 Barcoded Tins of Beans on a supermarket shelf and one of them has got a kink in it. If you are not a robot then quite likely when you have finally lifted the veil on the lies of this conformed, capitalistic, avaricious, greedy, blinkered, brutal society you might rediscover the sensitive soul that you once were before you had it kicked out of you, but don't tell anybody because the 3 in 4 believe that there is a stigma attached to it.


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