I'm slipping! The 6 Month Anniversary of Shark Fishing was last Tuesday and I let it pass without a post! Well, here it is 3 days late!
I'm seriously thinking about going back into Teaching! it's the only thing I know! I enjoyed it but I took it too seriously. I went Mad. I won't blame it on the Teaching but it was stressful. I keep getting emails from a Supply Teaching Agency in London and I'm sorely tempted to write a 'bare it all' email explaining what happened to me, ending up with the diagnosis. It's worth a punt! You won't get a straight answer from any of the Teaching Unions or the TES.
Can you Teach with a Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder?
I've got all the bits of paper they call qualifications. I can't get any references though! The school I taught at became an Academy and having written asking for references, I've heard nothing back. I'm getting used to the silent treatment! People don't answer your emails or they take such a long time that when you get a reply you forget what your original missive was about.
I'm getting bored now. There's only so many times you can walk across town, through Bute Park, into various libraries, leisure centres, museums and coffeeshops. Ideally I would pursue my ambition to be a Freelance Theatre Arts Facilitator but this is Wales and I don't know whether I can face rejection or whether I can actually be arsed. If only London wasn't so expensive to live, I'd be back there. It's interesting, but it's also souless and commercialised and very busy. A Friend once said "You'll never be happy" and I'm starting to think he was right. I am content but not satisfied. It's my blog so I'll whinge if I want to! I am also getting paranoid. I believe that there are librarians who are reading my blog because ever since I criticised the Revolving Doors on Cardiff Central Super Dooper Library I'm getting looks from Gorgeous Librarians. I mean lets face it they are an easy target. They are just so passive. They just sit there and look at computer screens and answer questions from the great unwashed. I couldn't do it! What does miff me off considerably is that the Welsh Language Section (Oh Ho! Here we go again!!!) is on Floor 5! Out of Sight, Out of Mind? So Tourists and Foreigners coming into the Library wouldn't be aware that there is a language other than English!
"Floor 5 Madame"!
" Oooh Non, je suis cannot be arsed"
There is a very plummy announcer followed by the Welsh Speaking Librarian on the Public service Announcements. I heard one of the Gorgeous Librarians make the comment that the Welsh was twice the length of the English announcement!
Well, put the Welsh First then!!!!
Capital City Of Wales! My Arse!
Anyway, whether I can Teach again or not!
I'll keep you posted!